Voice.Global website

  • Organisation

    The Youth Empowering Initiative (YEI) is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to advancing the well-being and development of children and youth in Tanzania. Our core mission revolves around the empowerment of communities to facilitate effective and sustainable economic transformations. Through comprehensive training programs targeting children, youth, and the community, we aim to instill self-reliance, facilitate access to income-generating activities, and establish enduring associations that promote youth development, resource mobilisation, and overall well-being.

    • Organisation

      The Youth Empowering Initiative (YEI) is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to advancing the well-being and development of children and youth in Tanzania. Our core mission revolves around the empowerment of communities to facilitate effective and sustainable economic transformations. Through comprehensive training programs targeting children, youth, and the community, we aim to instill self-reliance, facilitate access to income-generating activities, and establish enduring associations that promote youth development, resource mobilisation, and overall well-being.

    • Project

      This Youth Empowerment Initiative project aims to strengthen the ability of young women to advocate and transform gender-based violence (GBV) norms. Moreover, the project applies targeted approaches to build local capacity and systems to increase GBV reporting, provide support to survivors of GBV incidents incidences and contribute to the ongoing efforts on the ongoing development and implementation of GBV policies, particularly the task-shifting policy on GBV services. Furthermore, the project intends to engage the community leaders and educate them on GBV issues, such as the different types of GBV and how to respond to cases involving GBV. A particular focus is on sexual gender-based violence, as this type greatly impacts the socioeconomic growth of Tanzania’s women and children. The project intends to use that approach so that the community becomes a watchdog for the GBV instances in their community.

  • Project

    This Youth Empowerment Initiative project aims to strengthen the ability of young women to advocate and transform gender-based violence (GBV) norms. Moreover, the project applies targeted approaches to build local capacity and systems to increase GBV reporting, provide support to survivors of GBV incidents incidences and contribute to the ongoing efforts on the ongoing development and implementation of GBV policies, particularly the task-shifting policy on GBV services. Furthermore, the project intends to engage the community leaders and educate them on GBV issues, such as the different types of GBV and how to respond to cases involving GBV. A particular focus is on sexual gender-based violence, as this type greatly impacts the socioeconomic growth of Tanzania’s women and children. The project intends to use that approach so that the community becomes a watchdog for the GBV instances in their community.


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