Reducing Discrimination Against Vulnerable Elderly
Amount Funded
21,714 EUROProject Duration
15 Jul 2017 - 15 Jun 2018 -
Lead organisation
Federation of Associations Supporting Older PeoplePartners
HelpAge Cambodia
The Federation of Associations Supporting Older People AEK PHNOM (FASOA) is a non-governmental and independent association registered by the Ministry of Interior.
FASOA is composed of non-political individuals promoting non-religious discrimination. It was established in October 2013 with the support of HelpAge-Cambodia. Since then it has been working with Older People Associations (OPAs) and its members, particularly older women, women with disabilities and poor families and communities. It also does social work in areas of gender and disability, agriculture, revolving funds, income generation with facilitation and technical support from HelpAge-Cambodia.
FASOA and seven other federations work in partnership with various stakeholders, local authorities, sub-national level government organisations such as the Provincial Department of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (PoSVY), Provincial Department of Women Affairs (PWA) and Provincial Department of Health (PDH).
FASOA strengthens OPA committees and sub-committees’ capacities on leadership, management, financial management, bookkeeping, and technical support in facilitating, coordinating, and problem solving. It also supports OPA and their members in mainstreaming gender and empowering people with disabilities to enable opportunity, voice problems, concerns and needs in community development, commune investment plans and call for supports from duty bearers. FASOA envisions older people in Cambodia to live with dignity, hopefulness, without isolation, and working together in order to advocate towards government and NGO to bring benefits to older people. In line with this vision, the organisation’s objective is to enhance good collaboration with governments and stakeholders to get support and increase older people’s livelihood, right, and economic, as well as to strengthen OPA committees and sub-committees to have better plan and achieve more.
The Federation of Associations Supporting Older People AEK PHNOM (FASOA) is a non-governmental and independent association registered by the Ministry of Interior.
FASOA is composed of non-political individuals promoting non-religious discrimination. It was established in October 2013 with the support of HelpAge-Cambodia. Since then it has been working with Older People Associations (OPAs) and its members, particularly older women, women with disabilities and poor families and communities. It also does social work in areas of gender and disability, agriculture, revolving funds, income generation with facilitation and technical support from HelpAge-Cambodia.
FASOA and seven other federations work in partnership with various stakeholders, local authorities, sub-national level government organisations such as the Provincial Department of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (PoSVY), Provincial Department of Women Affairs (PWA) and Provincial Department of Health (PDH).
FASOA strengthens OPA committees and sub-committees’ capacities on leadership, management, financial management, bookkeeping, and technical support in facilitating, coordinating, and problem solving. It also supports OPA and their members in mainstreaming gender and empowering people with disabilities to enable opportunity, voice problems, concerns and needs in community development, commune investment plans and call for supports from duty bearers. FASOA envisions older people in Cambodia to live with dignity, hopefulness, without isolation, and working together in order to advocate towards government and NGO to bring benefits to older people. In line with this vision, the organisation’s objective is to enhance good collaboration with governments and stakeholders to get support and increase older people’s livelihood, right, and economic, as well as to strengthen OPA committees and sub-committees to have better plan and achieve more.
The FASOA project aims to reduce discrimination against older people – especially women and the disabled through capacity building and promotion of their rights. The project focuses on three main activities, which are:
1) Capacity strengthening of the Federal Association of Supporting Older People and Older Peoples Associations which increases the organisation’s capacity on leadership and training skills to elderly associations. It provides skills in leadership, development, communication, financial management, proposal writing, monitoring and evaluation.
2) Influencing campaign to mobilise and coordinate the community to gather problems of old-aged people and come up with solutions with governments to influence decision-making at the national and sub-national levels in collaboration with community groups and key partners focusing on people with disabilities and violence against women.
3) Case studies and sharing of experiences and best practices on social media.
The FASOA project aims to reduce discrimination against older people – especially women and the disabled through capacity building and promotion of their rights. The project focuses on three main activities, which are:
1) Capacity strengthening of the Federal Association of Supporting Older People and Older Peoples Associations which increases the organisation’s capacity on leadership and training skills to elderly associations. It provides skills in leadership, development, communication, financial management, proposal writing, monitoring and evaluation.
2) Influencing campaign to mobilise and coordinate the community to gather problems of old-aged people and come up with solutions with governments to influence decision-making at the national and sub-national levels in collaboration with community groups and key partners focusing on people with disabilities and violence against women.
3) Case studies and sharing of experiences and best practices on social media. -
“I am no longer afraid. Previously, I did not have rights at home, dared not to speak, let my husband take my necklace and money from my body, and let him beat me up. I have the same rights. I am also a human being and so what right does he have to mistreat me like this?” Bun Sim, 54 yrs. old
Mrs Sim is a survivor of domestic violence who credited her empowerment journey through her membership with the local Older People’s Association in Sor Sor Pok village, Battambang. The OPA organised a workshop about alleviating discrimination against older people, domestic violence, and older people’s rights. She wanted a solution and shared her domestic situation with other members. It led to OPA leaders facilitating an intervention with the cooperation of local village leaders. Mrs Sim was able to confront her husband about his drinking and violent actions towards her, and her children. She continues to share her personal story with other OPA members to motivate those with similar domestic problems.
The Federation of Associations Supporting Older People Aek Phnom (FASOA)’s project aimed to reduce discrimination against older people, especially older women and older people with disabilities. They wanted to strengthen the organisational and leadership capacities of their member OPAs and mobilise a campaign to gather the challenges older people face and come up with solutions to influence government decision-making.
Over the 12-month project, 40 OPAs could receive funding as part of their village or commune development plan. Twenty-four OPAs were able to influence their local health centres to provide health services and awareness sessions specific to older people, especially older women and older women with disabilities.
More importantly, Mrs Sim’s experience results from the train-the-trainer sessions relating to older people, women and women’s disability rights. An initial 29 participants underwent the training, who in turn conducted their own sessions to over 200 key members of OPAs based in the villages. The information and knowledge that was shared and passed down enabled OPA members to intervene in Mrs Sim’s situation where together they found a solution.
“Although I participated in meetings about my village, I felt scared to comment. I thought I might hurt other people’s feelings. But I also have a right to work and make my own livelihood.” Khuoth Ruon, 62yrs. old
Much like Mrs Sim, Ms Ruon’s empowerment journey started as she joined her local OPA. She participated in sessions where she learned about her rights are as a person, as a woman, and as an older person. She grew confident in herself knowing that she has a right to participate in her village’s affairs, to express her opinions, and to make decisions on issues affecting her. In community meetings, she argued for the need to grow and harvest her own crops – a right to earn and enjoy her own income. Mrs Sim and Ms Ruon’s stories are just some of the results from FASOA’s efforts to strengthen older people’s association in Battambang province.
Additional Images
Mrs. Khut Roun crouching in her garden.
One of the participants of the review and consultation on the rights of older people with disabilities.
Elderly women holding up signs for an elderly rights awareness campaign.
Mrs. Bun Sim standing outside her home.
Elderly women attending a workshop on older persons’ rights
Elderly women holding up signs for an elderly rights awareness campaign.
A group photo after one of FASOA’s advocacy events.
A government official wearing a white shirt is standing in front of a wooden podium during one of FASOA’s advocacy events.