Call for proposal
Sauti Yangu, Uhuru Wetu! Ruzuku za Uwezeshaji -V-19107-TZ-EM
Grant amount
€ 5000 - €25000Project Duration
12 - 18 MonthsClosing date
17 May 2019 -
Je, wewe ni sehemu ya kikundi kisicho rasmi kinachochipukia au mtandao unaoongozwa na vijana? Je, mumeachwa kwenye michakato ya kisiasa na ya utoaji maamuzi kwenye serikali kuu na serikali za mitaa au na vyombo vingine vya utoaji maamuzi? Je, kikundi au mtandao wako unajiamini na una shauku ya kuchangia katika maendeleo ya kisiasa ya nchi yako? Je unaamini kwamba bado kuna nafasi kwa vijana nchini Tanzania kukua kitaaluma, kisiasa na kijamii? Je unakubali kwamba maendeleo ya kweli yanawezekana iwapo tu vijana watapata msaada zaidi kutoka kwenye jamii zao na serikali? Je una mikakati yoyote na/au ungependa kutekeleza mikakati hiyo katika kuwaleta pamoja watendaji wakuu wa serikali katika ngazi za taifa na jimbo ili kukuza taswira chanya kwa vijana na kupambana na ubaguzi?
Kama umejibu “Ndiyo” kwenye maswali hapo juu, basi unaweza kutuma andiko la mradi la kujenga mazingira rafiki kwa vijana ambayo yatawezesha ushiriki thabiti na mkamilifu wa vijana katika siasa.
Ruzuku ya uwezeshaji ni ya kiasi kisichopungua Euro 5,000 kisichozidi Euro 25,000. Kipindi cha utekelezaji wa miradi chini ya ruzuku hii hakitakiwi kuzidi miezi 18.
Ni eneo lipi tunalotaka kufadhili?
Miradi yenye mawazo bunifu, ambayo yatajikita katika makundi yanayo bagulia kwasababu ya umri, hususani vijana.
Mara nyingi wanaobaguliwa zaidi ni wale walio katika hali ngumu kutokana na sababu mbalimbali. Hivyo basi, tunatoa kipaumbele zaidi kwa miradi itakayoshughulikia matatizo yanayogusa makundi zaidi ya moja. Mradi wako unaweza kufanya kazi na makundi haya pamoja na mengine.
- Vijana wenye ulemavu
- Wasichana wanaokumbana na unyonyaji, unyanyasaji na ukatili
- Vijana wawindaji na wakusanyaji wa matunda
Mradi wako ujikite kwenye maudhui yafuatayo:
- Nafasi ya ushiriki katika siasa na ushirikishwaji wa raia
Ni maeneo yapi tungependa kufadhili?
Voice Tanzania ingependa kuimarisha zaidi kazi zake na itafadhili miradi ambayo itatekelezwa katika mikoa ifuatayo; Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Tanga, Morogoro na Arusha
Ni nani ambaye tungependa kumfadhili?
Tunapokea maombi ya mradi kutoka kwenye vikundi visivyo rasmi vinavyochipukia, ambapo makundi lengwa na mashirika yao yatatakiwa kuwa mstari wa mbele, aidha kwa kuongoza peke yao au na washirika, wakifikiria na kutafuta ufumbuzi na wengine. Mashirika ya kimataifa na ya kitaifa hayawezi kuwa waombaji wakuu, ila yanaweza kujiunga kama waombaji wenza pale ambapo maombi yamefanywa kwa kuungana.
Are you an emerging and/or informal group, movement or a network that is led by young people? Are you left out of political and decision making processes in local and central government and other decision making bodies? Does your group or network feel confident and eager to shape and contribute to your country’s political development? Do you believe there is space for young people in Tanzania to thrive, professionally, politically and socially? Do you acknowledge that real progress will only be possible if young people receive more support from their communities and their government? Do you have and/or wish to implement home grown strategies in mobilising key state agencies at national and provincial level to promote a positive image of youth and fight discrimination?
