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Blogu ya Tafakari: Sherehekea Miaka Nane ya Ushirikiano Wenye Ufanisi (Reflective Blog: Celebrating Eight Years of Impactful Partnership)

by Makena Koome, Linking, Learning and Amplifier Officer, Voice in Kenya, and Inez Hackenberg, Linking and Learning Coordinator


——————————————– English translation below ——————————————–


Grantee Partners, Linking and Learning facilitator, Voice Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda Country Team and Coordination Team Representatives
Washirika , Mwezeshaji wa Kuunganisha na Kujifunza, Voice Tanzania, Wawakilishi wa Voice Kenya na Ugandana Timu ya Uratibu 


Dar es Salaam, mji mkuu wenye shughuli nyingi za kiuchumi nchini Tanzania, ulitoa mandhari nzuri kwa tukio hili muhimu. Nishati ya kuambukiza ya jiji hilo, na mchanganyiko wake wa kitamaduni unaofanana na wigo mbalimbali wa washiriki na kiini hasa cha mwelekeo wa tukio: ushirikishwaji. Tukio la Tanzania la Kujifunza na Kufunga la Kuunganisha na Kujifunza lilifanyika kuanzia Mei 8 hadi 10, 2024. Tukio hili halikuwa tu kuhusu kuangalia nyuma, bali ilikuwa sherehe nzuri ya miaka nane iliyotumika kuongeza nguvu sauti za jamii zilizotelekezwa nchini Tanzania na mahali tulipo sasa.


Tukio hilo lilikamilisha programu ya Voice Tanzania, taasisi ya ruzuku bunifu inayounga mkono makundi ambayo yamesahauliwa na kubaguliwa nchini Tanzania. Tukio hili halikuwa pongezi tu. Ilikuwa nafasi ya kutafakari na kujifunza kwa pamoja. Washirika wa ruzuku walionyesha athari za Voice katika miaka nane iliyopita kwa jamii zao na vikundi vinavyoshikilia haki kupitia mawasilisho, mijadala ya jopo, na shughuli shirikishi. Washiriki, walibadilishana mambo muhimu waliojifunza na kubuni mikakati ya kuhakikisha athari ya kudumu ya programu hiyo.


Partners engaging in interactive diversity, mindful inclusion and communication practices
Washirika wajishughulisha na mazoea shirikishi ya utofauti na mawasiliano makini


Utofauti na Ushirikishwaji Unachukua Hatua Kuu 

Moja ya mambo muhimu ya tukio hilo ilikuwa kusherehekea uzuri wa utofauti na kukumbatia ushirikishwaji wa akili. Ajenda hiyo ilijumuisha vikao kuhusu mazoea ya mawasiliano na kukuza mazingira shirikishi zaidi kwa wote.

Tukio hilo pia lilikuwa kichocheo cha siku zijazo. Majadiliano yaliangazia jinsi ya kuhakikisha athari ya kudumu ya programu na kuwawezesha washiriki na zana za kuendelea kuwawezesha jamii zilizotelekezwa. Lengo? Kuendeleza mazingira shirikishi zaidi ambapo kila mtu anahisi kusikilizwa, kuheshimiwa, na kuwezeshwa kuchangia. Community of Practice (COP) tatu zilizopo za mazoezi zilionekana kama nafasi za kuendelea kushirikiana na kama nguvu ya vitendo vya pamoja vya baadaye.


Nguvu ya Ushirikiano

Siku ya mwisho ya tukio hilo ilitambua jukumu muhimu la Balozi ya Uholanzi katika kuunga mkono Voice. Ziara katika makazi ya balozi, ambapo washirika wa Voice waliwasilisha kazi zao kupitia matembezi ya kwenye ukumbi na kushiriki uzoefu wao wa maisha na safari yao ya kuwa wanaharakati na viongozi walivyo sasa. Hii iliimarisha umuhimu wa ushirikiano katika kufikia malengo ya haki za kijamii. Wawakilishi kutoka pande zote mbili walielezea nia yao ya kufanya kazi pamoja kuelekea mustakabali shirikishi zaidi.


Partners showcasing their works through a gallery walk at the Dutch Ambassador Residence
Washirika wakiwasilisha kazi zao katika makao ya Balozi wa Uholanzi


Kuangalia Mbele: Mustakabali Mwema 

Tukio la Tanzania la Kujifunza na Kufunga la Kuunganisha na Kujifunza pia lilikuwa wito wa kuchukua hatua. Vikao vililenga kuwawezesha washiriki na zana na maarifa wanayohitaji ili kuendelea kutetea jamii zilizotelekezwa muda mrefu baada ya programu ya Voice kumalizika. Mikakati ya uchangishaji fedha, mbinu za kuhamasisha rasilimali, na mazoea bora ya uendelevu vyote vilikuwa kwenye ajenda.

