Empowering women and youth with disabilities
Amount Funded
22,987 EUROProject Duration
01 Apr 2022 - 31 Mar 2024 -
Lead organisation
The Rabbit School Organization (RSO)
The Rabbit School was founded in 1997 as a response to a need to provide educational activities for children with intellectual disabilities. At that time there were no educational services at all for children with an intellectual disability. For this group of extremely disadvantaged children, the establishment of the Rabbit School marked the first crucial step in developing appropriate, formal educational programs for Cambodian children with intellectual disabilities.
Rabbit is to work towards the rehabilitation and full integration of children with intellectual disabilities into the Cambodian society. The Rabbit School provides a place where children with disabilities are treated with dignity and where they can learn and grow at their own pace.Currently, Rabbit School has three main programs: Rehabilitation and Medication of Children with Intellectual Disability, Inclusive and Integration of Children with Intellectual Disability into the public education, and Vocational Training and Job Placement for Youth with intellectual disability into the market place.
The Rabbit School was founded in 1997 as a response to a need to provide educational activities for children with intellectual disabilities. At that time there were no educational services at all for children with an intellectual disability. For this group of extremely disadvantaged children, the establishment of the Rabbit School marked the first crucial step in developing appropriate, formal educational programs for Cambodian children with intellectual disabilities.
Rabbit is to work towards the rehabilitation and full integration of children with intellectual disabilities into the Cambodian society. The Rabbit School provides a place where children with disabilities are treated with dignity and where they can learn and grow at their own pace.Currently, Rabbit School has three main programs: Rehabilitation and Medication of Children with Intellectual Disability, Inclusive and Integration of Children with Intellectual Disability into the public education, and Vocational Training and Job Placement for Youth with intellectual disability into the market place.
This project aims to create opportunity for woman and youth with intellectual disabilities to take lead and play roles in raising disability awareness and advocate for their needs and rights protection by laws. This project intend to strengthen capacity of 75 women and youths with disabilities (WYD) and local authority officials on how to use and gain benefit from social media to meet, share information and raise comments in the respectful manner with safety. At least 20 focal point are trained and able to use digital resources and development into video clip among stakeholder to enforce laws, policies, regulation, and needs of WYD. Some creative virtual event “Running and Cycling for change to promote inclusive participation of people with disability” are organized to raise awareness and promote visibility of women and youth with intellectual disability. This 22 months project is targeted in 6 different communities in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap provinces.
Project goal: To create opportunity for woman and youth with intellectual disabilities to take lead and play roles in raising disability awareness and advocate for their needs and rights protection by laws.
There are 3 specific objectives of this project with numbers of certain activities as the solutions to be taken in order to achieve the objective that is set.
Objective 1: Awareness Raising, Lobby and advocacy on laws and policies on rights of people with disability by using digital media.
Objective 2: Strengthening capacity to Woman/mother and youth with Disability (WYD) to raise their needs and issues using creative approaches and social media platform at sub-national level.
Objective 3: Documentary and amplify voices of women and youth with intellectual disability.
This project aims to create opportunity for woman and youth with intellectual disabilities to take lead and play roles in raising disability awareness and advocate for their needs and rights protection by laws. This project intend to strengthen capacity of 75 women and youths with disabilities (WYD) and local authority officials on how to use and gain benefit from social media to meet, share information and raise comments in the respectful manner with safety. At least 20 focal point are trained and able to use digital resources and development into video clip among stakeholder to enforce laws, policies, regulation, and needs of WYD. Some creative virtual event “Running and Cycling for change to promote inclusive participation of people with disability” are organized to raise awareness and promote visibility of women and youth with intellectual disability. This 22 months project is targeted in 6 different communities in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap provinces.
Project goal: To create opportunity for woman and youth with intellectual disabilities to take lead and play roles in raising disability awareness and advocate for their needs and rights protection by laws.
There are 3 specific objectives of this project with numbers of certain activities as the solutions to be taken in order to achieve the objective that is set.
Objective 1: Awareness Raising, Lobby and advocacy on laws and policies on rights of people with disability by using digital media.
Objective 2: Strengthening capacity to Woman/mother and youth with Disability (WYD) to raise their needs and issues using creative approaches and social media platform at sub-national level.
Objective 3: Documentary and amplify voices of women and youth with intellectual disability. -
The law on promotion and protection for persons with disabilities was adopted in 2009 to ensure that persons with disabilities have exercised their full rights without discrimination and are left behind. The disabilities awareness is limited to the community level. The discrimination and access to rights are still unequally and equitable especially to access social protection services mostly women and girls with intellectual disabilities group which affects their socio-economic.
Through this limitation, Rabbit School introduced the key action “amplify the voice of women and youth with intellectual disabilities”. The main objective of this project is to create an opportunity for women and youth with disabilities to take the lead and play the role of raising disability awareness in the communities and service providers to advocate for the needs and rights of stakeholders at the sub-national level related to disability laws and policies.
To achieve this main objective, RSO promoted
digital media and events such as Woman’s Rights Day, publishing articles related to digital media on the website and social media, producing success story documents and videos for women and youths with disability, and coordinating and facilitating WYD to lead virtual running and virtual Cycling events as a tool for awareness raising to communities. The women and youths with disabilities (WYD) and local authority officials can meet to share information, discuss, and provide input with morality and respectful manners. The WYD was more confident to face discussions with local authorities and use digital resources and development into video clips among stakeholders to enforce laws, policies, and regulations to express their concern related to the needs of their children.
As mother, Ms Lam Tam, Parent of two children with disabilities in the family, one boy and one girl, both children with physical disabilities (muscle problems) said with the support of Rabbit School and VOICE project have the opportunity to participate in project activities, workshops and knowledge sharing meetings with other people with disabilities. After finding out the opportunities to improve her life with her commitment in the support her children to access education,
To engage the policy maker, RSO provided capacity strengthening and local authority to WYD Including training workshops; TV Talk show with, the Ministry of Social, Veterila and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY), Ministry of Education Youth and Sport (MoEYS), Disability Action Council (DAC), Private Sector, organized the sub-national and national forums level stakeholders at a sub-national level related to disability laws and policies. So far, RSO received support in both physical and human resources (two buildings with 10 classrooms and 24 government teachers) and social support (ID Poor and disability identification card registration)
Mr Keuk Pinnarith, Chief of the District of Social Affair Veteran and Youth Rehabilitation shared his idea. “The most important for supporting the person with disabilities is to protect and promote their rights and provide equal access to education as the other”
Keep in Mind. We are equal