Hi, I’m Neema, TEWWY’s (Tap Elderly Women’s Wisdom for Youth) Chief Operations Officer. A pretty magical moment for me was when we had our Review, Learning and Coaching session beginning of this year, 2021, January and our Wisdom & Wellness Counselors (WWCs) were sharing their experiences providing services and support during the pandemic outside of the (Voice) project. It was really amazing seeing how much impact had already been created from the outreach work that was done in the Public Health Institutions and in their own communities when the pandemic hit and we were forced to pull out of the Public Health Institutions. The WWCs made soap and masks which they distributed in their local communities and the hospitals where they were previously providing services.
The awareness that’s already been created the relationship with the community members and the youth, and how they are able to turn to the counsellors with their problems feeling like it’s a safe space and they won’t be judged even for something as serious as anger management issues, wherein the case of one young man, it might’ve turned into a fatal instance but now they’re able to connect to the WWCs and they actually turn to them when they’re experiencing such difficulties. It was so powerful to see you and I’m glad that we get to experience that. Thanks!