Voice.Global website

  • Organisation

    Men’s Health Social Service (MHSS) is a local NGO established by a group of MSM and TG in the community and officially registered in 2004 as a local and non-profit organization. There were 9 branch offices in Phnom Penh, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey/PoyPet, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Thom, Pursat and Pailin, Kampong Speu and Prey Veng provinces. 

     Goal: Contribute to eliminating new HIV infection, stigma and discrimination, strengthening the health system and achieving universal health coverage (UHC) in Cambodia.  

     Vision: MHSS aspire to all Cambodian people that support community ownership and empowerment where all people have equitable access to quality HIV and comprehensive health services and sustainable development opportunities.  

     Mission: To continue to be a leader in the HIV response while addressing the wider health and development need of Cambodian people.  


     Efficiency and Effectiveness: MHSS strives at all times to offer value for money within a process and results-oriented framework built on professionalism, social responsibility, and sustainability. 

     Learning and Sharing: MHSS’s will join the research are utilized and disseminated to build the knowledge of all stakeholders. Evidence-based research innovates and pilot new ideas, and incorporates knowledge and best practices into all of our work. MHSS’s will contribute and join the research are utilized and disseminated to build the knowledge of all stakeholders. 

    • Organisation

      Men’s Health Social Service (MHSS) is a local NGO established by a group of MSM and TG in the community and officially registered in 2004 as a local and non-profit organization. There were 9 branch offices in Phnom Penh, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey/PoyPet, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Thom, Pursat and Pailin, Kampong Speu and Prey Veng provinces. 

       Goal: Contribute to eliminating new HIV infection, stigma and discrimination, strengthening the health system and achieving universal health coverage (UHC) in Cambodia.  

       Vision: MHSS aspire to all Cambodian people that support community ownership and empowerment where all people have equitable access to quality HIV and comprehensive health services and sustainable development opportunities.  

       Mission: To continue to be a leader in the HIV response while addressing the wider health and development need of Cambodian people.  


       Efficiency and Effectiveness: MHSS strives at all times to offer value for money within a process and results-oriented framework built on professionalism, social responsibility, and sustainability. 

       Learning and Sharing: MHSS’s will join the research are utilized and disseminated to build the knowledge of all stakeholders. Evidence-based research innovates and pilot new ideas, and incorporates knowledge and best practices into all of our work. MHSS’s will contribute and join the research are utilized and disseminated to build the knowledge of all stakeholders. 

    • Project

      This project aims to promote the potential of integrating the values of a good and productive citizen in LGBTQI people and their network, motivating them to lead a normal life by providing them a platform to develop and showcase their skills. 8 time of the community awareness-raising campaign, 1000 trees will be Plant during the International Royal Festival co-organizing by the committee to contribute the climate change actions as the role model of the next generation, Gay Pride Week Event International Human Right Day, pride Week Event in case the US-Embassy SOGI and Right session, SOGIE, and right training/ Refresher training, Radio Talk Show with CCHR and Media campaign to promote and reduce stigma and discrimination among LGBT1200 of a most marginalized and vulnerable group of LGBTQI people will be reached and knew their HIV status at, BTB and BMC provinces.  2 capacity building on SOGI and rights will be provided to 30 LGBTQI develop them into a productive and empowering citizen by providing to speak-out issues and problem-solving with policymakers and relevant stakeholders. 

       Project Objectives and key activities: 

       Objective 1: To provide the opportunity and empower the voice of LGBTQI to become a member of commune council development, and a mentor of grant using effectively HIV program among key population 

       Objective2: To develop a model of Community-Led to reduce stigma and discrimination and the right to access health service among LGBTQI and sustainability development LGBTQI people. 

       Objective3: To provide the opportunity for LGBTQI people to advocate on demand of social protection such as ID poor and health equity Fund. 

  • Project

    This project aims to promote the potential of integrating the values of a good and productive citizen in LGBTQI people and their network, motivating them to lead a normal life by providing them a platform to develop and showcase their skills. 8 time of the community awareness-raising campaign, 1000 trees will be Plant during the International Royal Festival co-organizing by the committee to contribute the climate change actions as the role model of the next generation, Gay Pride Week Event International Human Right Day, pride Week Event in case the US-Embassy SOGI and Right session, SOGIE, and right training/ Refresher training, Radio Talk Show with CCHR and Media campaign to promote and reduce stigma and discrimination among LGBT1200 of a most marginalized and vulnerable group of LGBTQI people will be reached and knew their HIV status at, BTB and BMC provinces.  2 capacity building on SOGI and rights will be provided to 30 LGBTQI develop them into a productive and empowering citizen by providing to speak-out issues and problem-solving with policymakers and relevant stakeholders. 

     Project Objectives and key activities: 

     Objective 1: To provide the opportunity and empower the voice of LGBTQI to become a member of commune council development, and a mentor of grant using effectively HIV program among key population 

     Objective2: To develop a model of Community-Led to reduce stigma and discrimination and the right to access health service among LGBTQI and sustainability development LGBTQI people. 

     Objective3: To provide the opportunity for LGBTQI people to advocate on demand of social protection such as ID poor and health equity Fund. 

  • News


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