PELITA The Humba-Hammu Paraingu
Amount Funded
199,061 EUROProject Duration
01 Nov 2021 - 30 Apr 2024 -
Lead organisation
Gender Focal Point - GFP
A Gender Focal Point (GFP) Humba Hammu Network in Sumba was legally established in 2020 as perkumpulan after almost five years of working with Hivos Sumba Iconic Island through various capacity development programs in Gender Action for Learning (GALS), sustainability and environment, system thinking for problem analysis, organizational development, and the uses of media. In addition, all organizations have worked with Hivos through the TERANG project, Lukuwingir project and now MENTARI program; to deliver GALS training and support local advocacy efforts.
These programs are further elaborated below:1. TERANG project in 2017 was an electrification program through small-scale distributed energy solutions consisting of solar photovoltaic (PV) for schools and kiosks, and solar mills, in more than 100 locations in Sumba. Humba Hammu was involved in delivering GALS training to the target communities.
2. Lukuwingir Project was a multi-stakeholder pilot project in East Sumba aiming to mainstream gender at the village level through Renewable Energy (RE). The outputs were a District decree on gender mainstreaming, the establishment of the Marangga Panamu Forum, and funding commitment from technocrat planning.
3. MENTARI project is ongoing in Central Sumba, HumbaHammu is contracted through the consortium of Palladium and Hivos to deliver GALS training to communities and businesses in Mata Redi village who are going to benefit from 95 kWp solar PV centralized system in the future.GFP is a bold commitment to advocating and mainstream gender issues in Sumba, primarily through climate change mitigation strategies such as access to renewable energy and alternative livelihood. GFP acts as an advocate/advisor/facilitator/trainer for the community and government. GFPalso functions as a platform for knowledge sharing. It has with both fellow and broader parties. Finally, GFP acts as a future gender catalyst that becomes a reference for community empowerment programs on Sumba Island.
A Gender Focal Point (GFP) Humba Hammu Network in Sumba was legally established in 2020 as perkumpulan after almost five years of working with Hivos Sumba Iconic Island through various capacity development programs in Gender Action for Learning (GALS), sustainability and environment, system thinking for problem analysis, organizational development, and the uses of media. In addition, all organizations have worked with Hivos through the TERANG project, Lukuwingir project and now MENTARI program; to deliver GALS training and support local advocacy efforts.
These programs are further elaborated below:1. TERANG project in 2017 was an electrification program through small-scale distributed energy solutions consisting of solar photovoltaic (PV) for schools and kiosks, and solar mills, in more than 100 locations in Sumba. Humba Hammu was involved in delivering GALS training to the target communities.
2. Lukuwingir Project was a multi-stakeholder pilot project in East Sumba aiming to mainstream gender at the village level through Renewable Energy (RE). The outputs were a District decree on gender mainstreaming, the establishment of the Marangga Panamu Forum, and funding commitment from technocrat planning.
3. MENTARI project is ongoing in Central Sumba, HumbaHammu is contracted through the consortium of Palladium and Hivos to deliver GALS training to communities and businesses in Mata Redi village who are going to benefit from 95 kWp solar PV centralized system in the future.GFP is a bold commitment to advocating and mainstream gender issues in Sumba, primarily through climate change mitigation strategies such as access to renewable energy and alternative livelihood. GFP acts as an advocate/advisor/facilitator/trainer for the community and government. GFPalso functions as a platform for knowledge sharing. It has with both fellow and broader parties. Finally, GFP acts as a future gender catalyst that becomes a reference for community empowerment programs on Sumba Island.
The electrification ratio in Sumba has reached almost 75%, and through the Sumba Iconic Island Program, renewable energy has contributed to 13% of the energy mix in Sumba. This has opened a substantial economic opportunity for local communities, especially women,youth, and children in remote and secluded villages.
The Humba Hammu network/ Gender Focal Point (GFP) network of local CSOs in Sumba, established as Perkumpulan in 2020. GFP members are already working with Hivos since 2016 on various projects and have received extensive capacity building in Gender Action Learning for Sustainability (GALS) and renewable energy. Between 2016-2020, the network members have accumulated learning in the different approaches to increase women and marginalized group capacity at the level of households and community and economic empowerment.
Together with PELITA as lead, the Humba-Hammu wants to replicate the village modelin Lukuwingir in East Sumba, elaborating the accumulated lesson learned. This project is a Sustainable and Inclusive Paraingu Project. The Paraingu Project aims to increase indigenous people’s livelihood, specifically women, youth, elderly, and people with disabilities, in six villages in Sumba by creating productive use of energy. Moreover, this project aims to amplify and test the lessons learned and fill the gaps from previous Hivos projects.
