This page and tabs are dedicated to people with disabilities. We have tabs for GRANTEES working with this rightsholder group, CALLS for PROPOSALS dedicated to it and all LINKING & LEARNING efforts -which includes blogs, vlogs and articles relating to this group.
The About page will give you a small introduction to people with disabilities. This includes some general statistics; the status from the two context analyses Voice has done, combined with some external resources that you may find interesting.
According to the World Bank, one billion people, or 15% of the world’s population experience some form of disability;80% of whom live in developing countries (World Report on Disability 2011). Despite their high numbers, people with disabilities, on average as a group are more likely to experience adverse socioeconomic outcomes than people without disabilities such as less education, poorer health outcomes, lower levels of employment, and higher poverty rates. These are substantial gaps in services to people with disability, as disability is associated with a lower level of living when compared to non-disabled persons, women with disabilities are worse off than males, and the rural disabled have a lower level of living than their urban counterparts. This coupled with the prevailing cultural representations of disability, particularly in Africa, appear overwhelmingly negative.
Generally speaking, the space for People with Disabilities in all ten Voice focus countries has opened up -especially for the impact themes related to increased access to social services and productive resources., The adaptation of existing and creation of specific laws and regulations, policies and other measures to protect and guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities are often only the results of the long and continuous efforts of dedicated and vibrant disabled people’s organisations (DPOs), in the respective countries.
Frequently, DPOs and umbrella organisations (may) act as a barometer towards implementation, assessing and indicating the actual efforts made by their respective governments. An example of such initiative is with one of the Voice grantees in Uganda, the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda(NUDIPU) whose project seeks to promote disability-inclusive planning and budgeting in health and education sectors in Uganda. The adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD, 2006 and came into force in 2008) is of great importance to foster universal human rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities. The convention also marks the so-called paradigmatic change from attitudes and approaches where persons with disabilities were considered objects of charity, social protection and medical treatment to subjects of human rights, able to make decisions on their own behalf, claim their rights and capable of being active members of society.
The Disability Inclusion Index project, is an example of such efforts implemented by the Agency for Disability and Development in Africa (ADDA), a Voice grantee in Kenya. The inclusion index measures existing expertise and knowledge gaps within Disabled Persons Organisations (DPOs) and among Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), including the advocacy capacity of people and communities (assessing their confidence to participate), and negotiation practices necessary to influence. Whereas most narratives of disability in Africa and Asia stress barriers and exclusion, Voice grantees working with disabilities appear to show resilience and some appear to achieve success. In order to promote inclusion in development efforts, there is a need to challenge narratives of failure. This – Ability Trust has made strides in challenging norms. Their project focuses on using business principles of marketing and advertising to make the case for investing in women and girls with disabilities.
The project uses a combination of photography, advertising and advocacy campaigns around disability and sexuality, stimulating conversations among the general public on disability rights. The existing narrative of asexuality has meant that young women with disabilities are closed off from accessing their fundamental sexual and reproductive rights. Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights and Disability is now an emerging topic within Voice drawing inspiration from this book, Everybody Matters.
At Voice, we support and promote the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in societies. The slogan “Nothing about us without us” is symbolic for the strive of persons with disabilities for inclusive human rights implementation. It presents the belief that no decision shall be made affecting persons with disabilities without their full and active involvement. In this page, we highlight projects, stories and calls for proposals linked to this rightsholders group.
This page and tabs are dedicated to people with disabilities. We have tabs for GRANTEES working with this rightsholder group, CALLS for PROPOSALS dedicated to it and all LINKING & LEARNING efforts -which includes blogs, vlogs and articles relating to this group.
The About page will give you a small introduction to people with disabilities. This includes some general statistics; the status from the two context analyses Voice has done, combined with some external resources that you may find interesting.
According to the World Bank, one billion people, or 15% of the world’s population experience some form of disability;80% of whom live in developing countries (World Report on Disability 2011). Despite their high numbers, people with disabilities, on average as a group are more likely to experience adverse socioeconomic outcomes than people without disabilities such as less education, poorer health outcomes, lower levels of employment, and higher poverty rates. These are substantial gaps in services to people with disability, as disability is associated with a lower level of living when compared to non-disabled persons, women with disabilities are worse off than males, and the rural disabled have a lower level of living than their urban counterparts. This coupled with the prevailing cultural representations of disability, particularly in Africa, appear overwhelmingly negative.
Generally speaking, the space for People with Disabilities in all ten Voice focus countries has opened up -especially for the impact themes related to increased access to social services and productive resources., The adaptation of existing and creation of specific laws and regulations, policies and other measures to protect and guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities are often only the results of the long and continuous efforts of dedicated and vibrant disabled people’s organisations (DPOs), in the respective countries.
Frequently, DPOs and umbrella organisations (may) act as a barometer towards implementation, assessing and indicating the actual efforts made by their respective governments. An example of such initiative is with one of the Voice grantees in Uganda, the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda(NUDIPU) whose project seeks to promote disability-inclusive planning and budgeting in health and education sectors in Uganda. The adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD, 2006 and came into force in 2008) is of great importance to foster universal human rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities. The convention also marks the so-called paradigmatic change from attitudes and approaches where persons with disabilities were considered objects of charity, social protection and medical treatment to subjects of human rights, able to make decisions on their own behalf, claim their rights and capable of being active members of society.
The Disability Inclusion Index project, is an example of such efforts implemented by the Agency for Disability and Development in Africa (ADDA), a Voice grantee in Kenya. The inclusion index measures existing expertise and knowledge gaps within Disabled Persons Organisations (DPOs) and among Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), including the advocacy capacity of people and communities (assessing their confidence to participate), and negotiation practices necessary to influence. Whereas most narratives of disability in Africa and Asia stress barriers and exclusion, Voice grantees working with disabilities appear to show resilience and some appear to achieve success. In order to promote inclusion in development efforts, there is a need to challenge narratives of failure. This – Ability Trust has made strides in challenging norms. Their project focuses on using business principles of marketing and advertising to make the case for investing in women and girls with disabilities.
The project uses a combination of photography, advertising and advocacy campaigns around disability and sexuality, stimulating conversations among the general public on disability rights. The existing narrative of asexuality has meant that young women with disabilities are closed off from accessing their fundamental sexual and reproductive rights. Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights and Disability is now an emerging topic within Voice drawing inspiration from this book, Everybody Matters.
At Voice, we support and promote the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in societies. The slogan “Nothing about us without us” is symbolic for the strive of persons with disabilities for inclusive human rights implementation. It presents the belief that no decision shall be made affecting persons with disabilities without their full and active involvement. In this page, we highlight projects, stories and calls for proposals linked to this rightsholders group.
This page highlights those grants disbursed to groups and organisations working with people with disabilities groups in and across all Voice focus countries. We highlight partners such as Access Nigeria who ran a campaign to promote more inclusive politics and as one of the winners of the NOW-Us! the award helped us lead the way to learn more about civic space in that impact theme.
In this page, see the different groups that focus on the more “specialised” disabilities such as people with albinism in Mali, Tanzania and Uganda or little people in Mali.
UgandaLinking and Learning Facilitation
Connecting Voice(s) in Uganda
Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET) -
TanzaniaLinking and Learning Facilitation
Connecting Voice(s) in Tanzania
Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) -
Multi-CountryLinking and Learning Facilitation
Connecting Voice(s): Multi-Country Linking and Learning
The Constellation -
KenyaLinking and Learning Facilitation
Connecting Voice(s) in Kenya
Drylands Learning and Capacity Building Initiative -
Xonphao Handicrafts Fashion Show Innovation
Xonphao Working Group for People with Disability (XWG) -
La citoyenneté, nous concerne aussi !
