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  • Organisation

    Tedhelte (helping in Zarma) is a non-governmental, non-profit, democratic, a-political and non-denominational association. It was created with the aim of strengthening the capacities of the Nigerien people, particularly women and youth, so that they have a meeting place and can exchange to improve their living conditions.

    Its main mission  is to effectively mobilise and help women and youth to take charge of their environment through sustainable development initiatives. It does this by supporting Niger’s sectoral policy development in meeting basic human needs, mainly in the areas of women’s rights and youth, child protection, access to health care, food, water, basic education, and to combat STI / HIV /AIDS.

    The specific objectives of the NGO are:

    • To reduce the vulnerability of women and youth to create frameworks for cultural dialogue and exchange
    • To support government actions in the field of education and environmental protection
    • To develop the spirit of cultural mixing to promote solidarity and tolerance
    • To promote the socio-occupational integration of young people by creating jobs;
    • To  promote the formation of a new generation of farmers able to stabilise farms for greater productivity of labour and soil.
    • Organisation

      Tedhelte (helping in Zarma) is a non-governmental, non-profit, democratic, a-political and non-denominational association. It was created with the aim of strengthening the capacities of the Nigerien people, particularly women and youth, so that they have a meeting place and can exchange to improve their living conditions.

      Its main mission  is to effectively mobilise and help women and youth to take charge of their environment through sustainable development initiatives. It does this by supporting Niger’s sectoral policy development in meeting basic human needs, mainly in the areas of women’s rights and youth, child protection, access to health care, food, water, basic education, and to combat STI / HIV /AIDS.

      The specific objectives of the NGO are:

      • To reduce the vulnerability of women and youth to create frameworks for cultural dialogue and exchange
      • To support government actions in the field of education and environmental protection
      • To develop the spirit of cultural mixing to promote solidarity and tolerance
      • To promote the socio-occupational integration of young people by creating jobs;
      • To  promote the formation of a new generation of farmers able to stabilise farms for greater productivity of labour and soil.
    • Project

      The women of the first district of Niamey, Gothey and Torodi in the region of Tillabéri are grouped in tontines, locally called “foyandi”.   These tontines help women make ends meet but nothing more.  The project Supporting Women’s Empowerment  trains  in small income-generating activities to boost a real family economy, even with the dream of sustainable development of the entire community.

      The project also considers women’s sexual and reproductive health care. Infections related to the lack of personal and intimate hygiene combined with the use of certain products imported from Nigeria and Asia, traditional medicinal aphrodisiacs, commonly known as Kayan Mata, slow down the social and economic activities of women. Worse, they are a cause of cervical cancer in Niger. When a woman is sick, it is indeed the main pillar of the family that is affected.

      Lack of hygiene can also make other family members sick, as traditionally it is the woman who is responsible for preparing food and feeding the children. Once trained, sensitised and grouped into an association or  group, the women know how to defend their interests. They will claim their rights. They will protect the rights and interests of their children. They will be able to carry their voices as far as possible. They will cease to be the electoral cattle of men but rather compete for elective and political positions. They will take care of their bodies and they will stop using these products and drugs harmful to their health.

  • Project

    The women of the first district of Niamey, Gothey and Torodi in the region of Tillabéri are grouped in tontines, locally called “foyandi”.   These tontines help women make ends meet but nothing more.  The project Supporting Women’s Empowerment  trains  in small income-generating activities to boost a real family economy, even with the dream of sustainable development of the entire community.

    The project also considers women’s sexual and reproductive health care. Infections related to the lack of personal and intimate hygiene combined with the use of certain products imported from Nigeria and Asia, traditional medicinal aphrodisiacs, commonly known as Kayan Mata, slow down the social and economic activities of women. Worse, they are a cause of cervical cancer in Niger. When a woman is sick, it is indeed the main pillar of the family that is affected.

    Lack of hygiene can also make other family members sick, as traditionally it is the woman who is responsible for preparing food and feeding the children. Once trained, sensitised and grouped into an association or  group, the women know how to defend their interests. They will claim their rights. They will protect the rights and interests of their children. They will be able to carry their voices as far as possible. They will cease to be the electoral cattle of men but rather compete for elective and political positions. They will take care of their bodies and they will stop using these products and drugs harmful to their health.

  • News


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