#EDUBIKE2023: Bike for Education
In the morning of November 19, 2023 in Siem Reap, Cambodia, about 80 individuals from the Rabbit School Organization’s stakeholders gathered for a biking event called #EDUBIKE2023.
In the morning of November 19, 2023 in Siem Reap, Cambodia, about 80 individuals from the Rabbit School Organization’s stakeholders gathered for a biking event called #EDUBIKE2023.
Once again, the Linking & Learning team of Live and Learn Cambodia gathered 13 Voice grantee partners together on the 6th and 7th of July 2023 in order to conduct a training in support of their capacity to document the project progresses and amplify voices of rightholder groups. After assessing the grantee partners’ needs, this time, the focus was on developing the technical skill of project reporting and success story writing.
The Linking and Learning Team of Live and Learn Cambodia has conducted many capacity-strengthening sessions with grantee partners to support their project implementation and journey as an organisation. With additional resource support to implement linking and learning activities among grantee partners, CoPs became more alive and allowed grantee partners to develop and pitch new, collaborative ideas.
by Inez Hackenberg, Linking & Learning Coordinator, Voice How to express the gratitude and awe I feel! The amazing experiences while we are sunsetting the Voice programme, it feels so contradictory, but what I have been part of these last months leaves me humbled and full of hope that what people have really […]
The Community Dialogue Forum organised by ARV Users Association under “Our Voice Our Community” project provided a space for rightsholders to raise and share the challenges they face in accessing public services, health care service and employment due to discrimination and a lack of understanding of the process with the supporting documents in order to receive support including social protection and equity card.
On 06-07 November 2023, STELLA and the Rural Development Agency (RDA), Linking and Learning Facilitator for Voice in Laos, organised the annual Linking and Learning (L&L) event, a gathering of Voice grantee partners in Laos to co-create learning and sharing spaces.
It was such a journey for Voice in Laos! And in the Voices of Hope below, you will see snippets of reflections and takeaways from some of the grantee partners and rightsholders. Cheers to them and the efforts of the whole community that made Voice in Laos what it is!
As we reached the end of the first five years and before heading on to the extension phase, we were able to come up with a learning document, born from the narratives of the Voice community and the passion that strengthened along the way!
Every Saturday, Sign Language For All hosts a small meet-up between deaf people or people with hearing impairments and people who want to know more about sign language. The goal: making connections while learning and teaching sign language!
We have something exciting to share with you! We are the Meaying Houamjai Phathana Association (MHP) team, reflecting on our two-day exchange visit to Phnom Penh and Kampong Chhnang in Cambodia which we made on 30 & 31 October 2019. Allow us to introduce ourselves: MHP implements the project ‘Ethnic Youth own Action Research in […]
Kala di Kalijaga: a simple gallery journey that is full of meaning. It contains photovoice works by 20 dedicated representatives from organisations based in East and West Indonesia. This gallery is the result of a photovoice workshop was organised by Pamflet as Voice Indonesia’s Linking and Learning Facilitator and Kota Kita, with full support from the Voice Indonesia country team.
Create fireworks through collaborations By Kayla Lapiz, Voice, Learning and Communication Manager for Indonesia and the Philippines We asked our partners in the Philippines what characteristics learners or members of communities of practice (CoP) should have. Some of their responses related to passion, willpower, a risk-taking attitude, curiosity. But first of all, I think you might have a […]
The Linking and Learning Cambodia Team honored the International Day of Peace 2023 by hosting a mindfulness workshop called “Coaching for Mental Health and Well-being” on 21-22 September. This was done together with Voice Cambodia’s grantee partners, and with professional support from the Cambodia Coaching Institute (CCI).
Written by Daro Chheang, Community Research and Consultancy Programme Project Officer, This Life Cambodia 2019 was a good learning year for Cambodia! After three Linking and Learning events of exploration, engagement, learning, and collaboration among grantees, we conducted the fourth one on 19-20 December 2019. Twenty-two Voice grantees and NGOs partners along with their rightsholders […]
In October 2023, Drylands Learning & Capacity Building Initiative (DLCI) in Kenya had the incredible opportunity to host the Voice Global Linking and Learning E-meet.
Working together to innovate solutions! By: Amadou Harouna Mahamadou, Project Manager Linking and Learning Facilitation, Accountability Lab Niger 2020 was off to a good start in Voice Niger! This is because 2019 was a year full of learning and sharing lessons through activities like the fail fair, friend-raising, regional meetings among others. From this, the […]
The Drylands Learning and Community Building Initiative (DLCI) held its year-end Linking and Learning e-meet for Voice in Kenya, which brought together 26 participants from 23 Voice grantee organisations in the country.
by Cedric Owuru, Linking, Learning, and Amplifier Officer, Voice in Nigeria Day 1 – The jitters I looked around the room, and I asked myself if we were sure of our direction. See, conceptualisation is a different ballgame for execution. On paper, having a regional knowledge exchange about the political sphere for […]
By Pitra Hutomo, Project Coordinator, Engage Media, Linking and Learning Facilitator, Indonesia Connecting, learning and sharing are at the heart of Voice. In these times of social distancing and staying at home, Voice linking and learning facilitators are exploring how to do this. Engage Media, the linking and learning facilitator for Voice Indonesia started the inclusion Podcast, Podcast […]
Finally, Voices in Cambodia heard in person By Teyaorm Mas and Daro Chheang, This life Cambodia, Voice linking and Learning facilitator It has been six months since the Voice Cambodia family last met in person! Fifty-three rightsholders from twenty-five grantees in Cambodia were excited to join us as we, This Life the Linking and Learning facilitator in Cambodia, […]
As we journeyed through the revelations of the recent final evaluation report, we embraced the ride and found growth in the process. We invite you to join us on this reflective journey.