Groupement pour l’Autonomisation des Femmes Dans le quartier de Doumazana-Nafadji (GFAPDN) -
Support For Employment Opportunities of Youth with Disabilities in Morogoro Municipality
Social and Economic Empowerment of the Disadvantaged Trust (SEED Trust) -
Standing up for inclusion in social services
Masaka Association of Persons with Disabilities HIV/AIDS (MADIPHA) -
Make Every Voice Heard in Health Services
Center for Disability Rights, Research & Governance (CEDIG) -
Advocacy for Inclusive Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Kayunga District
Brain Injury Support Organization Uganda (BISU) -
Strengthening Community Participation through Engagement (SCOPE)
Hope Alert Network for Development and Local Empowerment (HANDLE) -
Women’s Resilience for Gender Equality and rights Promotion (WOREP)
Partners for Community Health and Development Organisation (PACHEDO) -
Coffee making skill for everyone
Skilbender Studio and Namjai Community Association (NCA) as fiscal host -
Improve access to agricultural business of People with Disabilities
Lao Farmer Network (LFN) and CLICK (host organisation) -
Open Arms – Towards Inclusivity in Indonesian Art
Selasar Sunaryo Foundation (Yayasan Selasar Sunaryo, YSS) -
Access to support services for young people with multiple disabilities
Inclusion Sans Frontière (ISF) Multi - Handicaps -
Green Employment and Inclusion
Association des Jeunes pour l'Environnement et l'Education Civique (AJEEC) -
With our hands, let us be heard
Association of the Deaf of Niger (ASN) - Association des Sourds du Niger (ASN)
This page highlights those grants disbursed to groups and organisations working with people with disabilities groups in and across all Voice focus countries. We highlight partners such as Access Nigeria who ran a campaign to promote more inclusive politics and as one of the winners of the NOW-Us! the award helped us lead the way to learn more about civic space in that impact theme.
In this page, see the different groups that focus on the more “specialised” disabilities such as people with albinism in Mali, Tanzania and Uganda or little people in Mali.
LaosXonphao Handicrafts Fashion Show Innovation
Xonphao Working Group for People with Disability (XWG)This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
KenyaProject ‘Wezesha, Inua, Warembo na Wachache wa Jinsia’ (Voicing and Empowering)
Amka Afrika Justice InitiativeKenyaEconomic Intergration of Teenage Mothers
Health and Economic Development Strategy Organisation (HEDSO)KenyaChallenging Marginalization and Exclusion on digital ID and General Elections
Nubian Rights Forum (NRF)This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
TanzaniaTalent is equally distributed, but opportunity is not
Culture and Women Advancement Foundation (CWAF)TanzaniaAdvocating for Decent Work for Domestic Workers in Tanzania
Wotesawa Domestic Workers AssociationTanzaniaSupport For Employment Opportunities of Youth with Disabilities in Morogoro Municipality
Social and Economic Empowerment of the Disadvantaged Trust (SEED Trust)TanzaniaKijiwe Cha Kahawa: Promotion of Small Scale Women Vegetable Farmers & Vendors in Urban Area
Transformative and Integrative Build Out for All (TIBA)TanzaniaEmpowering women to promote community change
Foundation for Research and Assistance in Law (FRAL)TanzaniaWe RISE: Coastal Young Women Girls and Adolescents
Women Action Towards Economic Development (WATED)NigeriaBadagry Women Empowerment Project
International Center for Environmental Health & Development (ICEHD)NigeriaAccountability for Change (A4E) Project
Mothers And Marginalised Advocacy Centre (MAMA Centre)NigeriaAccess to Self Reliance for Female Inmates
Association of Female Inmates and Returned Citizens (AFIRC)NigeriaReclaiming our Future
Centre for the Advancement and Protection of the Rights of Vulnerable Persons (CAPRIGHTS-VP)NigeriaOlder Persons’ Hang Out
The Coalition of Societies for the Rights of Older Persons in Nigeria (COSROPIN)PhilippinesMitigating the Minoritization of non-Moro Indigenous Peoples in the Bangsamoro by Harnessing an Enabling Policy Environment for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center, Inc. (LRC)PhilippinesIntensifying the Gains, Advancing IP interest; Taking Back What is Ours
PROCESS Foundation Panay, Inc.PhilippinesPhilippines#LGBTILivesMatter: Accelerating Grassroots Tri-People LGBTI Movement Towards Rights-claiming and Empowerment through #Artstory and #Artvocacy
Alyansa ng Kabataang Mindanao Para sa Kapayapaan (AKMK), fiscally hosted by Tri-people Youth Collective of Mindanao for Peace Incorporated (TRIPOD)PhilippinesIMGLAD to Advocate Pride in Mindanao
Initiatives and Movement for Gender Liberation Against Discrimination (IM GLAD), fiscally hosted by BALAY ALTERNATIVE LEGAL ADVOCATES FOR DEVELOPMENT (BALAOD) In Mindanaw, Inc.PhilippinesBuilding a Web of Safety and Care for Women Human Rights Defenders
Katinnulong Daguiti Umili iti Amianan, Inc. (KADUAMI)UgandaStanding up for inclusion in social services
Masaka Association of Persons with Disabilities HIV/AIDS (MADIPHA)UgandaMake Every Voice Heard in Health Services
Center for Disability Rights, Research & Governance (CEDIG)UgandaBaruuli-Banyala for youths’ employment and self-reliance in Kayunga District
Bukolooto Mosque and Community Development Association (BMCDA)UgandaAdvocacy for Inclusive Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Kayunga District
Brain Injury Support Organization Uganda (BISU)UgandaCancer screening for Ntoroko sex workers
Kabarole Hospital Initiative on Women under Exploitation (KHIWE)UgandaKey and Vulnerable Populations Empowerment Project in Lyantonde
Organisation for Community Empowerment (OCE)UgandaSolidarity with Teenagers – Uganda (SWT-U)
Teenage Mothers and Child Support Foundation (TMCSF)UgandaYouth and Women Economic Empowerment Project
Voice of Hope and Restoration Outreach Uganda (VOHARO)UgandaStrengthening Community Participation through Engagement (SCOPE)
Hope Alert Network for Development and Local Empowerment (HANDLE)UgandaWomen’s Resilience for Gender Equality and rights Promotion (WOREP)
Partners for Community Health and Development Organisation (PACHEDO)LaosCoffee making skill for everyone
Skilbender Studio and Namjai Community Association (NCA) as fiscal hostLaosImprove access to agricultural business of People with Disabilities
Lao Farmer Network (LFN) and CLICK (host organisation)IndonesiaAcademy for the Elimination of Sexual Crimes
LBH APIK Jakarta (Jakarta Legal Aid for Women and Children)IndonesiaIncreasing the access of women victims of sexual violence to services for advocating derivative regulations from the Sexual Violence Criminal Act (ACCESS for SVCA Regulation)
LRC-KJHAM (Legal Resources Center for Gender and Human Rights)IndonesiaOpen Arms – Towards Inclusivity in Indonesian Art
Selasar Sunaryo Foundation (Yayasan Selasar Sunaryo, YSS)NigerAccess to support services for young people with multiple disabilities
Inclusion Sans Frontière (ISF) Multi - HandicapsNigerGreen Employment and Inclusion
Association des Jeunes pour l'Environnement et l'Education Civique (AJEEC)NigerWith our hands, let us be heard
Association of the Deaf of Niger (ASN) - Association des Sourds du Niger (ASN)NigerKnow your rights to get proper compensation
The Network of Organisations for Transparency and Budget Analysis-ROTABNigerActions for Inclusive Governance and Accountability – AGIR
Réseau de la Jeunesse Nigérienne sur les Changements Climatiques RJNCCMaliAssociation for building Capacities of the Handicapped People (ARCAPH)
Association for building Capacities of the Handicapped People (ARCAPH)LaosStrengthening and Equality of People
