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Nidhi Goyal

Founder and Director of Rising Flame – India.

Nidhi Goyal is a disabled feminist activist from India working on disability rights and gender justice. She is committed to changing the lives of persons with disabilities, particularly women and girls. In the decade of her activism, Nidhi has worked with a range of national and global women’s rights, disability rights, and human rights organisations, including Point of View, Human Rights Watch, Sight Savers, and CREA. Her work on disability, gender, diversity and inclusion have made its way into many corporate offices and policy spaces. 

She is the founder of Rising Flame, an innovative NGO dedicated to changing the lives and perceptions of women and girls with disabilities. In addition to being part of the Voice Advisory Board, Nidhi has been appointed to the UN Women Executive Director’s  Civil Society Advisory Group, has been invited to the multistakeholder steering committee of the Generation equality Forum, and has been globally elected to the Board of Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), where she is currently the President. In India, Nidhi has been invited to be a member of the core group on persons with disabilities and elderly persons by the National Human Rights Commission and also has been invited to the diversity and Inclusion task force by FICCI. 

Nidhi is also India’s first female disabled stand-up comedian and uses humour to challenge prevailing notions about disability and gender. 

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