In order to achieve that PELITA and The Humba Hammu will work with selected village facilitators, provides them with GALS training so that they can train more community members within their villages, conduct a special MUSREMBANG to accommodate indigenous women and marginalized groups aspirations are documented, and to influence the planning at village level. The project will also work closely with key government stakeholders in the four districts In Sumba, including each six pilot villages’ administration, education and cultural office, the office of tourism and tourism board, the office of village empowerment, and the planning office.
The electrification ratio in Sumba has reached almost 75%, and through the Sumba Iconic Island Program, renewable energy has contributed to 13% of the energy mix in Sumba. This has opened a substantial economic opportunity for local communities, especially women,youth, and children in remote and secluded villages.
The Humba Hammu network/ Gender Focal Point (GFP) network of local CSOs in Sumba, established as Perkumpulan in 2020. GFP members are already working with Hivos since 2016 on various projects and have received extensive capacity building in Gender Action Learning for Sustainability (GALS) and renewable energy. Between 2016-2020, the network members have accumulated learning in the different approaches to increase women and marginalized group capacity at the level of households and community and economic empowerment.
Together with PELITA as lead, the Humba-Hammu wants to replicate the village modelin Lukuwingir in East Sumba, elaborating the accumulated lesson learned. This project is a Sustainable and Inclusive Paraingu Project. The Paraingu Project aims to increase indigenous people’s livelihood, specifically women, youth, elderly, and people with disabilities, in six villages in Sumba by creating productive use of energy. Moreover, this project aims to amplify and test the lessons learned and fill the gaps from previous Hivos projects.
In order to achieve that PELITA and The Humba Hammu will work with selected village facilitators, provides them with GALS training so that they can train more community members within their villages, conduct a special MUSREMBANG to accommodate indigenous women and marginalized groups aspirations are documented, and to influence the planning at village level. The project will also work closely with key government stakeholders in the four districts In Sumba, including each six pilot villages’ administration, education and cultural office, the office of tourism and tourism board, the office of village empowerment, and the planning office.
Rising Gender’s Perspective to Create an Inclusive Village by PELITA Sumba
Women in Sumba Island, East Nusa Tenggara province, face limited access to economic and convenient energy sources. In Sumba, the state, tradition and religion (church) shape the village politic and all of these spares are male-dominated. The social structure is based on caste – nobility, who gave protection; freemen, who sought it, and slaves, who captured/bough and created a gap in land ownership and income. Women, especially from the low caste, live under the poverty line with limited access to resources and asset ownership.
In addition, clan domains divide the land boundaries. People identify themselves based on ancestral villages and places of origin, and women do not inherit nor own land except for their dowry; ownership emerges through marriage. In a nutshell, women in Sumba face challenges on self-empowerment, economy and leadership roles shaped by traditional values.
Through training, assistance, and advocacy, we aim to strengthen their capacity and knowledge in terms of GALS (Gender Action and Learning System). In addition, we also engage with the local government to build the same understanding about social inclusion. Shared understanding is important in driving social transformation in society and government. Through networking, the rightsholders have occupied strategic positions in the village.
Each village has facilitators who receive GALS training and are expected to do training for trainers in the village. After attending GALS training, their awareness and sensitivity about gender material have risen. In addition, there is also GALS economic empowerment training to strengthen their knowledge and skills to have a business plan, map the potential market, and plan the financial business. The facilitator also got training about GALS Advance which focuses on advocating for the elimination of discrimination agains women and other vulnerable groups. The facilitators are able to map the potential stakeholders and organization in the form of programs and policies at the village and higher levels.
In one of the intervention areas, Tana Village, there has never been a history of women becoming village officials. After the intervention from the program, the village head of Tana Village recruited one of the training participants to become a village official with the position of Head of the People’s Welfare and Services Section. Furthermore, Tana Village government held direct elections for the village (dusun) head. One of the women from Dusun I was elected as the head, defeating other participants. This action proves that when women are capable in a strategic position to participate building their village.
Besides at the strategic level, the changes also happen in a domestic area. The distribution of roles become equal between women and men. For example, women are engaged in a decision-making in terms of important assets and women can access the capital to develop the business. In addition, men also do the house chores which affect to the better rest time for women and women are able to engage in the public discussion.
Now, Women in Sumba is in a better position because their voices are heard and they are able to have the same opportunity with men in a public space. Although at first, the appointment of women and youth as the village officers was rejected by several community leaders. The head of a village mentioned that “it is our duty to give a chance and access to women in the public sphere. Now it is proven that that they can grab the space and have a good performance compared to others”.