People with Disabilities Development Association XiengkhouangCambodiaLouder Voices for Social Protection through I-SAF or I-SAF for Social Protection
Advocacy and Policy Institute (API)Cambodia#LoveIsDiversity of LBTIQ Women
SILAKA (Host), #LoveIsDiversity (Implementing Organisation)Mali“Acting to Prevent” Prevention and Resilience to SGBV (Sexual and Gender-Based Violence)
FEDE (Femmes et développement)CambodiaThe arts of visibility and positive social change
Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center-ARPAACambodiaProtect and Improve our Kui Language
Organization for the Promote of Kui Non-Governmental OrganizationMulti-CountryLinking and Learning FacilitationConnecting Voice(s): Multi-Country Linking and Learning
The ConstellationMulti-CountryLinking and Learning FacilitationConnecting Voice(s): Multi-Country Linking and Learning
The ConstellationTanzaniaCelebrating Inclusion: Now Us Organizer
Tanzania Support for Women's Rights Culture & Development East Africa (TASUWORI & CDEA)PhilippinesSurublien Kat Kagaynan (Legacy to a Better Future)
Nagkakaisang Mga Tribu ng Palawan, Inc. (NATRIPAL)PhilippinesAccessing resources through cooperatives
Rural Poor Institute for Land and Human Rights Services (RIGHTS) Inc.PhilippinesEmpowering Refugee Women and Youth Towards Self-reliance and Socio-economic Integration
Philippine Arab Cooperation Council Inc. (PACCI), fiscally hosted by Community and Family Services International (CFSI)PhilippinesEmpowering Marawi Seige Women Survivors Against Gender-based Violence
Mindanao Tri-people Women Resource Center (MTWRC)PhilippinesAyuda Komunidad: A Sustained LGBTI+ Community Empowerment Project
GAYON Albay LGBT Organization, IncMulti-CountryPassing the torch: Land Rights Now for Indigenous Youth
Asia Young Indigenous Peoples’ Network (AYIPN), fiscally hosted by International Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL)This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
UgandaStrengthening Participation and Accountability through Community Engagement (SPACE)
Gulu Women Economic Development (GWED-G)UgandaHoima District Union of Persons with Disabilities (HUDIP)
Hoima District Union of Persons with Disabilities (HUDIP)UgandaYWDs empowerment for Political Participation
Uganda National Action on Physical Disability (UNAPD)TanzaniaBahari HUB Yetu, Ukombozi wa Wanawake
Aqua Farm Organization Arts and Culture for DevelopmentTanzaniaLinking and Learning FacilitationConnecting Voice(s) in Tanzania
Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF)TanzaniaLinking and Learning FacilitationConnecting Voice(s) in Tanzania
Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF)TanzaniaMaking Health Care Services Friendly
Zanzibar Association for Retirees and Older People (JUWAZA in Swahili)TanzaniaInvesting in students with disabilities
Organisation of Special Needs Education Teachers (OSNET)PhilippinesSibol: Economic Empowerment for Young & Women Agriculturists
Center for Agrarian Reform, Empowerment & Transformation, Inc. (CARET)PhilippinesDisability in Digital Economy
Adaptive Technology for Rehabilitation, Integration and Empowerment of the visually Impaired, Inc. (ATRIEV)PhilippinesEQUIP-YP Economic Equality Initiatives for Productivity of Marginalised Young People
Bidlisiw Foundation, Inc.PhilippinesProject GROW
Initiative for Dialogue and Empower Through Alternative Legal Services (IDEALS) Inc.PhilippinesEconomic Empowerment through Employment
Labuin Association of Persons with Disabilities, Inc. (LAPDI)PhilippinesStrengthening Senior and Youth Farmers Organization to Access Resources
Task Force Mapalad, Inc (TFM)PhilippinesStrenthen Capacity of Bagnsamoro Young Women on Policy Makingin the BARMM
Kaagapay Overseas Filipino Workers Resource and Service CenterPhilippinesStrengthening Capacities of Alliance of Bangsa Sangil Federation (ABSF)
Alliance of Tri-people for the Advancement of Human Rights (ALTAHR)PhilippinesWDARE – Mangahas Project
Women with Disabilities taking Action Our Reproductive and Human Rights (WDARE), fiscally hosted by UP Center For Women's Studies Foundation, INC. (UPCWSFI)PhilippinesTimek ti Umili (Voice of the People): Advancing peoples’ welfare through social media and arts
Cordilleran Youth Center (CYC) IncNigerInnovative Actions for Youth Empowerment and Citizen Participation
ONG Actions de développement et de protection de l’Enfant pour une citoyenneté Responsable (AER)IndonesiaImproving access to employment and the protection of women workers with disabilities
Perkumpulan SEHATI SukoharjoCambodiaOur Turn! Voicing out multiple marginalisation through intersectional solidarity
Women Peace Makers Organization (WPM)MaliPromotion of the sexual and reproductive health rights of women and girls
Association Femmes Leadership et Développement Durable (AFLED)MaliBuilding the capacity of young female domestic workers
Groupe de Recherche Action Droit de l’Enfant Mali - GRADEMCambodiaPromote disability-inclusive in social protection
Representative Self-Help Disabilities Organization Batheay (RSDOB)MaliCitizen mobilisation for the participation and involvement of women, young women and people with disabilities
Consortium CAD - Wassa Coalition des Alternatives Africaines pour la Dette et le Développement (CAD-Mali)MaliMalian Federation of Associations of Disabled People
Fédération Malienne des Association de Personnes HandicapéesIndonesiaPasoedan – ANDIL SAHATE
Centre for Women's Resources Development Pasoendan (PPSW Pasoendan)NigeriaNo Dey Give; Follow Traffic Rules
Youth and Students Advocates for Development Initiative (YSAD)NigeriaYou Matter in This Matter
Youth Foundation for Development, Education and Leadership (YouthHub Africa)NigeriaKnow Your Right to Fight Police Brutality
Foundation for Societal Empowerment and Rejuvenation (FOSER)UgandaLinking and Learning FacilitationConnecting Voice(s) in Uganda
Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET)UgandaLinking and Learning FacilitationConnecting Voice(s) in Uganda
Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET)NigeriaNigeriaKenyaLinking and Learning FacilitationConnecting Voice(s) in Kenya
Drylands Learning and Capacity Building InitiativeKenyaLinking and Learning FacilitationConnecting Voice(s) in Kenya
Drylands Learning and Capacity Building InitiativePhilippinesMaliSpace for the participation of young people with disabilities
Centre de Réhabilitation Psychomotrice / Psychomotor Rehabilitation CenterCambodiaMulti-CountryDEAFLoud
Lao Disabled Women’s Development Centre host for Psycho-Education & Applied Research Center for the Deaf (PARD Vietnam)Multi-CountryForging Intersectional Feminist Futures
International Women's RIghts Action Watch Asia-PacificMulti-CountryInspire
Indonesian Act for Justice (AKSI), International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), and BABSEACLE Foundation (fiscal host)NigerNew Initiatives for Youth Civic Participation
Actions de développement et de protection de l'Enfant pour une citoyenneté Responsable (AER)Multi-CountryProtected and United for Democracy
Agir Ensemble pour les Droits de l'Homme (AEDH) as host for Tournons La PageNigerSupporting the population affected by the pipeline
Réseau des Organisations pour la Transparence et Analyse Budgétaire (ROTAB)CambodiaMaking Cambodia’s National Social Security Law Transparent and Inclusive
Cambodian Food Service Workers’Federation (CFSWF)UgandaRapid Research For Agile Policy Making (RRAP)
Icebreakers Uganda, Freedom and Roam Uganda, Tranz Network UgandaNigerGender and Equity of domestic workers
