Voice.Global website


This page features the latest opportunities with Voice. We particularly welcome applications from women and/or persons that belong to one (or more) of the rightsholder groups. Depending on the country, vacancies are posted in either English or French – the two official languages for Voice.


Researcher/Research Team

For Voice’s Meta Analysis: From Open to Inclusive Governance Grant Program

Application deadline:  25 May 2024
Engagement period: 01 June – 30 September 2024

In February 2020, with support from the Hewlett Foundation and in cooperation with the Trust, Accountability, and Inclusion (TAI) network (formerly the Transparency & Accountability Initiative), Voice launched the ‘From Open to Inclusive Governance’ grant. The grant sought to support initiatives aiming to enhance the inclusion of rightsholder groups (e.g. women, youth, people with disabilities/albinism, survivors of gender-based violence, Indigenous peoples, LGBTQI+ community) in governance, public decision-making, and service delivery.  Since August 2020, with support from this grant, six projects involving 17 organisations have been implementing initiatives ranging from community-led research and data generation to education of rightsholders on policy processes and active influencing and advocacy. Throughout this process, they have been accompanied in a reflective and iterative learning process by the Coady Institute aiming to strengthen their citizen-led accountability and advocacy efforts.


In line with our aspiration to be a learning program, Voice is keen to understand the higher-level outcomes and lessons emerging from these six projects, to serve as a resource for practitioners working to enhance inclusive governance as well as for their supporters.  Voice is now seeking a researcher/ research team to conduct a meta-analysis of the outcomes and learning emerging from six projects funded by Voice under the ‘From Open to Inclusive Governance’ grant and how that relates to general developments in the sector.


Learning Questions framing the research:

PROJECT LEVEL QUESTIONS – Understand what has happened at the level of the six projects to identify themes/ angles for a meta-analysis?

  • What are the significant outcomes of these five/ six projects after almost 4 years?
  • Are there any significant commonalities in the trajectories and outcomes of these five/ six projects? Are there any significant differences?
  • Is there any linkage/ connection between the projects? If yes, have the linkages and connections had any outcomes in and of themselves?
  • To what extent are the results achieved by the project sustainable?

CONTEXT LEVEL QUESTIONS – Understand what has happened in the context to identify themes/ angles for a meta-analysis?

  • How have the six projects adapted to the dynamic civic space context in their countries?
  • How have the six projects influenced the political, social, legal and economic context in which they are operating?
    • What strategies have been found most useful to continue holding the line in the face of growing blowback against human rights defenders, and particular communities?
    • Have there been any ripple effects from the five/ six projects to the civil society organisations / social movements in Kenya and Uganda?


    • How have the initial assumptions underlying the start of the collaboration between Voice, TAI and the Hewlett Foundation held through to the end, e.g.,
      • That rightsholders groups have had their voices included/ heard in transparency, accountability and good governance spaces,
      • That participation of rightsholders in the transparency, accountability and good governance spaces has made these more open and inclusive to rightsholders’ perspectives. Have any specific changes transpired as a result of this openness and inclusion?
    • How has the foundational assumption underlying Voice – that capacity strengthening through grant making as well as linking and learning contribute to increased capacity of rightsholders to demand accountability, to lobby, and to advocate – held up?
      • Any insights on trust/ relationship/ alliance building within and among the rightsholders groups?
      • Any insights on how the capacity of rightholders was strengthened (e.g. which types of interventions/support were most effective) and how this impacted their ability to make their voices heard, demand accountability, lobby and advocate?
      • Any insights on the role of (semi)-structured learning and accompaniment focused on knowledge and skills related to transparency, accountability, and advocacy for inclusive governance?
      • Any insights on trust/ relationship building and influencing with power holders and duty bearers?
      • Any practical insights on aspects such as time frame, resource needs, etc.


Expected deliverables

A meta-analysis report responding to the learning questions above. This report will form the basis of a knowledge exchange among Voice grantee partners and other relevant stakeholders.


Applicant assessment and track record

  • Proven experience conducting relevant research and analysis in the field of human rights and development. Experience working with programmes on diversity and inclusion is desirable.
  • Proven experience in using participatory methodologies to gather data/information, do analysis and reflect on the preliminary findings.
  • Demonstrated work and lived experience in the East Africa region is highly desirable.
  • Experience with creative research approaches is welcome.
  • Excellent English speaking and writing skills.

If worked with Oxfam or Hivos before, the applicant organisation must have a clean financial record.


Application procedure

We require persons interested to send us an expression of interest to facilitate engagement and required preparation. The maximum amount available for this consultancy is Euro 10,000. Please submit your proposal via email to hello@voice.global by the closing date of 25th May 2024 (midnight CET time).


You may access the full Terms of Reference here.


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