#KasamaKa: Inclusive Voter’s Education in the Philippines
Kasama Ka, which means “You’re included” in English is the tagline and core of the Inclusive Voter’s Education campaign co-created by Inclusion Pilipinas, the Linking & Learning (L&L) community in the Philippines.
On May 9th, the Philippines will be conducting its National Elections. As tensions go higher, it becomes more urgent to amplify the Filipino people’s agenda for a more inclusive and just Philippines. Through the #KasamaKa campaign, an agenda was co-created with the rightsholder groups Voice supports. The goal is for this agenda to be included in the candidates’ platforms and for the elected officials to follow-through. At the same time, this can help the Filipino community to assess their chosen candidates based on the priorities in this agenda and their own.
The scope of this agenda goes from crisis response, to health, to education, and more. Through consultations and story mining, Inclusion Pilipinas, through the lead of YGoal, Inc. (L&L Facilitator) and Syn&Strat (Collaborator for Amplification), was able to develop the #KasamaKa toolkit as shown below.