Yayasan Inisiatif Perubahan Akses menuju Sehat (IPAS) Indonesia
Listen to this magical moment of IPAS Indonesia:
Hi everyone my name is Nana, I am from IPAS Indonesia. Addressing the need of the victim of the sexual violence is at the core of our work with Voice global. It is a very exciting project. My magic moment is when we work together with the national police force in Jakarta to develop the standard operational procedure (SOP) that can be used by the police station in responding report. Do you know why timely referral can be a life-saving? Because many sexual and reproductive health concern among victim of sexual violence can be addressed optimally within 72hours and it is very key to have a quick and timely referral from the police station to the health facilities. The police investigators have been learning hard to implement the new SOP and for them to understand why they have to do it that way because it is a protection according to the sexual criminolog. Since then we document an increase number of referral to health facilities and more cases have been addressed and also going to the court using this sexual criminology. It is a good model and we are calling for obligation across the country.