Hello! I’m Hassan Mikazi, working as regional Chairperson of Tanzania albinism society (TAS) Morogoro branch. Under support from VOICE, TAS Morogoro has become one of the vocal and vibrant civil society organizations in the Morogoro region. Through Unlocking local opportunities for people with disabilities (PWDs) project implemented from 1st October 2019 to 30th September 2020 which helped the magic moment of TAS Morogoro emerged.
The magic moment started on March 2020 when TAS Morogoro published a charter of demand that PWDs agreed to make the Charter that policy-making organs, law enforcement bodies, political leaders and other relevant authorities to make sure that they play their part to ensure that Persons with Disabilities get access to the available opportunities and live decent lives.
With this regards, People Living with Disabilities collectively, via that Charter they agreed to claims their right to work, right to live, rights to access loans for the economic activities, empowering PWDs to fit in many sectors, providing funds and grant to PWDs, availing leadership and management executive opportunities, protecting PWDs during general elections, public awareness on the rights of PWDs, implementation of international agreements and declarations that Tanzania is a party to and right to access quality education to PWDs
Through Voice linking and learning meetings helped me and TAS Morogoro team to apply holistic approaches such as holding strategic meetings with key decision and policymakers, training media personnel, strengthening organisations of PWDs in Morogoro has been key in achieving the project goals.