Association pour la Défense et la Protection de l’Enfant et de la Femme (ADEPE-F/ESPOIR)/ Association for the Defence and Protection of Children and Women (ADEPE-F/ESPOIR)NigeriaQuality living by People Living with HIV & AIDS in Plateau State
Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS Nigeria (NEPWHAN)KenyaThe Wealth of Our Lands (Boititap Korenyo)
Chepkitale Indigenous People Development Project (CIPDP)TanzaniaResources Ownership and Leadership Participation for Women and Girls
Sustainable Environment and Economic Development Organization (SEEDO)TanzaniaInclusion is Our Business
The Youth Wing of Tanzania Federation for The Disabled Peoples Organization (SHIVYAWATA)TanzaniaEmpowerment, Influence & Mobilisation of Women in Political Leadership
Tanga Paralegal Aid Scheme for Women and Children,LaosSecuring Cultural Intellectual Property Rights for the Oma in Laos
Traditional Arts and Ethnology Centre (TAEC)NigeriaEmpowering Incarcerated Women/Girls towards Self-reliance & Rehabilitation
Association of Female Inmates and Returned Citizens (AFIRC)This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
NigeriaHygiene & Menstrual Management (HYMEN) –Awareness and Training
Prime Diamond Initiative for Community Health (PDICH)IndonesiaEnhancing civil society participation in the deliberation of the Bill of Penal Code
Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR)NigeriaDigital Freedom Advocacy
University of the Philippines Babaylan (UP Babaylan)LaosCapacity strengthening for the blind
Aid for Children with Disability Association (ACDA) host for Disability Service Centre (DSC)PhilippinesEmpowering People with Disabilities through independent living peer counselling
Labuin Association of Persons with Disabilities (LAPDI) host for Life Haven Center for Independent Living Inc.IndonesiaStrengthening the Role of Women in Customary Institutional Structures
Archipelago Indigenous Peoples Alliance (AMAN Sumbawa)IndonesiaIndigenous Youth and Women Empowerment for Livelihood Improvement and Cultural Resilience
Yayasan Ruang Kolektif (Common Room Networks Foundation)PhilippinesAdvancing the rights and voices of women in political spaces
Unhan Kababayen-an Tinabanan Organization and Kababaihang Samahan ng MaporacPhilippinesAgeing Farmers Reclaiming their Promised Lands in Leyte
Ormoc-Kananga Leyte Farmers Federation (ORKALEFF)This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
PhilippinesBuilding Voices: Empowerment as Defined by Hunting Gathering Societies in Transition
Sentrong Pagpapalakas ng Negritong Kultura at Kalikasan, Inc. (SPNKK)PhilippinesEmpowering the Youth and Elderly Towards Security of Occupancy
Advocates for Human Rights in Aurora Province, Inc. (AHRAP)TanzaniaVijana Taifa La Leo (The youth of our Nation)
Intergrated Development Initiatives in Ngorongoro (IDINGO)TanzaniaMaslahi yetu Kwanza (Our Interest first) Phase 1
Integrating Capacity and Community Advancement Organization (ICCAO)This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
MaliPersonal development for disabled women
Association pour le Renforcement des Capacités des Personnes Handicapées (ARCAPH)TanzaniaUnlocking local Opportunities for People with Disabilities
Tanzania Albinism Society Morogoro (TAS)This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
TanzaniaRooting Youth Participation in Politics
Juhuiya Vikundi-Hisa Mvomero na Turiani (JIVIHIMTU)This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
LaosSWAC: Scale up the capacity of women living with HIV/AIDS and awareness campaign for risk communities
Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS (APLHIV)LaosEmpowering KADO ethnic women
Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS host of informal group TakienglaoLaosStrengthening the Equality of People with Disabilities and Community Development (SEPCoD)
Lao Disabled People's Association (LDPA), Xiengkhouang ProvinceMaliObservatory for the Rights of People with Albinism in Mali
Association Malienne pour la Protection des Albinos (AMPA)CambodiaVoices of Indigenous Peoples with disabilities
Cambodia of Indigenous People Culture Care's Organisation (CICO)Multi-CountryPROJECT PROTECTION
Agir Ensemble pour les Droits Humains (AEDH) as host for Tournons La PageNigerTogether for Tax Justice, Accountability & Democracy in Niger
Tournons la Page Niger (TLP Niger)PhilippinesInfluencing the ENIPAS law
Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC)PhilippinesOnline employment system for PWDs
Phillipine Council of Organisation on Disability and Empowerment Inc. (PHILCODE)PhilippinesEnhancing COPAP Leadership Towards Organisational Sustainability
Confederation of Older Persons’ Association of the Philippines Inc (COPAP)Multi-CountryPromoting Inclusive Regionalism in ASEAN
Southeast Asia Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Caucus (ASC), Inc.Multi-CountryCreative Capacity strengthening to empower rural farmers with disabilities
Cambodian Development Mission for DisabilityKenyaEmpowering marginalised women and girls in Oloshaiki ward of Suswa, Narok East
African Indigenous Agency For Development (AIAD)KenyaStrengthened Space For Endorois Women in Political Participation
Endorois Welfare Council (EWC)KenyaProud@KACH: Creating Safe Spaces for LGBT University & College Students in Kakamega
Sullivan Reed SocietyNigeriaIncreasing Access to Health Services and Information for Deaf Women
Deaf Women Aloud Initiative (DWAI)NigerActing for the rights of disabled people
Fédération Nigérienne des Personnes Handicapées (FNPH)NigerSchooling BORORO young girls
Association pour la promotion de l’élevage en zone pastorale (ASPEL)TanzaniaStrengthening Leadership Skills of Young Women with Disabilities
Furaha ya wanawake wajasiriamali kwa viziwi Tanzania (FUWAVITA)Multi-CountryBrighten Vietnamese Sign Language
Netherlands Leprosy Relief Mekong (Host for HandSpeak)LaosEmpowering ethnic youth to become agents of change in protecting land rights
Land Information Working GroupLaosInfluencing the perceptions on Sexual Health and Gender Norms through Entertainment Education
Rural Development Agency (RDA)UgandaLinking and Learning FacilitationConnecting Voice(s) Linking and Learning Bridge Action
Legal Aid Service Providers Network UgandaPhilippinesBringing VOICE to the Missing and Dead
Initiatives for Dialogue and Empowerment through Alternative Legal Services (IDEALS), Inc.This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
PhilippinesEmpowering Women Survivors (EWS) of Marawi Crisis Against Gender-based Violence
Mindanao Tri-people Women Resource CenterPhilippinesUnivLink:Inclusion of LGBT Students of Eastern Samar State University Campuses
San Julian PRIDE Advocacy Group, Inc.IndonesiaThe Urgency in Amending Law No. 16 of 2017 on Mass Organisation (UU Ormas)
IMPARSIAL (The Indonesian Human Rights Monitor)This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
CambodiaPromoting youth independence through employment
Essential Personnel Cambodia Non-Governmental OrganisationCambodiaDon’t leave us behind
Khmer NGO for Education host for Women with Disabilities Leadership and Advocacy NetworkUgandaInclusive implementation of the national policy and service standards for SRHR
Uganda National Action on Physical DisabilityPhilippinesEmpowering Women Migrants Through Cooperatives
DAWN Multi-Purpose Cooperative (DAWN MPC)IndonesiaCombating Sexual Cyber Violence
Support Group and Resource Center and Sexuality Studies (SGRC)UgandaImproved self-reliance of women and out of school girls
Genogen Women in Development Organisation (GWIDO)Multi-CountryFACT: Feminist Approaches to Counter-Trafficking
International Womens Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific)MaliHuman rights defenders are your defenders!
