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  • Organisation

    Cambodia of Indigenous People Culture Care’s Organization (CICO) is a newly established local Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) formed by a group of indigenous people. The Organisation promotes and encourages respect for human rights, especially for the Indigenous peoples throughout Cambodia. CICO’s main missions include:

    • Cultural conservation: Religions, Languages, dresses, ancestor heritage and forestry, environment, land and natural resources.
    • Several improvements for IP’s community: Children, Youth, Disability people, and vulnerable people because of violence and / or any cause affecting the grass-root communities.
    • Involvements to reinforce accountability and social transparency in the country.

    The Organisation also mobilises its own resources. Currently; CICO has a running ecotourism project where income is used to support other projects working with vulnerable women, people with disability and education with poor indigenous children in the community.

    • Organisation

      Cambodia of Indigenous People Culture Care’s Organization (CICO) is a newly established local Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) formed by a group of indigenous people. The Organisation promotes and encourages respect for human rights, especially for the Indigenous peoples throughout Cambodia. CICO’s main missions include:

      • Cultural conservation: Religions, Languages, dresses, ancestor heritage and forestry, environment, land and natural resources.
      • Several improvements for IP’s community: Children, Youth, Disability people, and vulnerable people because of violence and / or any cause affecting the grass-root communities.
      • Involvements to reinforce accountability and social transparency in the country.

      The Organisation also mobilises its own resources. Currently; CICO has a running ecotourism project where income is used to support other projects working with vulnerable women, people with disability and education with poor indigenous children in the community.

    • Project

      Voices of Indigenous Peoples with disabilities project enhances the capacity and confidence of indigenous people with disability especially women. This is done through raising awareness of the existing legislation law on rights protection to reduce discrimination and improve inclusive access to social services. The project employs the use of capacity strengthening, awareness-raising, and advocacy with duty bearers and public service providers to provide equal access to indigenous people with disabilities. Twenty-five indigenous people with disability from three different communities are able to express themselves, demand for the protection of their rights, and seek legal support whenever their rights are abused. The project also uses bilingual language (native and Khmer language) to raise awareness of approaches on law and rights protection for people with disability. These messages are aired on local radio broadcasting stations as part of the capacity strengthening, public forum and community campaigns. Video documentation on lessons learnt is also considered as part of project monitoring and shared on social media. The project also build-ups the capacity of Cambodia of Indigenous People Culture Care’s Organization (CICO’s) team; strengthening their confidence, skills and networking abilities with other partners in order to achieve their common goal. The project is being implemented in Mondulkiri province.

  • Project

    Voices of Indigenous Peoples with disabilities project enhances the capacity and confidence of indigenous people with disability especially women. This is done through raising awareness of the existing legislation law on rights protection to reduce discrimination and improve inclusive access to social services. The project employs the use of capacity strengthening, awareness-raising, and advocacy with duty bearers and public service providers to provide equal access to indigenous people with disabilities. Twenty-five indigenous people with disability from three different communities are able to express themselves, demand for the protection of their rights, and seek legal support whenever their rights are abused. The project also uses bilingual language (native and Khmer language) to raise awareness of approaches on law and rights protection for people with disability. These messages are aired on local radio broadcasting stations as part of the capacity strengthening, public forum and community campaigns. Video documentation on lessons learnt is also considered as part of project monitoring and shared on social media. The project also build-ups the capacity of Cambodia of Indigenous People Culture Care’s Organization (CICO’s) team; strengthening their confidence, skills and networking abilities with other partners in order to achieve their common goal. The project is being implemented in Mondulkiri province.

  • Project journey

    “The most significant lessons that I have learned throughout the implementation of this project is on the empowerment of the most vulnerable people who are living in the indigenous community.” – The director of CICO, who belongs to one of the rightsholder groups that benefit from this project 


    The project “Voices of Indigenous Peoples with disabilities” by the Cambodia Indigenous People Culture Care Organisation (CICO) focussed on supporting indigenous peoples with disabilities to claim their rights and improve their lives, while also strengthening CICO as an organisation to provide support to these rightsholders. 

    The project organised capacity building on the law on protection and promotion of the rights of people with disabilities with 25 focal persons who are peoples with disabilities from 7 indigenous villages of 3 communes. These focal persons then supported the organisation of several activities, including events to celebrate the International Day of People with Disability and the World Indigenous People Day, campaigns to promote understanding of the law on protection and promotion of the rights of people with disabilities. Furthermore, the project included the production of a short video to reflect on the life of indigenous peoples with disabilities as well as a radio message on the rights of people with disabilities that was broadcasted on local radio bilingually both in Khmer and Bunong languages. 

    During the implementation of this project, CICO was able to register as an organisation recognised by local authorities as an NGO working to promote the rights of people with disabilities and the poor in indigenous communities. Building on this recognition, the project helped CICO to strengthen its relationships and collaboration with local authorities and relevant departments. At the same time, CICO staff were able to strengthen their capacities in project and financial management. However, the outbreak of COVID-19 negatively affected the livelihoods of CICO’s staff, which resulted in high staff turnover towards the end of the project, causing delays project reporting and potentially impacting the sustainability of the project’s results. 

    Plans of CICO regarding support to its rightsholders include cultural research and the organisation of a cultural museum with collectives of cultural arts and materials. This would allow people with disabilities to earn supplementary income. Furthermore, CICO plans to organise further cultural celebration days with radio broadcasting and campaigns on the culture of indigenous peoples. At the same time, CICO plans to support forestry law training in communities, while continuing to raise awareness on law on protection and promotion of the rights of people with disabilities among local authorities and other relevant stakeholders. 

    Videos produced under the project’s activities:  



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