By Teyaorm Mas and Daro Chheang, This Life Cambodia, Linking and Learning Facilitator, Voice in Cambodia. The Voice Cambodia Linking and Learning community is back with a bang! And that only a few weeks after their last adventure! We were fortunate enough (considering Corona) to host our Bi-Annual Linking and Learning event in a face-to-face meeting […]
On 27-29 October 2023 in Luang Prabang (LPB), Laos, two young coffee-making trainers from Skillbender, Noy (Thipphaivanh Phimmaseng) and Ming (Kwanchai Chantavongsa), were invited to participate in a very exciting event and celebration: the International Coffee Day. The two young trainers shared their experiences and lessons learned from participating in the event.
By Mengo, Linking, Learning and Amplifier Officer, Voice in Kenya Africa and its ‘family values‘… The state of LGBTIQ movements in Africa for the past year or so has been hanging by a thread… a wet rayon thread. From Ghana’s Promotion of proper human sexual rights and Ghanaian family values bill to Uganda’s Anti-homosexuality bill […]
Voice grantee partners and rightsholder groups from South East Asia concluded a regional Knowledge Exchange with the theme “Winning Together” last 01-02 December 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Last 28-30 May 2024, the Linking and Learning Cambodia team organised a three-day Knowledge Exchange with the theme “Unpacking the Journey and Ways Forward”.
by Joan Letting, Linking & Learning Facilitator, Voice in Kenya Drylands Learning and Capacity Building Initiative (DLCI) hosted a successful annual Linking and Learning event dubbed #SautizaUtu in Watamu, Kilifi County. The event took place between the 19th to 23rd of March 2023. The event organized by DLCI in collaboration with the Voice in Kenya […]
On 09 to 11 October 2023, the Linking and Learning Cambodia team organised a capacity-strengthening workshop for Voice grantee partners on Local Fund Raising and Resource Mobilisation.
The Voice journey in Uganda started with a single step in April 2016 and to date, those who have walked that journey have not remained the same. The Voice in Uganda linking and learning and close out event on May 29-31 held in Uganda’s capital, Kampala, were a testament to the transformative journey Voice in Uganda, together with the linking and learning facilitators, have undertaken.
By Antonius Jawamara (Sumba Integrated Development), Tika M (PPSW Pasoendan) and Erlangga Saputra (Pamflet) As promised, we come with post-Indaba goodness! The global learning event was enjoined by participants from all Voice-supported countries, one of which is Indonesia. To start off the series of reflections, let us hear from the participants from Indonesia. Below are […]
Following the success of the first activity “Community Solidarity for Women Empowerment” in October 2023, the Community of Practice (CoP) – Women team conducted their second workshop on 11-12 December 2023. This workshop aimed to push ending discrimination through joining hands with various stakeholders.
In a world designed for people of hearing, Deaf individuals can stir up very strong feelings. What they most need is a chance to express and cope with powerful feelings for which they have no words for.
by Joan Letting, Linking & Learning Facilitator, Voice in Kenya In March this year, I was privileged to lead the team at Drylands Learning & Capacity Building Initiative (DLCI), the Voice Linking and Learning Facilitator in Kenya, in organising its annual Linking & Learning event. The event took place at The One Watamu Bay […]
With the common goal of standing up for women empowerment, the Women Community of Practice (CoP Women) of VOICE Cambodia, with the support and facilitation from Linking & Learning Team, Live and Learn Cambodia, implemented a joint community project called “Women’s Voices Toward Inclusiveness”.
This is the third of the Zine series YGoal, Inc. did throughout their Linking & Learning Facilitation project in Voice Philippines.
This is the second of the Zine series YGoal, Inc. did throughout their Linking & Learning Facilitation project in Voice Philippines.
This current edition, unlike the previous two, was completed by the involvement of grantee partners in Indonesia who recently joined Voice Indonesia, contributing to a rich diversity of the articles in this bulletin.
This list of recommendations came from lessons learned, knowledge shared and peer-to-peer capacity strengthening efforts within the community of rightsholders, allies and advocacy partners.
This list of recommendations came from lessons learned, knowledge shared and peer-to-peer capacity strengthening efforts within the community of rightsholders, allies and advocacy partners.
This publication reflects our journey in Voice Cambodia as we co-created CoPs with grantee partners, rightsholders and external partners. Hopefully, this can also be a tool for others to encourage collective learning and movement-building.
n this glossary you are going to learn more about the five rightsholders groups Voice works with.
The Linking and Learning team from Live and Learn Cambodia, with the Voice Cambodia team, have accomplished a Glossary of Key Terminologies booklet with in-depth descriptions for inclusive language in order to celebrate integration, diversity, inclusion, and to treat one another with respect and comfort, especially among connecting and learning communities.
Directory Mapping is an innovative tool designed as communication and coordination methods through the project implementation amongst the grantees, rightsholders groups and local authorities in order to make engagements and collaborations better and on time.
This booklet describes the journey of the Linking and Learning Programme here in Cambodia from 2021-2023.
Working with their grantee partners along the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence, the Linking & Learning community of Voice in Uganda came up with a special issue of their newsletter.
This second volume of the Indonesia Inklusi bulletin encompasses engaging articles covering the constant endeavors of the Indonesia Inklusi network, including the struggle of the indigenous peoples community in Sumbawa, Cek Bocek, who strive for their rights and fight against a development invading their ancestral land, and the struggle of Women Human Rights Defenders for the Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ESCR). In addition to sharing experiences and information, this bulletin offers many captivating stories and reflections that enrich our knowledge about an inclusive world.
Voice is committed to providing safe spaces filled with integrity and respect for ALL people as well as for financial resources.
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