Coalition Malienne des défenseurs des droits humains (COMADDH)MaliAdvocacy and Sensitisation centered on the Indice of Inequality Gender improvement
CGIC clinique de gestionUgandaInfluencing change for women voices and rights
Gulu Women Economic Development and GlobalizationUgandaLango Girls with Disabilities’ Right to Education
Facilitation for Integrated Community Rural DevelopmentPhilippinesPromotion of the economic rights of persons with disabilities
Leonard Cheshire Disability Philippines Foundation, Ic.KenyaThis Grantee has requested to remain confidential
LaosStrengthen, promote & advocate for Disability Rights in Laos
Lao Disabled Women Development CenterLaosStrengthening Inclusive & Equitable Community-led Health Care for Lao Ethnic Minorities
Population Education Development AssociationLaosLaosKey Population Capacity and Advocacy Initiative -KPs-CAI
Community Health and Inclusion Association (CHIAs)Multi-CountryEmpowering Stateless Communities in East Africa – (ESC-EA)
International Refugee Rights Initiative (IRRI)LaosStrengthening of Environment and Natural Resources Conservation through Gender Equality and Community Economic Development (SENGCED)
Association for Preservation of Natural Resources, Environment and Community Development (APECD)PhilippinesInclusive Data Management System for Persons with Disabilities
Center for Disaster Preparedness FoundationPhilippinesBicol Empowerment Project for a Sustainable LGBT Community
GAYON Albay LGBT Org., IncorporatedCambodiaIndonesiaMerapu Indigenous Women & Youth Empowerment in West Sumba
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Alliance (ANBTI)NigeriaInnovation Lab for Women and Girls advancement
Women & Girls Advancement Resource Centre (WAG-ARC)PhilippinesStrengthening Advocacy & Youth-led action to prevent teenage pregnancy
Yakap sa Kaunlaran ng Bata Inc (YKBI)TanzaniaInvesting in the young generation!
Organisation of Special Needs Education Teachers (OSNET)UgandaCampaign for Pro-Poor, Effective & Inclusive Land Reforms
Legal Aid Service Providers Network UgandaIndonesiaStrengthening Youth Access to SRHR Services
Yayasan Sentra Advokasi Perempuan Difabel dan Anak (SAPDA)IndonesiaTaking care of each other! An elderly cooperative
Pusat Pengembangan Sumberdaya Wanita Jakarta (PPSW Jakarta)NigerEmpowering women in the peri-urban commune IV in Niamey
Action pour la Promotion du developpement a la Base (ADPB)NigerRe-integration of out-of-school girls in Torodi and Kollo
Groupement d' Interet Economique pour l'Emergence et Prosperite des initiatives Socio-Economiques/GIE-EMPRISEThis Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
TanzaniaAccountability of Elderly Pension: the case of Dungabweni
Zanzibar Association for Retirees and Older People (JUWAZA in Swahili)TanzaniaImproving Access, Education & Training for Kids with Disabilities
Step by Step Learning CentreNigeriaChallenging Barriers to Sustainable Education for Girls and Boys in Almosho
Centre for the Advancement and Protection of the Rights of Vulnerable PersonsNigeriaTHINK-able: shifting the mind-set of women with disabilities in Abuja
Steps to the Top Leadership CentreNigeriaFrom Rights to Realities: training network of urban poor PWD paralegals
Community Legal Support Initiative - Justice and Empowerment InitativesUgandaPromoting Women’s Economic Empowerment
Community Empowerment and Rehabilitation Initiative for Development (CERID)UgandaEmpowering women against gender-based violence in Bungatira Sub-County
Partners for Community Health and Development Organisation (PACHEDO)UgandaStrengthening Women’s Land and Resource Rights in Northern Uganda
Children's Chance International (CCI Uganda)IndonesiaReintegrating elderly former migrant workers in Cianjur District
Center for Women's Resources Development Pasoendan (PPSW Pasoendan)IndonesiaWe are Mother Earth! Women, Land, and Mining in East Java
Indonesian Forum for the Environment WALHI East JavaTanzaniaSHARP: Sexual Health and Adolescents Risk Prevention
Youth Education Through Sports TanzaniaCambodiaEconomic Empowerment of People with Disabilities
Representative Self-Help Disabilities Organisation Batheay District (RSDOB)MaliPrevention and Response to obstetric fistula through improved transport
Plate forme d’Initiative, d’Expertise en Education et d’appui à la Promotion des Collectivités DécentraliséesPhilippinesEvidence-building and piloting of the LGBTI local employment assistance programme
Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN),CambodiaEmpowerment through positive parenting of women at risk of domestic violence
Improving Cambodia's Society through Skillful ParentingLaosEmpowering the hidden voices of people living with HIV/AIDS in Laos
Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS (APL+)LaosNew innovations for strengthening access to justice for vulnerable women in Laos
Association for the Development of Women and Legal EducationLaosEthnic Youth “Own” Action Research in remote Bokeo, Laos
Maeying Huamjai Phattana (MHP) - Women Mobilising for DevelopmentCambodiaImproving SRH-HIV health outcomes of vulnerable Female Entertainment Workers
Cambodian Women for Peace and Development (CWPD)Multi-CountryFore fronting our Agendas: Advocacy to protect Sex Workers Rights
Asia Pacific Network of Sex WorkersMulti-CountryMulti-CountryLinking and Learning FacilitationConnecting Voice(s) in Kenya & Tanzania
Busara Center for Behavioral EconomicsMulti-CountryMarginalised Community Inclusion in Global Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives
Institute for Multi-Stakeholder Initiative IntegrityMulti-CountryImproving access to natural resources for indigenous communities
Minority Rights Group AfricaMulti-CountryWISDOM: Strengthening the Community’s Voice
Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM)This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
PhilippinesIndigenous Knowledge of the Cordillera
Philippines Task Force for Indigenous Peoples' RightsCambodiaEmpowering Parents to advocate for the rights of their Children with Intellectual Disabilities
The Rabbit School Organization (RSO)LaosEnhance Partnerships to Support Ethnic Children With Disabilities
Social Development Alliance Association (SODA)LaosEmpowering the Voice of Persons with Disabilities in Sangthong District
Lao Disabled People's AssociationMulti-CountryEnabling Indigenous Peoples to Engage in Sustainable Development Processes
Asia Indigenous People Pact Foundation (AIPP)Multi-CountryEnding forced begging in West Africa: What works?
