Inclusion Innovation Indaba or I-Cube 2019
Coming to voice in words and pictures!
21 January 2019
The Inclusion Innovation Indaba or I-Cube is the annual global gathering Voice organises as an integral part of our Linking and Learning. The second I-Cube brought together persons with albinism, elderly or rather senior citizens and persons with a psycho-social or intellectual disability, and Voice linking and learning facilitators to share experiences and learn about their own empowerment and processes of coming to voice.
What are
Day 1 of the I-Cube was amazing. Hivos East Africa as Voice’s host welcomed an incredible group of people. Senior women porters from Indonesia, with their first stamp in their first ever passport, an inspiring young man with Down Syndrome from Indonesia, a resilient mother from Tanzania and a strong father from Nigeria both who have children with autism, courageous people living with albinism from Uganda, Mali, Kenya and Tanzania and an incredibly high-spirited, wise and strong seasoned man who travelled over 13,000 miles from the Philippines to learn!
Facilitated by Fredrick Ouko, from Light for the World in Kenya, day one was all about doing a so-called Innovation lab, focusing on the importance of having a human-centred design approach towards creating programmes. There was dancing, brainstorming, presenting and more dancing!
See the photos below
Coming to Voice – the 2019 Indaba Theme Indaba participants getting to know one another Fredrick Ouko taking the participants through the Innovation lab One group brainstorming Indaba vis ual no t etaker, Nyambura, creating her impressionsIndaba participants; Fredrick, Morgan and Dewi having a quick chat
Led by Suki Wanza, a local Kenyan actress, the 2nd day of the Indaba saw incredible, powerful discussions emerging from the “unconference” sessions. Through linking and sharing of personal stories, participants dove deeper into the key questions and issues that the three groups deal with. It was eye-opening for the participants. Friendships were formed and solidarity began to grow within the participating groups
See more photos below!
Participants creating their own agenda for the ‘unconference’ session
Margaret Kenyi (Founder and Executive Director) for Step By Step Learning Centre pitching for
psycho-social and intellectual disabilities as a sessionRubinem and Nadlrotussariroh pitching the issue of senior citizens and policy creationA presentation session led by Aminata Traore, Founder AMPA A quick consultation between Frederick Ouma Bwire (UG) and Ghanima (Tz) going on Dancing led by Morgan Maze form Yapesdi
The 3rd day of the Indaba marked the end of an inspiring, emotional and thought-provoking learning experience. Led by Sitawa Namwalie, an award-winning Kenyan poet, the morning session was all about expression and the participants designed 2 skits, a poem, and a recital! In the afternoon they performed these at the public event and all got hearty applauses. The public event saw a de(ep)bate with
No health without mental health: #Letstalkmentalhealth
Power of parents of children with disabilities
Albinism, what it is, what it is not. Busting the myths! #BeautyBeyondTheSkin
Policy co-creation with the elderly: #Ageisjustanumber
Recital on supporting family with psycho-social and intellectual disabilities Laying out the skit showing the issues of elderly persons
Interactions between Hassan Salum Mikazi from TAS (Tz) and Matthew from IKE FoundationInteractions at the public event Prepping for the public unconference session Pictures at the Photo Booth: Marinke Van Riet, Programme Manager Voice and Wanjiku Kamau, Executive director, Advocacy Accelerator
All photo credits go to Stephen Mdunga cc Lightbox studios