Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment
Amount Funded
24,976 EUROProject Duration
01 Mar 2018 - 29 Feb 2020 -
Lead organisation
Community Empowerment and Rehabilitation Initiative for Development (CERID)
The Community Empowerment and Rehabilitation Initiative for Development (CERID) was established in 2016, under the NGO Act. The organisation was established as a response to the need of the community to address the wide spread poverty among women and youth concerning health, environment and education. CERID is demand driven depending on what the communities they work in seek to have tackled in real time. They aim through their mission to promote and empower communities with Life Skills for self reliance and sustainable Development.
They activities include women and youth economic empowerment to ensure income generation through the creation of Voluntary Savings and Loan Association (VSLAs) managed by women and youth directly.
The Community Empowerment and Rehabilitation Initiative for Development (CERID) was established in 2016, under the NGO Act. The organisation was established as a response to the need of the community to address the wide spread poverty among women and youth concerning health, environment and education. CERID is demand driven depending on what the communities they work in seek to have tackled in real time. They aim through their mission to promote and empower communities with Life Skills for self reliance and sustainable Development.
They activities include women and youth economic empowerment to ensure income generation through the creation of Voluntary Savings and Loan Association (VSLAs) managed by women and youth directly.
CERID’s Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment builds on the successes of Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) model under which savings groups are formed at the community level to reduce poverty by financially and socially empowering poor and vulnerable people. CERID intends to expand this programme to Koboko district with an element of business/livelihoods promotion for vulnerable women with the aim of economically empowering them and building their capacity to improve the well-being of their families especially for health and nutrition of their children.
The project is implemented through mobilising women into VSLAs, registering VSLAs with local authorities, capacity gap assessment of aspiring businesswomen, training 200 women in Business/ livelihood skills and hands on experience, identifying business mentors, mentoring 200 women in business and starting up new business/livelihoods ventures.
CERID’s Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment builds on the successes of Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) model under which savings groups are formed at the community level to reduce poverty by financially and socially empowering poor and vulnerable people. CERID intends to expand this programme to Koboko district with an element of business/livelihoods promotion for vulnerable women with the aim of economically empowering them and building their capacity to improve the well-being of their families especially for health and nutrition of their children.
The project is implemented through mobilising women into VSLAs, registering VSLAs with local authorities, capacity gap assessment of aspiring businesswomen, training 200 women in Business/ livelihood skills and hands on experience, identifying business mentors, mentoring 200 women in business and starting up new business/livelihoods ventures.
The project established 10 VSLAs engaging a total of 284 vulnerable women. Out of 284 beneficiaries, 97 (34%) were female youth, 184 (65%) female adults and 3 (1%) men. VSLA life skills were instilled in members to improve their savings culture. Numeracy and literacy and leadership skills of women were also enhanced. There has been a high rate of membership retention due to the follow-up and mentorship provided by CERID. In the 10 VSLAs established, savings increased from UGX 34,728,000 to UGX 40,829,000 at the end of the project. The loan portfolio increased to UGX 30,069,150. 259 women were trained in business skills, life skills such as self-confidence. The 10 VSLA groups were also registered with the local authorities; Group registration provides legal recognition and to benefit from other government programmes such as Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) and Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Program(UWEP). The 10 VSLAs were also linked to microfinance institutions, commercial banks and additional support rendered to them; 2 VSLA groups received two grants from government worth UGX. 9,2331,000 for farming, food security and income which improved their livelihoods. 277 women took on income generating activities including farming ventures such growing improved cassava varieties, horticulture, and tobacco, rearing goats and poultry. Others were involved in retail trade dealing in household goods, food processing (grinding mills), and eating houses (selling tea and cooked food.
In the community, CERID worked closely with political and civic leaders to mobilise the community to participate in the initiative. Political leaders were instrumental in linking the VSLA groups to other opportunities within the Sub Counties.
At individual level, women participating in VSLA groups learnt groups dynamics; skills to save and access loans to solve financial challenges and had the opportunity to raise capital for business start-up. Among the marrieds, couple communication improved which allowed for more support from their husbands in undertaking the business enterprises. In some groups, husbands also joined the VSLAs after witnessing the benefits of belonging to the groups.
Alomo Rukia 43 years old chairperson of Alio-Nji VSLA group in green T shirt showcasing the sheep and goats she acquired from VSLA. “The money I saved in the first circle was 280,000ugx I bought two Sheep at 80,000ugx each and the second circle I saved 300,000ugx I bought one Sheep at 90,000ugx the balance I used to support my children’s school fees. When they multiply I will use the proceeds to support my son who is in primary school. The training and financial support, I got from the group has empowered me to stand on my own. Am now happy that I can contribute in the family for the basic needs, I encourage other women to join VSLA groups and get empowered. I thank the VOICE project through CERID for empowering me, it has been at the right time to the right people’’ said Alomo Rukia of Alio-nji VSLA