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Tunggal Pawestri

Executive Director of Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial, Indonesia (Yayasan Hivos), affiliated with Hivos Stichting the Netherlands. 

Tunngal is the executive director of Yayasan Hivos based in Jakarta, Indonesia that manages some programmes in Southeast Asia. She gives advice and facilitates programme design, provides technical expertise for capacity strengthening of different rightsholders groups, particularly in Indonesia and Timor Leste on gender equality, sexual rights, human rights and diversity issues. She is known in Indonesia as one of the women’s rights activists who actively advocates for gender and sexuality issues. Before she joined as the executive director of Yayasan Hivos in Indonesia, Tunggal Pawestri was Programme Development Manager on Gender, Sexual Rights and Diversity at Hivos Southeast Asia for 12 years (2009-2021). From 2006-2009, she was a programme officer on IRI Indonesia, facilitated capacity strengthening for women politicians. Before that, she was a programme officer on gender and election program at CETRO (Centre for Election Reform) in Indonesia. She regularly writes op-eds for a number of national newspapers and media outlets related to gender equality and sexual diversity issues. Tunggal has also co-produced three short films and one feature film related to gender, sexuality, and human rights. As part of her commitment to gender equality and the advancement of women’s rights, currently, she serves as one of the members of an independent team of Global Women’s Safety Expert Advisor of Facebook.

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