Meet the Voice grantees: Inclusion Innovation Indaba 2019
Come and meet the grantees of Voice!
The second Voice I3 Inclusion Innovation Indaba is an exciting gathering bringing together persons with albinism, elderly and persons with psychosocial or intellectual disability, and Voice linking and learning facilitators to share experiences and learn about their own empowerment and processes of coming to voice.
I3 is an open event, but we have limited capacity.
Please RSVP via with your name and organisation.
On our website we will share the blogs, vlogs and pod casts that come out from this event. At the Indaba open event there will be a photo and audio booth waiting for you to share how you found your own voice. Online you can follow us on twitter @voicetweetz and on instagram On Facebook join in the conversation by liking our page and we will also livestream the open event via this page.
We shall be using the following hashtags
We are happy to see you there in person or online!