Voice.Global website

  • Organisation

    The Solidarity Association of Beer Promotion Women in Cambodia (SABC) gives a voice to Beer Promotion Women to advocate for positive change in their working lives among stakeholders such as the Government, beer companies and policy implementers to promote human rights, health, and dignity of Beer Promotion Women in the public and workplace. The organisation represents and works with all of its members and strategic partners to achieve equality, justice, and dignity for Beer Promotion Women through:

    • Building the capacity of the Executive Committee and members to gain knowledge and skills to improve the whole group of Beer Promotion Women.
    • Empowerment of Beer Promotion Women and their partners and families to bring positive change to the social perspective and to improve policies for beer promotion work.
    • Advocating and cooperating with stakeholders to improve the sustainability and livelihoods of Beer Promotion Women in the present and future.

    By 2017, SABC reached 735 Beer Promotion Women with key messages focusing on health, HIV and sexual harassment and gender-based violence. The Organisation also reached 832 Beer Promotion Women through a 3-day life skills session covering gender, gender-based violence, sexual reproductive health, basic workplace rights for women and the impact of excessive alcohol consumption.

    • Organisation

      The Solidarity Association of Beer Promotion Women in Cambodia (SABC) gives a voice to Beer Promotion Women to advocate for positive change in their working lives among stakeholders such as the Government, beer companies and policy implementers to promote human rights, health, and dignity of Beer Promotion Women in the public and workplace. The organisation represents and works with all of its members and strategic partners to achieve equality, justice, and dignity for Beer Promotion Women through:

      • Building the capacity of the Executive Committee and members to gain knowledge and skills to improve the whole group of Beer Promotion Women.
      • Empowerment of Beer Promotion Women and their partners and families to bring positive change to the social perspective and to improve policies for beer promotion work.
      • Advocating and cooperating with stakeholders to improve the sustainability and livelihoods of Beer Promotion Women in the present and future.

      By 2017, SABC reached 735 Beer Promotion Women with key messages focusing on health, HIV and sexual harassment and gender-based violence. The Organisation also reached 832 Beer Promotion Women through a 3-day life skills session covering gender, gender-based violence, sexual reproductive health, basic workplace rights for women and the impact of excessive alcohol consumption.

    • Project

      My Voice, My Dignity project empowers women working in the hospitality, tourism and entertainment sector by building their confidence, skills, and knowledge so they can claim their rights to a safe workplace environment free from sexual harassment. The project design empowers Beer promotion women to advocate for positive change in their working lives among stakeholders such as governments, beer companies, and policy implementers. Peer education sessions are one of the main activities done to raise awareness on gender-based violence, sexual harassment and worker’s rights for their 400 new members to access information necessary for advocating for intervention support from stakeholders. This promotes the engagement of the private sector in preventing and responding to sexual harassment in the workplace. The project also strengthens the capacity of the executive committee of the Solidarity Association of Beer Promotion Women in Cambodia (SABC) and peer leaders so that the organisation can continue to grow, increase their networks and gain a stronger advocacy position. The project is being implemented in Phnom Penh where the majority of female entertainment worker is based.

  • Project

    My Voice, My Dignity project empowers women working in the hospitality, tourism and entertainment sector by building their confidence, skills, and knowledge so they can claim their rights to a safe workplace environment free from sexual harassment. The project design empowers Beer promotion women to advocate for positive change in their working lives among stakeholders such as governments, beer companies, and policy implementers. Peer education sessions are one of the main activities done to raise awareness on gender-based violence, sexual harassment and worker’s rights for their 400 new members to access information necessary for advocating for intervention support from stakeholders. This promotes the engagement of the private sector in preventing and responding to sexual harassment in the workplace. The project also strengthens the capacity of the executive committee of the Solidarity Association of Beer Promotion Women in Cambodia (SABC) and peer leaders so that the organisation can continue to grow, increase their networks and gain a stronger advocacy position. The project is being implemented in Phnom Penh where the majority of female entertainment worker is based.

  • Project journey

    Dignifying the lives and work of Beer Promotion Women 

     “I am very happy because I am capable to share my knowledge with other women. The association allows me to learn more with other partner organisations. This allows me to have new knowledge and share it with my members. I learned about women’s rights in entertainment services. We know how to intervene in cases of abuse or other harassment.” – Ms. Lina 

     Beer Promotion Women (BPW) are a critical part of the hospitality, tourism and entertainment industry. These girls and young women work hard to support themselves and provide for their families. However, their work lives are dogged with violations of their human rights, including poor access to health and social services, poor pay, Gender-based Violence (GBV) and sexual harassment by clients, as well as discrimination, indignification and stigma by society. 

    The “My Voice, Ny Dignity” project empowered BPW by building their self-confidence, skills, and knowledge to be able to claim their rights to a safe working environment free of sexual harassment. The women became able to advocate for positive change in their working lives among different stakeholders, including local government authorities, beer companies as well as policy makers and implementers. This was achieved through peer education sessions to raise awareness on GBV, sexual harassment and workers’ rights for 400 members in the private sector. At the same time, the executive committee of the “Solidarity Association of Beer Promotion Women of Cambodia” (SABC) and its peer-leaders increased their capacity to allow the organisation continue growing, increase its network and gain a stronger advocacy position. 

    The project convened 26 meetings for ToT, peer-to-peer education sessions, awareness-raising, and meetings with KTV or restaurant owners/ managers on legal protection and intervention support for female entertainment workers in case of abuse or harassment at their workplaces and in their communities. A total of 662 women participated in these meetings and training sessions on skill-building for ToTs and peer educators. To raise awareness about the dignity and legal protection for women working in the entertainment sectors like KTV and restaurants in Phnom Penh, the project participated in the International Women’s Rights Day and 16 days campaign to stop violence against women. 

     As a result of the “My Voice, My Dignity” project, there were some BPW who dared to file complaints against customers who had abused or harassed them not only at their workplace but also in their community. Some KTV and restaurant owners/managers also now understand their work and collaborated with SABC to organise peer to peer education and awareness-raising with their BPW staff. Furthermore, other KTV and restaurant owners have provided support of essential foods and sought other intervention support to BPW after the KTV/restaurants closed due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

     Unfortunately, due to the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, which heavily affected the work and livelihoods of female entertainment workers, SABC was unable to use the Annual National Assembly and National Reflection as well as meetings for peer-to-peer education as platforms, because the government banned gatherings and ordered entertainment spots closed. 


    • Voice Linking and Learning event: 


    • Making some noise! Learning exchange with grantees in Battambang: 


    Link to project activities on SABC’s Facebook page: 

    • Peer to peer education at KTV on legal protection from harassment at workplace: 

    Peer to Peer education 

    • ToT to peer leaders on gender, legal protection and harassment at workplace, and how to seek intervention support for Female Entertainment Worker (FEW): 

    ToT to peer education on legal protection for Female Entertainment Workers 


  • News


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