NOW-Us! Award night 2022 honors initiatives that advance inclusion and diversity
Impact Hub Phnom Penh, the NOW-Us! organiser collaborated with Voice to celebrate initiatives that advance diversity, inclusivity, and the empowerment of Voice’s rightsholder groups who are people with disabilities, indigenous communities and ethnic minorities, women facing abuse and violence, vulnerable youth, the elderly, and LGBTI people. Voice’s guiding principle of Nothing About Us Without Us (NOW-Us) Cambodia NOW-Us! Award cohort II officially launched on September 1, 2022, at the Factory Phnom Penh and continued to shine, uniting rightsholder voices and honouring unsung efforts with inclusiveness and diversity.

The Now-Us! Award is a pretty particular initiative to genuinely “Nothing about us Without Us!” truly put into effort practice. We are thrilled to be collaborating on this program with Impact Hub in Cambodia. said Ishita Dutta, Voice Program Manager
Ten rightsholder groups were selected to participate in onsite Bootcamp, a program to strengthen its capacity and revisit innovative and inclusive approaches. Its curricula enhance diversity, storytelling, leadership, and design thinking. They are prepared to throw the best pitch.
“The program is the best. I understand the meaning of Nothing About Us Without Us. I very much appreciated Pichmony; the ambassadors and organizing committee team are working hard, firm support, and inspiring; we got fruitful results for 2nd year of the project.” said Mr. Ngach Samin, the Voice ambassador of Indigenous People and/or ethnic minorities group.
During the 5-day NOW-US workshop, the project initiatives were all impressive; I am so proud of them. In particular, the 5-day boot camp helps them learn more, plan more precisely, and practice pitching, and most of them do well on the last day. _Chhoeurng Rachana, Voice ambassador of LGBTIQ+ group.
“It was a privilege for us at Impact Hub to offer NOW-Us Bootcamp 2022 for our rightsholder groups from 10 teams across the country to connect and be empowered while witnessing their passion and initiatives amplifying magically at the same time. This remarkable experience would not just prepare them for the Award ceremony, but it will also as a dot for their many years to come in their missions to build the world with the inclusive community they want to see.” said Pich Pisethneat, Head of Impact Incubation of Impact Hub Phnom Penh.” – PISETHNEAT PICH, Incubation Lead of IHPP
In its second edition, the NOW-Us Awards is ready to host ten semi-finalists for final pitching on September 1, 2002. Eighty participants gathered in a happy crowd and clapped loudly, making the night of the Award ceremony unforgettable. The jury committee finally identified the monetary awards after several discussions.

The jury committee with diverse backgrounds
The first place of NOW-Us! 2022 with 25,000 Euros goes to Phum Asia Youth Center to further the mission of digital literacy skills that reach out impactfully to Kui indigenous youth in remote rural areas in Kampong Thom Province. This educational program aims to empower and strengthen indigenous youth to better equipped them to adapt to the context of digital society and the industrial revolution 4.0.

Cambodia Sign language for all wins the second NOW-Us! Award 2022 with 15,000 Euros to promote and normalize the use of sign language for all. To promote accessibility and inclusion for persons with impairments, particularly for the deaf and hearing-impaired, series of videos and digitizing content will be produced in sign language.

The third NOW-Us! Award 2022 of 10,000 Euros goes to Arts and Mental Health, which carry the “Pka Sla Ekareach” organize film festival, content creation, and run media campaign that will encourage and empower women and girls to live on their self-independent, combat gender stereotype and social norm that put pressure on single women who want to live independently.

More excitedly, La CHHOUK Recycled and Creative Fashion wins the most public vote prize published on media that explicitly post the link to vote. La CHHOUK Recycled and Creative Fashion further focuses on educating and spreading awareness to parents and guardians about the rights, values, and acceptance of gender diversity within the LGBTQ+ community. In particular, La CHHOUK is a stunning fashion show featuring recycled-material outfits made by a group of LGBT designers, models, and makeup artists. The aim is to change public perceptions of trash and turn to the worth of recycled items that will protect the planet from further environmental damage. “OUR FASHION – OUR ENVIRONMENT – OUR WORLD”