Connecting Voice(s) in Tanzania
Amount Funded
236,741 EUROProject Duration
01 Nov 2021 - 30 Nov 2023 -
Lead organisation
Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) is a non-profit organization, established under the Companies Act, Cap 212 of the Laws of Tanzania since 1997. It is a Pan-African women’s rights network dedicated to promoting and strengthening strategies that link law and development in order to increase women’s participation and influence at the community, national, regional, and international level in order to enhance the protection and promotion of their rights. WiLDAF Tanzania chapter is part of a large African network, which was established following the continental non-governmental organizations (NGO) forums held in Zimbabwe as a step for preparation for the United Nations (UN) global forum for women, commonly known as Beijing Platform of Actionof 1995. At the regional level,WiLDAF as a network is comprised of over 350 organizations and 3,000 individuals scattered all over the continent; and that at the national level, it has a total of 100 (individual and organizational) members. The two networks (regional and national ones) are systematically correlated in terms of addressing local and international women’s rights issue and strategies and linked to the regionalnetwork. As such, national advocacy issues are sporadically addressed at the regional and international levels. The overall goal of WiLDAF is to improve the status of women’s human rights and promote socio-economic development in Tanzania. The mission is to enhance a sustainable network for the promotion of respect of Women’s Human Rights through advocacy, dissemination and observance of national, regional and international standards. The core program of WiLDAF include among others: Combating Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC), Improving the Rule of Law, Access to Justice Democracy and Good Governance, Increase Participation of Women in Leadership and Decision Making, Women Economic Empowerment including access to resources and opportunities, Maternal Health and Morbidity; and Networking. Some of the WiLDAF advocacy works relate to the project objectives include: (i) Improving the Rule of Law and Access to Justice Program. This program addresses the challenges faced by women in Tanzania in particular assisting poor, marginalized populations in Tanzania, especially women to access justice. Three main objectives of the program are as follows: (i) Informing communities on matters related to women’s rights, (ii) Improving policies and laws in relation to women’s rights, (iii) Increasing services such as legal aid and gender-based violence prevention. WiLDAF applied diverse approaches including; (i) Community mobilization through public dialogue, (ii) Training on legal aid provision, gender-based violence referrals, (iii) Conducting local and international women’s rights forums, (iv) Provision of legal aid services and (v) Advocacy for improved policies and laws, particularly those that are discriminatory towards women and marginalized populations. Another program that relate to the project objective is the Combating Gender-Based Violence program, which was funded by the Irish Aid since 2009. This program among other things intended to address the prevalence of violence against women and children in order to reduce violence in the country. Three main objectives for this program are (i) Raise awareness about gender-based violence; (ii) Advocate for the change of discriminatory laws that perpetuate violence and; (iii) Improve institutions that deal with GBV survivors. Through this program WiLDAF was able to form a Coalition of more than 70 non-governmental organizations, coordinate the 16 Days of Activism Campaign. Another advocacy work under the Irish Aid isthe publication of the Women’s Human Rights Situation Report whereby WiLDAF has been producing this report since 2014 to serve as a data based evidence for advocacy interventions in relation to women rights and gender equality in Tanzania.
Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) is a non-profit organization, established under the Companies Act, Cap 212 of the Laws of Tanzania since 1997. It is a Pan-African women’s rights network dedicated to promoting and strengthening strategies that link law and development in order to increase women’s participation and influence at the community, national, regional, and international level in order to enhance the protection and promotion of their rights. WiLDAF Tanzania chapter is part of a large African network, which was established following the continental non-governmental organizations (NGO) forums held in Zimbabwe as a step for preparation for the United Nations (UN) global forum for women, commonly known as Beijing Platform of Actionof 1995. At the regional level,WiLDAF as a network is comprised of over 350 organizations and 3,000 individuals scattered all over the continent; and that at the national level, it has a total of 100 (individual and organizational) members. The two networks (regional and national ones) are systematically correlated in terms of addressing local and international women’s rights issue and strategies and linked to the regionalnetwork. As such, national advocacy issues are sporadically addressed at the regional and international levels. The overall goal of WiLDAF is to improve the status of women’s human rights and promote socio-economic development in Tanzania. The mission is to enhance a sustainable network for the promotion of respect of Women’s Human Rights through advocacy, dissemination and observance of national, regional and international standards. The core program of WiLDAF include among others: Combating Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC), Improving the Rule of Law, Access to Justice Democracy and Good Governance, Increase Participation of Women in Leadership and Decision Making, Women Economic Empowerment including access to resources and opportunities, Maternal Health and Morbidity; and Networking. Some of the WiLDAF advocacy works relate to the project objectives include: (i) Improving the Rule of Law and Access to Justice Program. This program addresses the challenges faced by women in Tanzania in particular assisting poor, marginalized populations in Tanzania, especially women to access justice. Three main objectives of the program are as follows: (i) Informing communities on matters related to women’s rights, (ii) Improving policies and laws in relation to women’s rights, (iii) Increasing services such as legal aid and gender-based violence prevention. WiLDAF applied diverse approaches including; (i) Community mobilization through public dialogue, (ii) Training on legal aid provision, gender-based violence referrals, (iii) Conducting local and international women’s rights forums, (iv) Provision of legal aid services and (v) Advocacy for improved policies and laws, particularly those that are discriminatory towards women and marginalized populations. Another program that relate to the project objective is the Combating Gender-Based Violence program, which was funded by the Irish Aid since 2009. This program among other things intended to address the prevalence of violence against women and children in order to reduce violence in the country. Three main objectives for this program are (i) Raise awareness about gender-based violence; (ii) Advocate for the change of discriminatory laws that perpetuate violence and; (iii) Improve institutions that deal with GBV survivors. Through this program WiLDAF was able to form a Coalition of more than 70 non-governmental organizations, coordinate the 16 Days of Activism Campaign. Another advocacy work under the Irish Aid isthe publication of the Women’s Human Rights Situation Report whereby WiLDAF has been producing this report since 2014 to serve as a data based evidence for advocacy interventions in relation to women rights and gender equality in Tanzania.
Support the Linking and learning through: 1. Capacity building to grantees to collect data and link with advocacy intervention 2. Capacity building for grantees to develop presentation and sharing of their advocacy interventions 3. Participatory development of tools for sharing of lessons learn and success Organize and develop linking and learning activities and platforms through: 1. Establish voice grantees networks 2. Conduct grantees induction meetings to introduce the linking and learning processes 3. Organize grantees and stakeholders’ meetings 4. Development of advocacy and communication strategy for grantees 5. Development of tools-communication tools, advocacy tools, M<(>&<)>E and Learning tools Develop a Capacity-Strengthening Approach through: 6. Participatory need assessment 7. Develop mentorship and coaching program Promote innovation and produce publications through: 1. Develop online and offline tools for data and information sharing 2. Develop an online center 3. To collect data from grantees and other stakeholders in relation to their interventions 4. Develop policy briefs to influence change in relation to sub-grantees voice 5. Conduct dissemination of information and data Participation in the Voice Community of Practice through: 1. Conduct monthly linking and learning e meetings 2. Prepare and develop linking and learning inventory data 3. Conduct annual face to face meeting 4. Facilitate communities of practice in relation to thematic areas 5. Facilitate the establishment of Linking and Learning Coordinators and Facilitator
Support the Linking and learning through: 1. Capacity building to grantees to collect data and link with advocacy intervention 2. Capacity building for grantees to develop presentation and sharing of their advocacy interventions 3. Participatory development of tools for sharing of lessons learn and success Organize and develop linking and learning activities and platforms through: 1. Establish voice grantees networks 2. Conduct grantees induction meetings to introduce the linking and learning processes 3. Organize grantees and stakeholders’ meetings 4. Development of advocacy and communication strategy for grantees 5. Development of tools-communication tools, advocacy tools, M<(>&<)>E and Learning tools Develop a Capacity-Strengthening Approach through: 6. Participatory need assessment 7. Develop mentorship and coaching program Promote innovation and produce publications through: 1. Develop online and offline tools for data and information sharing 2. Develop an online center 3. To collect data from grantees and other stakeholders in relation to their interventions 4. Develop policy briefs to influence change in relation to sub-grantees voice 5. Conduct dissemination of information and data Participation in the Voice Community of Practice through: 1. Conduct monthly linking and learning e meetings 2. Prepare and develop linking and learning inventory data 3. Conduct annual face to face meeting 4. Facilitate communities of practice in relation to thematic areas 5. Facilitate the establishment of Linking and Learning Coordinators and Facilitator