Tukio hilo liligusa hisia kwa kila mtu. Ilikuwa ukumbusho wenye nguvu kwamba wakati sauti zilizotelekezwa zinasikilizwa na kuwezeshwa, mabadiliko huwa hayatengani. Programu ya Voice inapomalizika, msingi umewekwa, ukichangia haki za kijamii.

Tukio hilo liligusa hisia zetu. Ilikuwa ukumbusho wenye nguvu kwamba wakati sauti za jamii zilizotelekezwa zinasikilizwa na kuwawezeshwa, mabadiliko chanya hayaepukiki. Programu ya Voice inapomalizika, msingi umewekwa, ukichangia katika kutengeneza mustakabali shirikishi zaidi na wenye usawa nchini Tanzania, ambapo kila mtu ana fursa ya kustawi. Mshikamano wa ushirikiano, masomo yaliyojifunzwa, na zana zilizopatikana vitahakikisha kuwa urithi wa Voice unaendelea kuishi, na kuhamasisha vizazi vijavyo kuunganisha na kujifunza, na kuwa mabingwa wa ushirikishwaji na haki za kijamii.


Partners, Dutch Embassy Representative and Voice team at the Ambassador’s Residency
Washirika, Mwakilishi wa Balozi wa Uholanzi na Timu ya Voice katika Makao ya Balozi




Reflection Blog: Celebrating Eight Years of Impactful Partnership


Grantee Partners, Linking and Learning facilitator, Voice Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda Country Team and Coordination Team Representatives
Grantee Partners, Linking and Learning facilitator, Voice Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda Country Team and Coordination Team Representatives


Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s bustling economic capital, provided the perfect setting for this momentous event. The city’s infectious energy, and its cultural melting pot mirrored the diverse range of participants and the very essence of the event’s focus: inclusion. Tanzania Linking and Learning and Closure Event took place from May 8th to 10th, 2024. The event wasn’t just about looking back., but a vibrant celebration of eight years dedicated to amplifying the voices of marginalised communities in Tanzania and where we are now.


The event marked the culmination of Voice Tanzania, an innovative grant facility supporting groups that are marginalised and discriminated in Tanzania. The event wasn’t simply a pat on the back. It was a space for reflection and shared learning. Grantee partners showcased the impact of Voice over the past eight years on their communities and rightsholder groups through presentations, panel discussions, and interactive activities. Buzzing with energy, participants exchanged key takeaways and brainstormed strategies to ensure the programme’s lasting impact.


Partners engaging in interactive diversity, mindful inclusion and communication practices
Partners engaging in interactive diversity, mindful inclusion and communication practices


Celebrating the Mosaic: Diversity and Mindful Inclusion Takes Centre Stage

One of the event’s highlights was celebrating the beauty of diversity and embracing mindful inclusion. The agenda included sessions on mindful communication practices and fostering a more inclusive environment for all.

The event was also a springboard for the future. Discussions focused on how to ensure the programme’s lasting impact and equip participants with the tools to continue empowering marginalised communities. The goal? to foster a more inclusive environment where everyone feels heard, respected, and empowered to contribute. Especially the three existing communities of practice were seen as holding spaces for continued collaboration and as a leverage to future joint actions.


The Power of Partnership

The final day of the event acknowledged the crucial role of the Dutch Embassy in supporting Voice. A visit to the ambassador’s residence, whereby Voice partners exhibited their work through a gallery walk and the sharing of their lived experiences and journeys to become the activists and leaders they are. This solidified the importance of collaboration in achieving social justice goals. Representatives from both parties expressed their commitment to working together towards a more inclusive future.


Partners showcasing their works through a gallery walk at the Dutch Ambassador Residence
Partners showcasing their works through a gallery walk at the Dutch Ambassador Residence


Looking Ahead: A Brighter Future

The Tanzania Linking and Learning and Closure event was also a call to action. Sessions focused on equipping participants with the tools and knowledge they need to continue advocating for marginalised communities long after the Voice programme concludes. Fundraising strategies, resource mobilisation techniques, and good practices for sustainability were all on the agenda.

The Event resonated deeply. It served as a powerful reminder that when marginalised voices are heard and empowered, positive change becomes inevitable. As the Voice programme concludes, the groundwork is laid, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable future in Tanzania, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. The spirit of collaboration, the lessons learned, and the tools acquired will ensure that the legacy of Voice lives on, inspiring future generations to link and learn, and to champion inclusion and social justice.


Partners, Dutch Embassy Representative and Voice team at the Ambassador’s Residency
Partners, Dutch Embassy Representative and Voice team at the Ambassador’s Residency




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