Voice.Global website

Voice(s) (Un-)finished Annual Report 2020

Unfinished. Challenging. Resourceful.

Our fourth Annual Report dubbed Voice(s) (Un-)finished is here! 

The title refers to the duality of the two phases within Voice: the first phase finished in April 2021 and with it the many projects that were funded during it. Unfinished also refers to the continuation of Voice as a programme until 2024. But its most significant meaning is that the year was simply unfinished – we all know why.

Yet #ProuderandLouder we are of how far the journey has taken us!

In the words of Jeroen Kelderhuis, Head of Civil Society & Education Department within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Netherlands.

I have read your reports with much interest. The annual report resulted in a visually attractive and clearly written document with rich quantitative and qualitative results and stories about the past year.

 It has not been an easy year for all of us; but most of all for those in an already marginalised position. It has become clear from conversations with your team, as well as from these reports, that the impact on Voice; both core team and grantees, has been tremendous. At the same time it is encouraging to read that Voice has been able to step into diverse opportunities for furthering inclusion during the past year marked by COVID-19. The overview of activities in your report highlight how much has happened; in spite of the many challenges that came our way. Your reflections on the changes in contexts, unintended effects and actions taken within Voice during the past year are useful. I continue to wish you a lot of strength, creativity and team spirit in this challenging time and welcome continued conversation about the challenges and opportunities in our shared work.

For ease of viewing, we have uploaded two versions of the report:

  1. An online version in the form of a real book, making a fun sound as you turn the page! You can also opt to download the document from here.
Voice(s) (Un-)finished Annual Report 2020

2. Voice Annual Report 2020 

This version is presented in singular pages and is ideal for printing for those who like a hard copy.

Unfinished, challenging and resourceful, sums up the year perfectly. 

Join us in being #prouderandlouder


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