Women can stand up: Women without disabilities and Women with Disabilities
Through the Voice-funded Project Chambua – Enhancing Inclusive Taxation, KPO (Kenyan Paraplegic Organization) was able to have good rapport and form linkages with Nairobi County. Initially, prior to a public participation meeting, the county would just send voluminous documents with no further explanation on their discussion points before a meeting. Now, with the good rapport, Nairobi County sends a county facilitator to explain and simplify the content of the meeting notices. KPO then transfers the information to our target beneficiaries.
The value of women in governance space – Women can stand up (women with or without disability). Identify women first (as humans) before the disability. Women can be counted as leaders. As citizens – Women can speak up and have their own voices around things that speak about their aspirations and unique needs as women with disabilities.
Our Achievement:

“We have been able to move that agenda of inclusion further. Now our women can speak for themselves, even as we organize them to continue participating and have their voices on the table. Visit them, and they will tell you that the apathy for women is now gone. There is meaningful participation, the women can speak, interrogate, critique, and even submit plans for issues that affect them as women in the space of development agenda within the county. It is our beneficiaries who want actions done and we give them the support that they need”. – Wycliffe Osangco

“Giving us impetus, is seeing the achievements that we talk about. We are able to tell our story to people. Likewise, they will share where they are at, and how they want to continue to engage with their county government, because they are taxpayers. These stories make us wake up everyday, make us do what we do. We are able to change a life in that way.” – Elsie Mulindi Makungu