Voice.Global website

  • Organisation

    The Cambodia Young Men’s Christian Association (Cambodia YMCA) has been in operation in Cambodia since 1999. As a local non-governmental organisation, the Cambodia YMCA is focused on community building that works to build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. The Organisation works through a wide variety of programmes and initiatives providing education, community services and personal development opportunities to people in Cambodia. The Cambodia YMCA has been working for nine years on the issues of early childhood, street children, youth empowerment, home base care for elderly people and other community services development including economic improvement. Since 2008, the Organisation has served more than 20,000 people in their programmes located in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Preah Sihanuk, Kampot and other provinces. Our vision: Children, Youth, and Elderly People have a better living in the Communities. Our mission: Sharing a Common Vision to Build Sustainable Communities, Our Core Values: We are Caring, Respecting, Honesty, Responsibility, Inclusiveness We currently partner with the Asia and Pacific Alliances of YMCAs, YMCA of USA, YMCA of New Zealand, YMCA of Australia, YMCA of Japan, YMCA of Singapore, Y’s Men International and local businesses. They have been our supporters over the years. And as we continue to develop and grow, we hope to build our own sustainability to empower ourselves to support and pursue our own vision.

    • Organisation

      The Cambodia Young Men’s Christian Association (Cambodia YMCA) has been in operation in Cambodia since 1999. As a local non-governmental organisation, the Cambodia YMCA is focused on community building that works to build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. The Organisation works through a wide variety of programmes and initiatives providing education, community services and personal development opportunities to people in Cambodia. The Cambodia YMCA has been working for nine years on the issues of early childhood, street children, youth empowerment, home base care for elderly people and other community services development including economic improvement. Since 2008, the Organisation has served more than 20,000 people in their programmes located in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Preah Sihanuk, Kampot and other provinces. Our vision: Children, Youth, and Elderly People have a better living in the Communities. Our mission: Sharing a Common Vision to Build Sustainable Communities, Our Core Values: We are Caring, Respecting, Honesty, Responsibility, Inclusiveness We currently partner with the Asia and Pacific Alliances of YMCAs, YMCA of USA, YMCA of New Zealand, YMCA of Australia, YMCA of Japan, YMCA of Singapore, Y’s Men International and local businesses. They have been our supporters over the years. And as we continue to develop and grow, we hope to build our own sustainability to empower ourselves to support and pursue our own vision.

    • Project

      Youth Action to Promote Voice of Elderly-TOUGH project transforms the lives of Old people who are Unable to Gain a Happy life (TOUGH) in the last minutes of their lives. Through our experiences working with 102 elderly people since 2012, we found that elderly people are abandoned and left out in any developmental activities. The programme intends to address the concerns of older people who are living in difficult situations such as (loneliness, hunger, diseases, and disabilities) in their community in Phnom Penh. As a project of association, TOUGH hopes to promote an environment of respect, valuing care and social inclusion for the old people. It also aims to improve the quality of life by empowering old people and increase their voice in society. To make it happen and achieve its aims, YMCA provides an understanding of right and justice to strengthen their voice to the policy maker and the government and the hold of the society of Cambodia accountable in ensuring they have basic nursing care as well as providing basic needs people such as food and nutrition in their own homes. YMCA works hard in assisting the elderly people to create their voice in order to improve their quality of life by forming the OPA. TOUGH will work with 6 existing communities and form as OPAs in three districts (Ruseykeo, Sensok, Posenchey) in Phnom Penh in partnership with the Social Affaire and Office of Social Affair of Phnom Penh including districts with listed.

  • Project

    Youth Action to Promote Voice of Elderly-TOUGH project transforms the lives of Old people who are Unable to Gain a Happy life (TOUGH) in the last minutes of their lives. Through our experiences working with 102 elderly people since 2012, we found that elderly people are abandoned and left out in any developmental activities. The programme intends to address the concerns of older people who are living in difficult situations such as (loneliness, hunger, diseases, and disabilities) in their community in Phnom Penh. As a project of association, TOUGH hopes to promote an environment of respect, valuing care and social inclusion for the old people. It also aims to improve the quality of life by empowering old people and increase their voice in society. To make it happen and achieve its aims, YMCA provides an understanding of right and justice to strengthen their voice to the policy maker and the government and the hold of the society of Cambodia accountable in ensuring they have basic nursing care as well as providing basic needs people such as food and nutrition in their own homes. YMCA works hard in assisting the elderly people to create their voice in order to improve their quality of life by forming the OPA. TOUGH will work with 6 existing communities and form as OPAs in three districts (Ruseykeo, Sensok, Posenchey) in Phnom Penh in partnership with the Social Affaire and Office of Social Affair of Phnom Penh including districts with listed.

  • Project journey

    “The community is strong and the elders help each other when they have problems. They provide warmness to each other without discrimination. They are happy, feel included, and no longer feel that they are left behind.”_ Sang Samath, a pioneer youth volunteer of this project who is proactive in assisting isolated elderly people in their poor community in urban Phnom Penh.  

     There are 7 OPAs were successfully formed in 3 different districts in urban Phnom Penh with a total of 682 elderly members (490 females). Formed OPA federation which consists of management leaders from all the 7 OPAs. OPAs have received capacity building “OPA’s by law” to understand OPA function, role, and financial management for supporting OPA.  

     Then, The 7 OPAs were recognized by local authorities as the group working to address issues of the elderly. Project stakeholders were invited to join their activities to learn from how they work and gather. OPA conducts monthly meetings a regular time in a total of 23 times, 804 participants (F: 576) to serve as a community platform or space for elderly people to have time to meet and discuss any issues or challenges, and concerns related to their aging in communities. 

     Elderly people in 7 communities were visited by youth volunteers and project staff. Nearly 95 % of old people have received home visits and counseling. One exchange program visit was conducted by 7 OPAs leaders who had visited and learned from good practices of OPA in Kampong Thom and Siem Reap provinces with facilitated by HAC. 97% of old people had a good experience with fun-fun activities with the project team. They have received spiritual support to celebrate their religious ceremonial events such as Phchum Ben and Christmas. 2 capacity training were provided to OPAs leaders on Aging issues and advocacy skills for the committee and how to create voices and ways to communicate with local authorities.  

     They have mobilized 92 youth (F:42) who are very proactive to assist isolated elderly people living in the urban poor community in Phnom Penh.  Youth’s home visit is a part of encouragement for elderly people not to feel lonely and stressed and it shows a sense of care from the young people to the elderly. Youth volunteers of the project had led and assisted elderly people in the community to do exercise with music playing for 2 hours every month. This activity made the elderly feel happy to do the dancing exercise which also help them relax and reduce some of the other health risks.  

     Besides, an International Day of Older Person event was conducted with the topic “Promote Well-being of Older People in Cambodia” with a total of participants of 590 (F: 430). Also, a video clip and 7 times Radio talk shows and online were conducted related to the need and issues of elderly people. 

     The project plans to continue to support and expand OPAs to more than seven communities in Phnom Penh to create more voices for the elderly. They want to provide further capacity building on how to improve OPAs management, their leadership, and advocacy skills, as they find this important for the team. In addition, they want to work with local authorities to provide poor ID cards.  



     Social media activities:  

  • News


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