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Charter of Demands or we the people…….

By  Tanzania Albinism Society (TAS)

Approximately two million Tanzanians are living with a disability. The figure includes all types of disabilities. Each disability has its unique challenges and ways to handle. However, some challenges cut across all types of disabilities with the most common and biggest challenge being the inaccessibility of opportunities provided for by different laws and policies in Tanzania.

We appreciate the efforts made by various international organisations and the Government of Tanzania to ensure that ALL people get access to different opportunities, however, we still find that the rights for people with disabilities are less underscored regardless of the available laws and policies.

THUS, WE the people agreed to make this Charter of Demands so that policy-making organs, law enforcement bodies, political leaders and other relevant authorities can make sure that they play their part to ensure equal access to the available opportunities. 

With this regards, WE, People Living with Disabilities collectively, via this Charter, agree as follows;

Click here to read the Charter  in English

Click here to read the Charter in Kiswahili

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