Rencontre Africaine pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme (RADDHO)Multi-CountryFINANCE INC., developing a LGBTQI inclusive approach in the financial sector
Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM)NigeriaAdopting the Violence Against People Prohibition Act (VAPP)
Int. Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) NigeriaNigeriaAdvancing Human Rights for Women Prisoners
Carmelite Prisoners' Interest Organisation (CAPIO)MaliFrom Shadow to Light
Association des Jeunes pour la Citoyenneté Active et la Démocratie (AJCAD)MaliBusiness and Disabilities: Mentoring female disabled entrepreneurs
Union Malienne des Associations et Comités de Femmes HandicapéesMaliPROSED’A: Raising awareness on albinism in Mali
Asssociation Malienne pour la Protection des Albinos (AMPA)This Grantee has requested to remain confidential
NigeriaEnding violence, marginalisation and discrimination towards PWD’s and vulnerable women
Kudirat Initiative for Democracy (KIND Nigeria)PhilippinesViolence against Women and the War on Drugs
Coalition Against Trafficking In Women Asia Pacific (CATW-AP)PhilippinesEnhancing Access to Social Protection Programmes
Coalition of Services of the Elderly (COSE)CambodiaUsing performance art to promote inclusion in slum areas
Phare Theater for Development TroupeCambodiaReducing Discrimination Against Vulnerable Elderly
Federation of Associations Supporting Older PeopleCambodiaImproving Working Conditions & Rights of Cambodian Domestic Workers
Independent Democracy of Informal Economy AssociationCambodiaEmpower Persons with Disabilities in Informal Economy
Independent Democracy of Informal Economy AssociationMaliHandicap et Violence Basée sur le Genre à Double Vitesses
Federation Malienne des Personnes Handicapes (FEMAPH)MaliImproving access to social services and citizen engagement for PWDs
Federation Malienne des Personnes HandicapesMaliImproving access to agricultural technology for vulnerable groups
Sustainable Opportunity for Rural OrganisationsIndonesiaTowards Participative & Inclusive Village Governance
Institute for Research and EmpowermentUganda(Amplifying the voices of PWDs) in national plans and budgets in Uganda
National Union of Disabled Persons of UgandaUgandaInclusiveness and youth participation in electoral processes
Foundation for Human Rights InitiativeUgandaCitizens Voice for Rights in Development (CiVoRiDe)
Centre for Governance and Economic DevelopmentUgandaEnhancing Voices for formerly abducted Women & Children born in captivity
Int. Fed. of Women Lawyers (FIDA Uganda) -
Calls for Proposals
This section showcases all the Calls for Proposals that have been published which focus on this specific rightsholders group and different thematic areas at the country and global level.
As you can see most Calls are open to all rightsholder groups. It is important to note that in the number of calls we released in 2019, we noticed that there is a growing group of grants supporting the work of people with mental, psycho-social or intellectual disabilities who never experienced civic space to start with.
- Call for Proposal
Intervenons ensemble pour le bien commun !: V-22214-NE-SO
closing date: 25 Oct 2023Closed - Call for Proposal
Voice(s) Connected & Amplified in Philippines: V-20154-PH-IL
closing date: 24 Feb 2023Closed - Call for Proposal
Hakuna Chetu Bila Sisi (Nothing About Us Without Us! ): Now Us awards! V-22219-KE-IL
closing date: 25 Nov 2022Closed - Call for Proposal
Intervenons ensemble pour le bien commun!: V-22214-NE-SO
closing date: 04 Nov 2022Closed - Call for Proposal
Mon handicap ne me prive pas de mes droits et devoirs !: V-22216-ML-EM
closing date: 14 Nov 2022Closed - Call for Proposal
Promouvons le bien être des personnes âgées: V-22217-ML-EM
closing date: 14 Nov 2022Closed - Call for Proposal
Rien pour Nous sans Nous !: V-22211-ML-IL NOW-Nous !
closing date: 01 Aug 2022Closed - Call for Proposal
“Nothing about us Without Us”: V- 22207 -KH-IL NOW-Us! Awards Cambodia, Round II
closing date: 24 Jun 2022Closed - Call for Proposal
Safeguarding Our Digital Rights and Digital Citizenship: V -22200- KH-SO
closing date: 31 Jul 2022Closed - Call for Proposal
Nothing About Us Without Us! Awards Laos: Laos V-21193-LA-IL
closing date: 31 Dec 2021Closed - Call for Proposal
Agissons contre les violences faites aux femmes V-21190-ML-EM
closing date: 31 Dec 2021Closed - Call for Proposal
Documenting Learning and Connecting Voice(s): Multi-Country V-21187-XG-IL
closing date: 12 Nov 2021Closed - Call for Proposal
Appuyer sur la pédale, pour à croissance et la continuité: Graduation Niger V-21186-NE-EM
closing date: 25 Oct 2021Closed - Call for Proposal
Empowerment Accelerated!: Kenya Empowerment Grant! V-21182-KE-EM
closing date: 16 Jul 2021Closed - Call for Proposal
Reimagining Civic Engagement: Kenya Sudden Opportunity Grant: V-21181-KE-SO
closing date: 09 Nov 2021Closed - Call for Proposal
Wito wa Mawazo–Ruzuku zenye mawazo ya Ubunifu na Kujifunza-V-21180-TZ-IL
closing date: 25 Jun 2021Closed - Call for Proposal
Let’s Get Loud! Laos Empowerment Grant V-21178-LA-EM
closing date: 07 Jul 2021Closed - Call for Proposal
Faith, Freedom & Feminism: Tanzania Innovate & Learn V-21180-TZ-IL
closing date: 25 Jun 2021Closed - Call for Proposal
Faith, Freedom & Feminism: Kenya Innovate & Learn V-21179-KE-IL
closing date: 25 Jun 2021Closed - Call for Proposal
Include and Ideate! : Philippines Innovate & Learn Grants V-21172-PH IL
closing date: 30 Jun 2021Closed - Call for Proposal
I’M-POWER!: Philippines Empowerment Grants V-21171-PH-EM
closing date: 01 Jul 2021Closed
This section showcases all the Calls for Proposals that have been published which focus on this specific rightsholders group and different thematic areas at the country and global level.
As you can see most Calls are open to all rightsholder groups. It is important to note that in the number of calls we released in 2019, we noticed that there is a growing group of grants supporting the work of people with mental, psycho-social or intellectual disabilities who never experienced civic space to start with.
