Voice multi-country grantees bringing their dreams together
By The Constellation
“We were all diverse in terms of the work that we do in our organization and having our personal advocacy, but we bloomed into having a common dream of equality, respect, and caring for one another and our nature”.
This is the (anonymous) feedback in an online questionnaire on a dream-building event between Voice Multi-country grantees. The event took place at the end of July as part of the Voice Link and Learn process. Another participant was enthusiastic about:
“The sharing, the presence of the people, though virtual, is full of positive energy complementing one another!”
This year and during 2023 The Constellation is Voice’ partner for Linking and Learning between grantees with multi-country projects. The Constellation facilitators from Asia and Africa are accompanying the grantees and their rights holders as they discover their strengths and their dreams so that they come well prepared to joint learning events. Each grantee has developed an inspiring dream, which was brought together in three regional dreams during the month of June. One for Asia, one for anglophone Africa, one for francophone Africa.
‘It was interesting seeing the build up in the individual dreams to the point of merging it into a single regional dream. It’s a celebration of diversity as well as inclusivity, diverse and yet unique human beings came together to dream for a peaceful, loving and sustainable world!”
The conversation around dreams encouraged curiosity in each others fight and achievements.
As one participant stated:
“What made the grantee dreams powerful and moving is because of the context of the dream which encompasses the struggles that each rights holder is sharing. I think this is what they want to see in the regional dream, that their own unique context and distinct struggles and concerns etc, is reflected and not watered down with motherhood statements as they move to the global dream”.
The regional dream events opened participants’ minds to what is possible moving forward.
“It means a sustainable future for rights holders to achieve their full potential. That pivotal point where the different dreams meet for a common cause.”
On the 25th of August representatives of all 19 multi-country grantees from the three regions come together, online, to build one common dream for an inclusive world.
South East Asian Dream

“We envision a genuine region with love, unity, peace, and free from violence and discrimination regardless of SOGIESC(Sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics), Social and economic status, intersectionality between issues, race, disabilities, age, and non-visible identifiers or identities to contribute to a safe space with sustainable nature of openness, acceptance and respect to Human Rights.”
Anglo Africa Dream

“An inclusive, transformative society where programs are designed and implemented with a human rights focus, promoting an equal and empowered community.”
Franco-phone Africa Dream

Notre rêve pour la société en 2030:
“Un monde de droit ou chacun est accepté comme une personne humaine et apporte son plein potentiel dans un environnement sain.”
The featured image is sourced from https://thegreats.co/artworks/future