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Indonesia Inklusi Bulletin Volume 3

Long live solidarity and inclusion! Following positive responses from the grantee partners of Voice in Indonesia  regarding the 1st and 2nd editions of the Indonesia Inklusi Bulletin, we are thrilled to announce that the 3rd edition of the Indonesia Inklusi Bulletin is now available to the public.

This current edition, unlike the previous two, was completed by the involvement of grantee partners in Indonesia who recently joined Voice Indonesia, contributing to a rich diversity of the articles in this bulletin. The different angles are expected to enrich readers’ perspectives on the issues of marginalised groups and inclusivity.

– Voice Indonesia

  • Publication title: Indonesia Inklusi Bulletin 3rd Edition
  • Author:
  • Publisher: Pamflet, Indonesia Inklusi
  • Document Type: pdf
  • Keywords: Indonesia Inklusi, Communities of Practice, Linking and Learning
  • Download file


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