If you answered “yes” to the questions above, then consider applying to this call for proposals to create an enabling and youth-friendly environment that pave the way for an effective and meaningful youth political participation.
Empowerment Grant has a minimum of €5, 000 to a maximum of €25, 000. The life of projects under this grant must not exceed 18 months.
What are we looking to fund?
Proposals with “out of the box” project ideas that focus on age discriminated vulnerable groups, in particular, young people.
Often the most discriminated are those who may be vulnerable due to multiple reasons. Therefore, we have a strong preference for projects that address overlapping vulnerabilities. Your project can work with and not limited to;-
- Young people with disabilities
- Young women facing Exploitation, Abuse and Violence
- Young hunters and gatherers
Your project should focus on the following theme:
- Space for political participation and citizen engagement
Where do we wish to fund?
Voice Tanzania wishes to consolidate its work and will only fund projects that will be implemented in the following provinces; Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Tanga, Morogoro and Arusha.
Who do we wish to fund?
We are accepting proposals from small and/or emerging informal groups where the Voice target groups and their organizations need to be in the driving seat, whether leading on their own, with allies, or exploring and co-creating solutions with others. International as well as national organisations cannot be lead applicants but can team up as a co-applicant in the case of consortium applications.
From the numerous applications received the following grantees have been successful as part of this Call for Proposals. If you like to join Voice please see the current list of open Calls for ProposalsTanzaniaResources Ownership and Leadership Participation for Women and Girls
Sustainable Environment and Economic Development Organization (SEEDO)TanzaniaEmpowerment, Influence & Mobilisation of Women in Political Leadership
Tanga Paralegal Aid Scheme for Women and Children,TanzaniaVijana Taifa La Leo (The youth of our Nation)
Intergrated Development Initiatives in Ngorongoro (IDINGO)TanzaniaMaslahi yetu Kwanza (Our Interest first) Phase 1
Integrating Capacity and Community Advancement Organization (ICCAO)TanzaniaUnlocking local Opportunities for People with Disabilities
Tanzania Albinism Society Morogoro (TAS)TanzaniaRooting Youth Participation in Politics
Juhuiya Vikundi-Hisa Mvomero na Turiani (JIVIHIMTU)-
Je, wewe ni sehemu ya kikundi kisicho rasmi kinachochipukia au mtandao unaoongozwa na vijana? Je, mumeachwa kwenye michakato ya kisiasa na ya utoaji maamuzi kwenye serikali kuu na serikali za mitaa au na vyombo vingine vya utoaji maamuzi? Je, kikundi au mtandao wako unajiamini na una shauku ya kuchangia katika maendeleo ya kisiasa ya nchi yako? Je unaamini kwamba bado kuna nafasi kwa vijana nchini Tanzania kukua kitaaluma, kisiasa na kijamii? Je unakubali kwamba maendeleo ya kweli yanawezekana iwapo tu vijana watapata msaada zaidi kutoka kwenye jamii zao na serikali? Je una mikakati yoyote na/au ungependa kutekeleza mikakati hiyo katika kuwaleta pamoja watendaji wakuu wa serikali katika ngazi za taifa na jimbo ili kukuza taswira chanya kwa vijana na kupambana na ubaguzi?
Kama umejibu “Ndiyo” kwenye maswali hapo juu, basi unaweza kutuma andiko la mradi la kujenga mazingira rafiki kwa vijana ambayo yatawezesha ushiriki thabiti na mkamilifu wa vijana katika siasa.
Ruzuku ya uwezeshaji ni ya kiasi kisichopungua Euro 5,000 kisichozidi Euro 25,000. Kipindi cha utekelezaji wa miradi chini ya ruzuku hii hakitakiwi kuzidi miezi 18.
Ni eneo lipi tunalotaka kufadhili?
Miradi yenye mawazo bunifu, ambayo yatajikita katika makundi yanayo bagulia kwasababu ya umri, hususani vijana.
