Voice.Global website

  • Organisation

    Talents Enabling Uganda exists to bridge the high unemployment gap by supporting disadvantaged youth and women discover and translate their talents, passions, skills and abilities to form income-generating activities to improve the quality of their livelihoods.

    • Organisation

      Talents Enabling Uganda exists to bridge the high unemployment gap by supporting disadvantaged youth and women discover and translate their talents, passions, skills and abilities to form income-generating activities to improve the quality of their livelihoods.

    • Project

      The objective of this project is to rehabilitate and empower 20-girls affected by obstetric fistula with self-confidence and entrepreneurship skills needed for them to improve the quality of their livelihood and fulfill their potential.

  • Project

    The objective of this project is to rehabilitate and empower 20-girls affected by obstetric fistula with self-confidence and entrepreneurship skills needed for them to improve the quality of their livelihood and fulfill their potential.

  • News


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