What is your magical moments with Voice Morgan ?
A lot but one that will stay longer than the other, was when in Nairobi. Why? I always love animals and always dream being in a safari, so imagine when Voice invited me to Nairobi I was like flying to the moon. And I could also take my mum, my ultimate support person along, what make you happier than could make your mum happy and proud?
I remembered I was nervous and shy when meeting all the new friends with different skin colours and issues. But my buddy that I know since 2018 in Bali was the one who makes me feel at ease. Because of him, I feel like in a big family. Do you know him? Of course, he is the one and only: Zack Lee. He pushed me but in a gentle and kind way that made me feel good and braver. He was the one who motivated me to come forward in front of all the participants to show my kind of hip hop dancing and everybody danced with me. It was my magic moments with Voice, I feel really good because I feel included and others welcoming me with such a great understanding not because of my disability or my extra chromosome but because what I am able to do. And since that moment everyone would come and say: Hi Morgan or Bonjour Morgan and treated me just right as a person. And it impacts a lot on my way of moving forward. Thank you Zack, thank you Voice