Access to social services /Young
Amount Funded
49,995 EUROProject Duration
15 Jan 2022 - 15 Aug 2023 -
Lead organisation
ASPEL is a breeders organization created in 2006 by order number 093/MI/D/DGAPJ/DLP of March 9th 2006.Its main goals include among others to:
– To promote and revitalize livestock breading and improve the conditions of living of herders
– Develop solidarity and unity among its members
– Promote education in a nomadic environment
– Promote human rights and gender justice policy
To win these goals, ASPEL has experienced executives among its members to help to achieve the goals it has set.-
ASPEL is a breeders organization created in 2006 by order number 093/MI/D/DGAPJ/DLP of March 9th 2006.Its main goals include among others to:
– To promote and revitalize livestock breading and improve the conditions of living of herders
– Develop solidarity and unity among its members
– Promote education in a nomadic environment
– Promote human rights and gender justice policy
To win these goals, ASPEL has experienced executives among its members to help to achieve the goals it has set. -
In the previous ASPEL project on the fight against “abduction as a mode of union” of the young Bororo girl student and her retention in school, it was a question of sensitizing the Bororo community on the harmful consequences of an ancestral practice which persists, and which deprives the young Bororo girls of their right to education.
It must be said that this practice, which is the preferred mode of union in the Bororo community, was until now a taboo that no one dared to address in terms of retrograde practice.
Indeed, it deprives young people (girls and boys) of education. It is thus, to this practice that ASPEL attacked by explaining the countervalue that it constitutes and by calling the Bororo community of Bermo to its pure and simple rejectionto go towards change. This has been a successful challenge for the NGO ASPEL since during the period 2019, 2020 and 2021 the project has achieved the following results:
– 00 girls in school removed
– 00 pregnancies recorded among girls in school at thehigh scholl of Bermo
– 00 marriages of girls in school recorded
At the BEPC exam session 2020, 19 Bororo students were admitted to the BEPC, including 2 girls, thus bringingthe number of female students to 3, which is an unprecedented fact in the community.
The current project aims to consolidate and perpetuate the actions carried out by the previous project by further strengthening the capacities of the rights holders and the various actors (administrative and customary authorities, members of the office of the federation of COGES of the commune, religious and community leaders, The project aims to build the capacities of women rights holders and different actors (administrative and customary authorities, members of the federation of COGES in the commune, religious and community leaders, women leaders, local structures in charge of the project’s sustainability) in terms of women’s and children’s rights, advocacy, the mechanism to fight against gender-based violence and all other necessary support inorder to lead women rights holders to a rapid and solid empowerment. It also aimsto provide material and financial support to very vulnerable girls, especially those who are in high school and in the vocational training center, so that they do not drop outof school. The lack of a tutor or a host structure is the second most common reason for girls to drop out of school, after kidnappings and early marriages in the high school of Bermo.
In the previous ASPEL project on the fight against “abduction as a mode of union” of the young Bororo girl student and her retention in school, it was a question of sensitizing the Bororo community on the harmful consequences of an ancestral practice which persists, and which deprives the young Bororo girls of their right to education.
It must be said that this practice, which is the preferred mode of union in the Bororo community, was until now a taboo that no one dared to address in terms of retrograde practice.
Indeed, it deprives young people (girls and boys) of education. It is thus, to this practice that ASPEL attacked by explaining the countervalue that it constitutes and by calling the Bororo community of Bermo to its pure and simple rejectionto go towards change. This has been a successful challenge for the NGO ASPEL since during the period 2019, 2020 and 2021 the project has achieved the following results:
– 00 girls in school removed
– 00 pregnancies recorded among girls in school at thehigh scholl of Bermo
– 00 marriages of girls in school recorded
At the BEPC exam session 2020, 19 Bororo students were admitted to the BEPC, including 2 girls, thus bringingthe number of female students to 3, which is an unprecedented fact in the community.
The current project aims to consolidate and perpetuate the actions carried out by the previous project by further strengthening the capacities of the rights holders and the various actors (administrative and customary authorities, members of the office of the federation of COGES of the commune, religious and community leaders, The project aims to build the capacities of women rights holders and different actors (administrative and customary authorities, members of the federation of COGES in the commune, religious and community leaders, women leaders, local structures in charge of the project’s sustainability) in terms of women’s and children’s rights, advocacy, the mechanism to fight against gender-based violence and all other necessary support inorder to lead women rights holders to a rapid and solid empowerment. It also aimsto provide material and financial support to very vulnerable girls, especially those who are in high school and in the vocational training center, so that they do not drop outof school. The lack of a tutor or a host structure is the second most common reason for girls to drop out of school, after kidnappings and early marriages in the high school of Bermo.