Call for ProposalVoice(s) Connected & Amplified in Philippines: V-20154-PH-IL
closing date: 24 Feb 2023ClosedCall for ProposalHakuna Chetu Bila Sisi (Nothing About Us Without Us! ): Now Us awards! V-22219-KE-IL
closing date: 25 Nov 2022ClosedCall for ProposalStrength in Diversity: Standing up for LGBTI rights in West Africa: V-20153-XG-IF
closing date: 31 Aug 2022ClosedCall for Proposal“Nothing about us Without Us”: V- 22207 -KH-IL NOW-Us! Awards Cambodia, Round II
closing date: 24 Jun 2022ClosedCall for ProposalSafeguarding Our Digital Rights and Digital Citizenship: V -22200- KH-SO
closing date: 31 Jul 2022ClosedCall for ProposalNothing About Us Without Us! Awards Laos: Laos V-21193-LA-IL
closing date: 31 Dec 2021ClosedCall for ProposalDocumenting Learning and Connecting Voice(s): Multi-Country V-21187-XG-IL
closing date: 12 Nov 2021ClosedCall for ProposalEmpowerment Accelerated!: Kenya Empowerment Grant! V-21182-KE-EM
closing date: 16 Jul 2021ClosedCall for ProposalReimagining Civic Engagement: Kenya Sudden Opportunity Grant: V-21181-KE-SO
closing date: 09 Nov 2021ClosedCall for ProposalWito wa Mawazo–Ruzuku zenye mawazo ya Ubunifu na Kujifunza-V-21180-TZ-IL
closing date: 25 Jun 2021ClosedCall for ProposalLet’s Get Loud! Laos Empowerment Grant V-21178-LA-EM
closing date: 07 Jul 2021ClosedCall for ProposalFaith, Freedom & Feminism: Tanzania Innovate & Learn V-21180-TZ-IL
closing date: 25 Jun 2021ClosedCall for ProposalFaith, Freedom & Feminism: Kenya Innovate & Learn V-21179-KE-IL
closing date: 25 Jun 2021ClosedCall for ProposalInclude and Ideate! : Philippines Innovate & Learn Grants V-21172-PH IL
closing date: 30 Jun 2021ClosedCall for ProposalI’M-POWER!: Philippines Empowerment Grants V-21171-PH-EM
closing date: 01 Jul 2021ClosedCall for ProposalEmpowerment Accelerated!: Philippines Empowerment Grants V-21173-PH-EM
closing date: 15 Jun 2021ClosedCall for ProposalEmpowerment Accelerated!: Cambodia Empowerment Grant V-21175-KH-EM
closing date: 07 May 2021ClosedCall for ProposalShine through! Claiming Cambodian Women's Voices (Post) Pandemic: Cambodia Influencing Grant V-21174-KH-IF
closing date: 07 May 2021ClosedCall for ProposalEmpowerment Accelerated!: Indonesia Empowerment Grant V-21170-ID-EM
closing date: 19 Apr 2021ClosedCall for ProposalVoice(s) Connected & Amplified in Cambodia: Linking & Learning Facilitation V-21167-KH-IL
closing date: 26 Feb 2021ClosedCall for ProposalCelebrating Inclusion: Tanzania Innovate and Learn Grant V-21168-TZ -IL
closing date: 19 Feb 2021ClosedCall for ProposalCelebrating Inclusion: Nigeria Innovate and Learn Grant V-20160-NG-IL
closing date: 01 Mar 2021ClosedCall for ProposalINCLUSION MATTERS!: Indonesia Innovate and Learn Grant V-21166-ID-IL
closing date: 31 Mar 2021ClosedCall for ProposalVoice(s) Connected & Amplified in Laos: Linking & Learning Facilitation V-21165-LA-IL
closing date: 19 Feb 2021ClosedCall for ProposalCelebrating Inclusion: Kenya Innovate and Learn Grant V-20159-KE-IL
closing date: 15 Feb 2021ClosedCall for ProposalCelebrating Inclusion: Laos Innovate and Learn Grant V-20157-LA-IL
closing date: 29 Jan 2021ClosedCall for ProposalCelebrating Inclusion: Cambodia Innovate and Learn Grant V-20158-KH-IL
closing date: 25 Jan 2021ClosedCall for ProposalBeyond A Hashtag!: Nigeria Sudden Opportunity Grant V-20156-NG-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2021ClosedCall for ProposalReclaiming our Civic Space!: Indonesia Influencing Grant V-20155-ID-IF
closing date: 28 Feb 2021ClosedCall for Proposal#BadoUhuru: Tanzania Influencing Grant V-20149-TZ-IF
closing date: 15 Jan 2021ClosedCall for ProposalSelf-led Influencing in Action!: Uganda Influencing Grant V-20146-UG-IF
closing date: 31 Jan 2021ClosedCall for ProposalIt’s Still Our Turn To Talk! Global Influencing Grant V-20151-XG-IF
closing date: 15 Dec 2020ClosedCall for ProposalComing Together, Moving Forever!: Global Influencing Grants V-20152-XG-IF
closing date: 15 Jan 2021ClosedCall for ProposalVoice(s) Connected & Amplified in the Philippines: Linking & Learning Facilitation V-20154-PH-IL
closing date: 15 Jan 2021ClosedCall for ProposalVoice Your Move!: Philippines Influencing Grant V-20150-PH-IF
closing date: 15 Jan 2021ClosedCall for ProposalLet’s make it happen! Cambodia Influencing Grant V-20142-KH-IF
closing date: 11 Dec 2020ClosedCall for ProposalVoice(s) Connected & Amplified in Nigeria: Linking & Learning Facilitation V-20144-NG-IL
closing date: 06 Dec 2020ClosedCall for ProposalVoice(s) Connected & Amplified in Uganda: Linking & Learning Facilitation V-20145-UG-IL
closing date: 15 Nov 2020ClosedCall for Proposalທຶນສົ່ງເສີມວຽກງານການຂໍການສະຫນັບສະຫນູນ: Laos Influencing Grants V-20143-LA-IF
closing date: 04 Dec 2020ClosedCall for ProposalIndonesia Empowerment, Accelerated! – V-20139-ID-EM
closing date: 31 Dec 2020ClosedCall for ProposalTanzania Empowerment, Accelerated! – V-20138-TZ-EM
closing date: 31 Dec 2020ClosedCall for ProposalVOICE(s) CONNECTED & AMPLIFIED in Kenya: V-20126-KE-IL
closing date: 31 May 2020ClosedCall for ProposalVOICE(s) CONNECTED & AMPLIFIED in Tanzania:V-20127-TZ-IL
closing date: 31 May 2020ClosedCall for ProposalConnecting Voices: Philippines Linking & Learning Facilitation -V-19125-PH-IL
closing date: 23 Dec 2019ClosedCall for ProposalBerjuang Bersama- Indonesia Sudden Opportunity Grant- V-1999-ID-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2019ClosedCall for ProposalFrom Open to Inclusive Governance: Global Innovate and Learn Grant-V-1885-XG-IL
closing date: 14 Feb 2020ClosedCall for ProposalDare To Be Different! Nigeria Empowerment Grant V-19123-NG-EM
closing date: 15 Nov 2019ClosedCall for ProposalCitizen Engagement Matters: Nigeria Sudden Opportunity Grant V-19124-NG-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2019ClosedCall for ProposalThe Unreached in the Lead! Nigeria Empowerment Grant V-19122-NG-EM
closing date: 15 Nov 2019ClosedCall for ProposalHarmonisation = Further Marginalisation? – Kenya- Sudden Opportunity Grant -V-19120-KE-SO
closing date: 30 Sep 2019ClosedCall for ProposalSmall is Beautiful (Special Call): Cambodia Empowerment Grant -V-19121-KH-EM
closing date: 16 Sep 2019ClosedCall for ProposalTuzo Ya Hakuna Chetu Bila Sisi! -Tanzania Innovate & Learn Grant -V-19119-TZ-IL
closing date: 13 Sep 2019ClosedCall for ProposalConnecting Voices: Voice Indonesia Linking & Learning Facilitation -V-19118-ID-IL
closing date: 05 Aug 2019ClosedCall for ProposalTWINNING IS WINNING! Regional Empowerment Grant -V-19113-XG-EM
closing date: 01 Aug 2019ClosedCall for ProposalStronger Together! Global Sudden Opportunity Grants -V-19114-XG-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2019ClosedCall for ProposalOur Grandmother’s Miniskirt: Kenya Empowerment Grant – V-19115-KE-EM
closing date: 15 Jun 2019ClosedCall for ProposalYouth Voices Unbound: Uganda Empowerment Grants — V-19111-UG-EM
