Know your rights to get proper compensation
Amount Funded
149,994 EUROProject Duration
01 Dec 2022 - 29 Feb 2024 -
Lead organisation
The Network of Organisations for Transparency and Budget Analysis-ROTAB
Created in 2006 and officially recognised on June 29, 2010, the Network of Organizations for Transparency and Budget Analysis (ROTAB) is a collective of several associations, NGOs and trade unions in Niger that have decided to pool their knowledge and experience to participate in the global Publish What You Pay campaign actively. This salutary initiative is based on transparency in the extractive industry. However, the opacity of exploiting the country’s natural resources is no longer in question. Indeed, despite decades of development, the revenues and their uses remain unclear. The ROTAB “Publish What You Pay” is, therefore, the translation of the will of the Nigerien civil society organisations to change this state of affairs so that, finally, real transparency can be initiated in this sector. This will contribute to the consolidation of democracy and good governance. ROTAB-Niger intends to militate and work so that natural resources are a blessing for the prosperity of an emerging Niger where the rules and principles of good governance guide public action and where citizens enjoy their rights, fully assume their obligations and hold those in power accountable for the proper management of the affairs of the state and the community. ROTAB has national coverage, particularly in extractive regions such as Agadez.
Created in 2006 and officially recognised on June 29, 2010, the Network of Organizations for Transparency and Budget Analysis (ROTAB) is a collective of several associations, NGOs and trade unions in Niger that have decided to pool their knowledge and experience to participate in the global Publish What You Pay campaign actively. This salutary initiative is based on transparency in the extractive industry. However, the opacity of exploiting the country’s natural resources is no longer in question. Indeed, despite decades of development, the revenues and their uses remain unclear. The ROTAB “Publish What You Pay” is, therefore, the translation of the will of the Nigerien civil society organisations to change this state of affairs so that, finally, real transparency can be initiated in this sector. This will contribute to the consolidation of democracy and good governance. ROTAB-Niger intends to militate and work so that natural resources are a blessing for the prosperity of an emerging Niger where the rules and principles of good governance guide public action and where citizens enjoy their rights, fully assume their obligations and hold those in power accountable for the proper management of the affairs of the state and the community. ROTAB has national coverage, particularly in extractive regions such as Agadez.
The project aims to improve transparency in oil governance in Niger; it allows citizens to be informed and participate in oil management at the national and local levels. Then the project aims to contribute to better control of the oil revenues for the general happiness of the populations, particularly the youth and the elderly. We intend to contribute to the promotion of the rights of the people living along the Niger-Benin pipeline through a proximity accompaniment and citizen participation, particularly the young and the elderly, to better benefit from the presence of this work; the creation of a city centre for research and monitoring of the management of oil spillovers; the organization of advocacy for the compensation of rights holders to be effective; the contribution to the rational use of funds received by rights holders; Improvement of the living conditions of rights holders in connection with the presence of the pipeline to defend their rights better; A proximity coaching to rights holders for rational use of funds received as compensation Through this project, ROTAB hopes to involve rights holders in thoroughly enjoying the benefits and facing the harms related to the exploitation and transportation of oil.
The project aims to improve transparency in oil governance in Niger; it allows citizens to be informed and participate in oil management at the national and local levels. Then the project aims to contribute to better control of the oil revenues for the general happiness of the populations, particularly the youth and the elderly. We intend to contribute to the promotion of the rights of the people living along the Niger-Benin pipeline through a proximity accompaniment and citizen participation, particularly the young and the elderly, to better benefit from the presence of this work; the creation of a city centre for research and monitoring of the management of oil spillovers; the organization of advocacy for the compensation of rights holders to be effective; the contribution to the rational use of funds received by rights holders; Improvement of the living conditions of rights holders in connection with the presence of the pipeline to defend their rights better; A proximity coaching to rights holders for rational use of funds received as compensation Through this project, ROTAB hopes to involve rights holders in thoroughly enjoying the benefits and facing the harms related to the exploitation and transportation of oil.