Welcome to the Voice family
Written Fati YABILAN, Linking, Learning and Amplifier Officer
The induction workshop for implementing grantees of projects with financial support from Voice took place on 18 and 19 January 2023.
This workshop aimed to enable grantees to understand the Voice programme, the Linking and Learning component and the various Voice reporting templates. It brought together around thirty participants during this two-day meeting and identified the grey areas that grantees could face during the implementation of the projects.
The session began with a welcome address by Mr KONATE PAPA Sosthene, Country Director of Oxfam Niger, who introduced Oxfam and its objectives and reassured the various partners of his availability and commitment to helping them.
RAMATOU Kane, Director of Oxfam’s programme in Niger, took the floor to support the words of the Country Director and urge grantees to be courageous, to carry out their activities in such a way as to have an impact on the lives of the communities with which they work, and above all, to amplify their actions in such a way as to make them more visible with convincing results.
The day’s activities continued with the presentation of the programme by the project coordinator Ms Aida Toyé who went over the five years of the Voice programme in Niger from 2017 to 2022 with some key achievements of the grantees. Her contribution continued with presenting Voice’s theory of change and results framework. A presentation of the heart and soul of Voice, “the Linking and Learning component” by Fati YABILAN, who is in charge of the component, as well as the hope-based communication within Voice and the various communication channels used. One cannot talk about the life of a project without the financial aspect. Thus, Mr Joseph DOURAMANE Abdoulkarim, finance Officer of Voice, did his best to make finances understandable so that all project managers could better understand how to make the expenses and have the proper justifications to facilitate the financial reporting. After that session, financial officers got together to talk in technical and economic terms and better understand the reporting framework used within Voice.
The workshop ended with a safeguarding session, a presentation by Oxfam’s safeguarding focal point in Niger. The session arouses a lot of interest among grantees, allowing them to manage their interventions and integrate the protection and prevention system within their organisations.