closing date: 31 May 2019ClosedCall for ProposalReclaiming Spaces: Uganda Sudden Opportunity Grant – V-19112-UG-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2019ClosedCall for ProposalGrowing Stronger: Laos Empowerment Grants V-19110-LA-EM
closing date: 31 May 2019ClosedCall for ProposalMAKE A DIFFERENCE: Philippines Innovate and Learn Grants – V-19104-PH-IL
closing date: 31 May 2019ClosedCall for ProposalSolidarity is Power! Laos Sudden Opportunity Grant – V-19100-LA-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2019ClosedCall for ProposalMtandao Huru! Fursa ya Dharura Tanzania Sudden Opportunity V-19106-TZ-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2019ClosedCall for ProposalSauti Yangu, Uhuru Wetu! Ruzuku za Uwezeshaji -V-19107-TZ-EM
closing date: 17 May 2019ClosedCall for ProposalNo longer an ‘Outsider’: Kenya Empowerment Grant V-19108-KE-EM
closing date: 22 Apr 2019ClosedCall for ProposalEmpowering the Unheard: Philippines Empowerment Grant V-19105-PH-EM
closing date: 15 May 2019ClosedCall for ProposalSmall is beautiful: Cambodia Empowerment Grant -V-19103-KH-EM
closing date: 23 Apr 2019ClosedCall for ProposalEmpowering the Voiceless: Indonesia Empowerment Grant -V-19102-ID-EM
closing date: 17 May 2019ClosedCall for ProposalAKSYON NGAYON! Philippines Sudden Opportunity Grant – V-19101-PH-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2019ClosedCall for ProposalUsing the Moment, Standing Together: Cambodia Sudden Opportunity Grant – V-1998-KH-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2019ClosedCall for ProposalRe-think, Improve, Disrupt! (Second Cycle) -V-1883-XG-IL
closing date: 15 Feb 2019ClosedCall for ProposalPicha Halisia, Uhuru Wetu Empowerment Grants V-1894-TZ-EM
closing date: 21 Dec 2018ClosedCall for ProposalEmpower beyond borders! (2nd Review Cycle) Global Empowerment Grant V-1881-XG-EM
closing date: 30 Nov 2018ClosedCall for ProposalElimu Tuitakayo: Kenya Influencing Grants V-1895-KE-IF
closing date: 26 Oct 2018ClosedCall for ProposalTunza Uhuru: Tanzania Influencing Grants V-1891-TZ-IF
closing date: 19 Oct 2018ClosedCall for ProposalMtandao Huru! Tanzania Sudden Opportunity Grants V-1890-TZ-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2018ClosedCall for ProposalReinventing Uhuru: Tanzania Innovate and Learn Grants V-1892-TZ-IL
closing date: 19 Oct 2018ClosedCall for ProposalVoice beyond the Incident: Nigeria Sudden Opportunity Grant V-1889-NG-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2018ClosedCall for ProposalAudible Silent Voices: Nigeria Empowerment Grant V-1887-NG-EM
closing date: 01 Oct 2018ClosedCall for ProposalLETS Up Our Game!: Nigeria Innovate and Learn Grant V-1888-NG-IL
closing date: 01 Oct 2018ClosedCall for ProposalPolicy to Action: Nigeria Influencing Grant V-1886-NG-IF
closing date: 01 Oct 2018ClosedCall for ProposalRe-think, Improve, Disrupt! Global Innovate and Learn Grants V-1883-XG-IL
closing date: 07 Oct 2018ClosedCall for ProposalReclaiming Civic Space: Kenya Sudden Opportunity Grant V-1884-KE-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2018ClosedCall for ProposalEmpower beyond borders! Regional empowerment grants V-1881-XG-EM
closing date: 15 Aug 2018ClosedCall for ProposalPhilippines Sudden Opportunity Grants V-1879-PH-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2018ClosedCall for ProposalPhilippines Innovate and Learn Grants V-1877-PH-IL
closing date: 07 Sep 2018ClosedCall for ProposalCall for Policy Action: Uganda Influencing Grant V-1880-UG-IF
closing date: 10 Aug 2018ClosedCall for ProposalSeizing the Moment: Global Sudden Opportunity Grants V-1875-XG-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2018ClosedCall for ProposalConnecting Voice(s): Laos Linking & Learning Facilitation V-1871-LA-IL
closing date: 15 Apr 2018ClosedCall for ProposalConnecting Voice(s): Mali & Niger Linking & Learning Facilitation V-1749-ML/NE-IL
closing date: 15 Nov 2017ClosedCall for ProposalCelebrating Inclusion! Innovate and Learn Grant V-1870-XG-IL
closing date: 09 Apr 2018ClosedCall for ProposalConnecting Voice(s): Cambodia Linking and Learning Facilitation V-1748-KH-IL
closing date: 30 Nov 2017ClosedCall for ProposalConnecting Voice(s): Philippines Linking & Learning Facilitation V-1746-PH-IL
closing date: 01 Nov 2017ClosedCall for ProposalPower to Unheard Voices: Kenya Empowerment Grants V-1863-KE-EM
closing date: 01 Oct 2018ClosedCall for ProposalVoice(s) connected: Kenya & Tanzania Linking & Learning Facilitation V-1740-KE/TZ-IL
closing date: 12 Sep 2017ClosedCall for ProposalConnecting Voice(s): Nigeria Linking & Learning Facilitation V-1739-NG-IL
closing date: 15 Aug 2017ClosedCall for ProposalConnecting Voice(s): Indonesia Linking & Learning Facilitation V-1738-ID-IL
closing date: 10 Aug 2017ClosedCall for ProposalBreaking down Silos: Kenya Innovate and Learn Grants V-1858-KE-IL
closing date: 01 Oct 2018ClosedCall for ProposalSmall is Beautiful: Cambodia Empowerment Grants V-1856-KH-EM
closing date: 16 Sep 2018ClosedCall for ProposalUsing the Moment: Cambodia Sudden Opportunity Grants V-1857-KH-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2018ClosedCall for ProposalLet’s try something new: Cambodia Innovate and Learn Grants V-1855-KH-IL
closing date: 16 Sep 2018ClosedCall for ProposalLet’s Make it Happen: Cambodia Influencing Grants V-1854-KH-IF
closing date: 30 Apr 2018ClosedCall for ProposalOur Turn to Talk: Global Influencing Grants V-1730-XG-IF
closing date: 15 Sep 2017ClosedCall for ProposalConnecting Voice(s): Uganda Linking & Learning Facilitation V-1750-UG-IL
closing date: 30 Apr 2018ClosedCall for ProposalPhilippines Sudden Opportunity Grants V-1721-PH-SO
closing date: 31 Dec 2017ClosedCall for ProposalPhilippines Innovate and Learn Grants V-1720-PH-IL
closing date: 15 Nov 2017Closed -
Link + Learn
In Lagos, people with disabilities took to the streets to challenge laws infringing on their rights of free movement through a press statement, to an annual celebration of Mr and Miss Albino celebrating the uniqueness and strengths of Albinos in Mali, to a spatial mapping report profiling persons with albinism in Uganda. These among other stories can be found on this page!
Tags relating to Persons living with disabilities: #DifferentlyAbled #NotADisability (This means you can search with these tags)
If you like to contribute or feel something is missing, please contact us via hello@voice.global
In Lagos, people with disabilities took to the streets to challenge laws infringing on their rights of free movement through a press statement, to an annual celebration of Mr and Miss Albino celebrating the uniqueness and strengths of Albinos in Mali, to a spatial mapping report profiling persons with albinism in Uganda. These among other stories can be found on this page!
Tags relating to Persons living with disabilities: #DifferentlyAbled #NotADisability (This means you can search with these tags)
If you like to contribute or feel something is missing, please contact us via hello@voice.global