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Voice Cambodia Grantee Directory

Directory Mapping is an innovative tool designed as communication and coordination methods through the project implementation amongst the grantees, rightsholders groups and local authorities in order to make engagements and collaborations better and on time. It illustrates backgrounds of the institute, project information, project team coordination and experts or services of the orgsanisations, associations and working groups funded by Voice in Cambodia from its 2nd phase (2021-2023).


It includes 26 grantee partners in Phnom Penh and 10 provinces in Cambodia that have been implementing their project activities in contributing to three thematic areas: space for political participation, improved access to resources and employment, and improved access to social services, health and education.

  • Publication title: Voice Cambodia Grantee Directory
  • Author:
  • Date: 2024-05-09
  • Publisher: Live and Learn Cambodia
  • Document Type: pdf
  • Keywords: Voice Cambodia, Linking and Learning, Nothing About Us Without Us, Power of Inclusion
  • Download file


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