Visual Journey opening up conversations on public participation: “We are not supposed to be left out”
by The Constellation, Multi-country Linking and Learning Facilitator
“Changes are happening! People Living with Disabilities are reached and our needs are met. Before, we were left behind, but now we have a voice in public space and we are claiming our rights. Now, there is hope,” says Ann Musembi, newly trained filmmaker in Kenya.
Great excitement of the audience at the launch of the Visual Journey Film (CHAMBUA PROJECT – Inclusive Taxation and Public Participation) on the 20st of March! The film was shot with handphones by newly trained filmmakers: Ann Musembi, Priscillah Musumbi, Sudi Mohammed, and Susan Nafula. The training was done by Jessica Rossi as part of the Visual Journey project that The Constellation is implementing with multi-country grantees of Voice.
The film tells, through a true story, what Public Participation really means. It shows the change that participants in the Kenyan Paraplegic Organisation project ‘Chambua’ undergo as they, after being robbed at the market, are successfully claiming back their rights through the law and in conversations with authorities. They now have a legal and protected place at the market where they can sell their wares.
Filmmaker Ann Musembi mentioned how the short film from now on can be used in every meeting and can open conversations about inclusion of people with disabilities. The reactions from the audience at the launch were proof of how the Visual Journey project indeed invites sharings around own experiences.

Picture by Eddy Man.
“We are not supposed to be left out. We should not be hiding and stay silent. If we are not there, we cannot be included. So we have to participate. We shall get people out of their house!”, comments audience Mrs. Afundi.
“I need an opportunity, I don’t need sympathy”, shares Catherine Muthoni who was denied several jobs because of her handicap.
“The true disability is when people are aware of what is right, understand their rights, but never stand up and fight for them.” reflects Miel Nora, an online participant.

Watch the full movie here:
#visualjourneychambua #hope #publicparticipation
@voice @kpo @the-constellation