Mara nyingi wanaobaguliwa zaidi ni wale walio katika hali ngumu kutokana na sababu mbalimbali. Hivyo basi, tunatoa kipaumbele zaidi kwa miradi itakayoshughulikia matatizo yanayogusa makundi zaidi ya moja. Mradi wako unaweza kufanya kazi na makundi haya pamoja na mengine.
- Vijana wenye ulemavu
- Wasichana wanaokumbana na unyonyaji, unyanyasaji na ukatili
- Vijana wawindaji na wakusanyaji wa matunda
Mradi wako ujikite kwenye maudhui yafuatayo:
- Nafasi ya ushiriki katika siasa na ushirikishwaji wa raia
Ni maeneo yapi tungependa kufadhili?
Voice Tanzania ingependa kuimarisha zaidi kazi zake na itafadhili miradi ambayo itatekelezwa katika mikoa ifuatayo; Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Tanga, Morogoro na Arusha
Ni nani ambaye tungependa kumfadhili?
Tunapokea maombi ya mradi kutoka kwenye vikundi visivyo rasmi vinavyochipukia, ambapo makundi lengwa na mashirika yao yatatakiwa kuwa mstari wa mbele, aidha kwa kuongoza peke yao au na washirika, wakifikiria na kutafuta ufumbuzi na wengine. Mashirika ya kimataifa na ya kitaifa hayawezi kuwa waombaji wakuu, ila yanaweza kujiunga kama waombaji wenza pale ambapo maombi yamefanywa kwa kuungana.
Are you an emerging and/or informal group, movement or a network that is led by young people? Are you left out of political and decision making processes in local and central government and other decision making bodies? Does your group or network feel confident and eager to shape and contribute to your country’s political development? Do you believe there is space for young people in Tanzania to thrive, professionally, politically and socially? Do you acknowledge that real progress will only be possible if young people receive more support from their communities and their government? Do you have and/or wish to implement home grown strategies in mobilising key state agencies at national and provincial level to promote a positive image of youth and fight discrimination?
If you answered “yes” to the questions above, then consider applying to this call for proposals to create an enabling and youth-friendly environment that pave the way for an effective and meaningful youth political participation.
Empowerment Grant has a minimum of €5, 000 to a maximum of €25, 000. The life of projects under this grant must not exceed 18 months.
What are we looking to fund?
Proposals with “out of the box” project ideas that focus on age discriminated vulnerable groups, in particular, young people.
Often the most discriminated are those who may be vulnerable due to multiple reasons. Therefore, we have a strong preference for projects that address overlapping vulnerabilities. Your project can work with and not limited to;-
- Young people with disabilities
- Young women facing Exploitation, Abuse and Violence
- Young hunters and gatherers
Your project should focus on the following theme:
- Space for political participation and citizen engagement
Where do we wish to fund?
Voice Tanzania wishes to consolidate its work and will only fund projects that will be implemented in the following provinces; Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Tanga, Morogoro and Arusha.
Who do we wish to fund?
We are accepting proposals from small and/or emerging informal groups where the Voice target groups and their organizations need to be in the driving seat, whether leading on their own, with allies, or exploring and co-creating solutions with others. International as well as national organisations cannot be lead applicants but can team up as a co-applicant in the case of consortium applications.
How to apply?
From the numerous applications received the following grantees have been successful as part of this Call for Proposals. If you like to join Voice please see the current list of open Calls for Proposals
Resources Ownership and Leadership Participation for Women and Girls
Sustainable Environment and Economic Development Organization (SEEDO) -
Empowerment, Influence & Mobilisation of Women in Political Leadership
Tanga Paralegal Aid Scheme for Women and Children, -
Vijana Taifa La Leo (The youth of our Nation)
Intergrated Development Initiatives in Ngorongoro (IDINGO) -
Maslahi yetu Kwanza (Our Interest first) Phase 1
Integrating Capacity and Community Advancement Organization (ICCAO) -
Unlocking local Opportunities for People with Disabilities
Tanzania Albinism Society Morogoro (TAS) -
Rooting Youth Participation in Politics
Juhuiya Vikundi-Hisa Mvomero na Turiani (JIVIHIMTU)