Voice.Global website

  • Organisation

    VOHARO empowers the vulnerable groups such as the abused children, War affected children and youth (Child soldiers), persons living with HIV/AIDS, child mothers, Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children (OVC) to be able to raise their voices so that they have a bright future and are self-reliant.

    • Organisation

      VOHARO empowers the vulnerable groups such as the abused children, War affected children and youth (Child soldiers), persons living with HIV/AIDS, child mothers, Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children (OVC) to be able to raise their voices so that they have a bright future and are self-reliant.

    • Project

      “Youth and Women Economic Empowerment Project”, aims at Empowering and Reducing Vulnerabilities of Youth and Women in city slums to address high level of ignorance and low capacity of communities, stakeholders and duty bearers to mobilize youth / women to handle sensitive matters; low household income which has resulted in high vulnerability on their roles and responsibilities in handling abuse and exploitation.

  • Project

    “Youth and Women Economic Empowerment Project”, aims at Empowering and Reducing Vulnerabilities of Youth and Women in city slums to address high level of ignorance and low capacity of communities, stakeholders and duty bearers to mobilize youth / women to handle sensitive matters; low household income which has resulted in high vulnerability on their roles and responsibilities in handling abuse and exploitation.


Voice is committed to providing safe spaces filled with integrity and respect for ALL people as well as for financial resources.

Click here for more information on our Whistle-blower policy & Procedure