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Disability is a gift!

Written by Abdoul Karim Abdou Madougou, Project Manager, Federation of People with Disabilities, Influencing grantee in Niger

In addition to being a leitmotiv, this is the title of the radio and television program entirely prepared and hosted by members of the Nigerien Federation of People with Disabilities (FNPH in French). Broadcasted on Radio and Television Ténéré (RTT) as part of a partnership between the NGO and the media, the program is a space of expression for promoting the participation of people with disabilities in the upcoming electoral process in Niger.

The program is aimed not only at people with disabilities themselves, but also at the general population to promote advocacy for the benefit of people with disabilities, but also to strengthen the capacities of their organizations for increasing their influence in all aspects of public and political life at both local and national level.

This way, the FNPH contributes to the protection and fulfilment of all human rights for people with disabilities in Niger!

How is this done?

A team made up of several people including members of the FNPH, journalist (s) and technician (s) went in the field every week to meet the target groups and discuss with them. In this way, the microphone was held out to the rightholders of the five municipalities of Niamey, according to the biometric enrolment schedule in these municipalities. The idea was to make them express themselves on issues related to the rights of people with disabilities, their duties, the challenges they face, the behaviour of the common population towards them, but also, to sensitize them so that they are ready to participate in politics in Niger.

In total, twenty editions of the radio and television program have be recorded and broadcast each week in the four regions where the project is implemented, in French, Hausa and Djerma.

After the biometric enlistment phase, traditional leaders, as well as other resource persons who could play a role for sensitizing during the program, were called upon in order to participate in the shows that were broadcast live while the public had the opportunity to call and contribute to the discussions or have their questions answered.

The ultimate goal was to eradicate stigmatisation and discrimination and make sure that inclusion is an instinct in our society. The FNPH made a point of innovating the presentation of the subjects to be discussed and give the opportunity to whoever wants to express his/her thoughts so that all voices are heard!


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