Voice.Global website

  • Organisation

    The Coalition of African Alternatives to Debt and Development is a popular social movement under Malian law founded in 2001.

    It brings together nearly one hundred civil society organizations, including farmers’ organizations, women’s and youth groups,trade unions, religious associations (Muslim and Christian) and individuals committed to the cause of the people.

    Its mission is to eradicate the mechanisms that block development, such as the external public debt of the countries of the South, to satisfy the basic needs of human beings (health, education, work) in Mali and the rest of Africa.

    To do this, CAD-Mali conducts advocacy campaigns with political authorities to provide equitable access to basic social services such as education, water, energy, health, etc. These campaigns aim to involve the population in the essential decisions that concern them first, for example, by advocating for a referendum on the privatization of a railway company.
    This project aims to promote the equitable participation of women, young women and people with disabilities in the management of public affairs in the project’s intervention zones (Ségou, Konodimini, N’Gara, Sébougou, Niono, Sirifila Boundy, Siribala, Kolongo, Macina and Dougabougou). The findings of the DAC-Mali show a lack of political will on the part of decision-makers to correctly apply Law 052 and other conventions ratified by Mali in relation to the participation and involvement of women, young women and people with disabilities in decision-making bodies. Thus, the DAC-Mali recommends capacity building actions, advocacy and political dialogue at the national and regional levels for the power holders (political, administrative, religious and customary authorities).

    • Organisation

      The Coalition of African Alternatives to Debt and Development is a popular social movement under Malian law founded in 2001.

      It brings together nearly one hundred civil society organizations, including farmers’ organizations, women’s and youth groups,trade unions, religious associations (Muslim and Christian) and individuals committed to the cause of the people.

      Its mission is to eradicate the mechanisms that block development, such as the external public debt of the countries of the South, to satisfy the basic needs of human beings (health, education, work) in Mali and the rest of Africa.

      To do this, CAD-Mali conducts advocacy campaigns with political authorities to provide equitable access to basic social services such as education, water, energy, health, etc. These campaigns aim to involve the population in the essential decisions that concern them first, for example, by advocating for a referendum on the privatization of a railway company.
      This project aims to promote the equitable participation of women, young women and people with disabilities in the management of public affairs in the project’s intervention zones (Ségou, Konodimini, N’Gara, Sébougou, Niono, Sirifila Boundy, Siribala, Kolongo, Macina and Dougabougou). The findings of the DAC-Mali show a lack of political will on the part of decision-makers to correctly apply Law 052 and other conventions ratified by Mali in relation to the participation and involvement of women, young women and people with disabilities in decision-making bodies. Thus, the DAC-Mali recommends capacity building actions, advocacy and political dialogue at the national and regional levels for the power holders (political, administrative, religious and customary authorities).

    • Project

      This project aims to promote the equitable participation of women, young women and people with disabilities in the management of public affairs in the project’s intervention zones (Ségou, Konodimini, N’Gara, Sébougou, Niono, Sirifila Boundy, Siribala, Kolongo, Macina and Dougabougou). The findings of the DAC-Mali reveal a lack of political will on the part of decision-makers to correctly apply Law 052 and other conventions ratified by Mali in relation to the participation of women, young women and people with disabilities in decision-making bodies. Thus, the DAC-Mali recommends capacity building, advocacy and political dialogue for those in power (political, administrative, religious and traditional authorities). Indeed, in these communes, women face exclusion in the political, economic and social sphere because of social gravity and the non-application of texts and laws. In addition, the proposed intervention is also relevant to Voice’s strategy of “Nothing for us without us” through;

      • Improving the representation of women and their participation in relation to the law on quotas in decision-making bodies;
      • The acceleration of the effective application of Law N°2015-052; – The improvement of equitable and equal access of women and youth to rural land;
      • The practical implementation of laws and commitments ratified by Mali in terms of the promotion and protection of women’s rights. The programme will also contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through SDG 5, SDG 10, SDG 16 and SDG 17. In addition, the project will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of Mali’s new CREDD (Cadre de Relance Economique et du Développement Durable) 2019-2023, particularly the specific objective relating to governance and democracy. In order to achieve the results of this project, the DAC-Mali proposes a strategy to change perceptions of women’s participation in the management of public affairs, the institutionalisation of spaces for dialogue between elected officials and citizens for the effective application of Law 052, and the monitoring and control of policies by citizens as a catalyst for structural and sustainable changes favourable to women, young women and people with disabilities. Thus, the programme will reach 1,000 women, young women and people with disabilities. The project aims to contribute to the improvement of democratic culture, accountability and the equitable participation of women in the management of public affairs. To this end, the expected results include;
      • The active participation of women in decision-making is improved;
      • Rightsholders participate in the planning, implementation and monitoring-evaluation of public affairs;
      • Rightsholders hold elected officials and public institutions accountable for providing quality services that benefit women, young women and people with disabilities.
  • Project

    This project aims to promote the equitable participation of women, young women and people with disabilities in the management of public affairs in the project’s intervention zones (Ségou, Konodimini, N’Gara, Sébougou, Niono, Sirifila Boundy, Siribala, Kolongo, Macina and Dougabougou). The findings of the DAC-Mali reveal a lack of political will on the part of decision-makers to correctly apply Law 052 and other conventions ratified by Mali in relation to the participation of women, young women and people with disabilities in decision-making bodies. Thus, the DAC-Mali recommends capacity building, advocacy and political dialogue for those in power (political, administrative, religious and traditional authorities). Indeed, in these communes, women face exclusion in the political, economic and social sphere because of social gravity and the non-application of texts and laws. In addition, the proposed intervention is also relevant to Voice’s strategy of “Nothing for us without us” through;

    • Improving the representation of women and their participation in relation to the law on quotas in decision-making bodies;
    • The acceleration of the effective application of Law N°2015-052; – The improvement of equitable and equal access of women and youth to rural land;
    • The practical implementation of laws and commitments ratified by Mali in terms of the promotion and protection of women’s rights. The programme will also contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through SDG 5, SDG 10, SDG 16 and SDG 17. In addition, the project will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of Mali’s new CREDD (Cadre de Relance Economique et du Développement Durable) 2019-2023, particularly the specific objective relating to governance and democracy. In order to achieve the results of this project, the DAC-Mali proposes a strategy to change perceptions of women’s participation in the management of public affairs, the institutionalisation of spaces for dialogue between elected officials and citizens for the effective application of Law 052, and the monitoring and control of policies by citizens as a catalyst for structural and sustainable changes favourable to women, young women and people with disabilities. Thus, the programme will reach 1,000 women, young women and people with disabilities. The project aims to contribute to the improvement of democratic culture, accountability and the equitable participation of women in the management of public affairs. To this end, the expected results include;
    • The active participation of women in decision-making is improved;
    • Rightsholders participate in the planning, implementation and monitoring-evaluation of public affairs;
    • Rightsholders hold elected officials and public institutions accountable for providing quality services that benefit women, young women and people with disabilities.


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