Voice.Global website

  • Organisation

    ONG LA CITOYENNE was created in 2005 and is located in Segou in the region of Tombouctou in Mali. The organisation operates in 3 big domains: Health, Education and Environment.

    Its mission is to contribute to the quality of life and protection of vulnerable communities, especially women, youth and children. Based on a participatory approach, they aim to strengthen the target group capacity for self-promotion.

    • Organisation

      ONG LA CITOYENNE was created in 2005 and is located in Segou in the region of Tombouctou in Mali. The organisation operates in 3 big domains: Health, Education and Environment.

      Its mission is to contribute to the quality of life and protection of vulnerable communities, especially women, youth and children. Based on a participatory approach, they aim to strengthen the target group capacity for self-promotion.

    • Project

      The Inclusive Dialogue between young women and their parents in N’Gara project strengthens the capacities of ​young women an girls to exchange views on topics like education, sexual and reproductive health, marriage, and alike. They influence local actors (women, young, local communal, elected leaders, traditional communicators, the groupings of women’s) on the rights of young girls and the need for economic empowerment. The project also defends and reclaims their rights, supports to develop​ their leadership skills as well as engaging in conversations on sexual reproductive health.

      The women develop traditional linking and learning activities and start a fund to facilitate the #tontine sessions# (savings group) with the technique “Saving for Change” for the economic revival through income-generating activities (fish farming, market, gardening, small trade …)

      The project also focuses on strengthening the capacities of individuals who are survivors of gender-based violence. Besides awareness on gender-based violence, the Inclusive Dialogue also aims at influencing their family and community members to maintain young girls in school and to chose against early child marriage

  • Project

    The Inclusive Dialogue between young women and their parents in N’Gara project strengthens the capacities of ​young women an girls to exchange views on topics like education, sexual and reproductive health, marriage, and alike. They influence local actors (women, young, local communal, elected leaders, traditional communicators, the groupings of women’s) on the rights of young girls and the need for economic empowerment. The project also defends and reclaims their rights, supports to develop​ their leadership skills as well as engaging in conversations on sexual reproductive health.

    The women develop traditional linking and learning activities and start a fund to facilitate the #tontine sessions# (savings group) with the technique “Saving for Change” for the economic revival through income-generating activities (fish farming, market, gardening, small trade …)

    The project also focuses on strengthening the capacities of individuals who are survivors of gender-based violence. Besides awareness on gender-based violence, the Inclusive Dialogue also aims at influencing their family and community members to maintain young girls in school and to chose against early child marriage

  • News


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