Transforming the lives of rural women groups in Nwoya District
Amount Funded
25,000 EUROProject Duration
01 Mar 2018 - 29 Feb 2020 -
Lead organisation
Lutino Adunu (means children loved or of the heart) is a registered non-profit community based organisation with its office located in Anaka Town Council, Nwoya district. It was established to promote and support learning through provision of community library services, education sponsorship for selected beneficiaries and the establishment of a school for re-building the lives of children in post war northern Uganda. Founded in 2014 by Shilla Adyero a human rights advocate, Lutino Adunu already runs a community library, an adult microfinance group teaching budgeting and financial management to community members in Nwoya district. Other projects include an adult literacy programme, a scholarship project and soccer for social change a form of helping children cope with the trauma of war through physical exercise. In a bid to contribute to the alarming rate of school dropout and early child marriages in Nwoya district, Lutino Adunu founded the Atek Reusable Sanitary Pad project in 2016. The project addresses the perpetual challenge of Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) through the making, training, and selling of affordable reusable sanitary pads to underprivileged women and girls. The integration of gender mainstreaming into all programming has enabled the organisation to address most gender needs that had raised in the organisation and the community.
Lutino Adunu (means children loved or of the heart) is a registered non-profit community based organisation with its office located in Anaka Town Council, Nwoya district. It was established to promote and support learning through provision of community library services, education sponsorship for selected beneficiaries and the establishment of a school for re-building the lives of children in post war northern Uganda. Founded in 2014 by Shilla Adyero a human rights advocate, Lutino Adunu already runs a community library, an adult microfinance group teaching budgeting and financial management to community members in Nwoya district. Other projects include an adult literacy programme, a scholarship project and soccer for social change a form of helping children cope with the trauma of war through physical exercise. In a bid to contribute to the alarming rate of school dropout and early child marriages in Nwoya district, Lutino Adunu founded the Atek Reusable Sanitary Pad project in 2016. The project addresses the perpetual challenge of Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) through the making, training, and selling of affordable reusable sanitary pads to underprivileged women and girls. The integration of gender mainstreaming into all programming has enabled the organisation to address most gender needs that had raised in the organisation and the community.
Lutino Adunu’s Transforming the lives of rural women groups in Nwoya District aims at building Financial Literacy and Village Savings and Loan’s Association (VSLA) as a tool for Economic Development. The project improves the financial and economic status of women’s livelihood and sustainable development and resilience. It seeks to build the capacities of women household groups with business skills on financial savings and economic empowerment; facilitate the women groups with financial support as start-up for increase of the businesses of the women and their income; and to build the capacity of the women household groups to participate effectively in household and community decision making. The project targets a total of 500 direct beneficiaries and 1000 indirect beneficiary (household members) in Goma sub-county in Nwoya District building on and replicate the on the successes realised in Anaka sub-county a few years back.
Lutino Adunu’s Transforming the lives of rural women groups in Nwoya District aims at building Financial Literacy and Village Savings and Loan’s Association (VSLA) as a tool for Economic Development. The project improves the financial and economic status of women’s livelihood and sustainable development and resilience. It seeks to build the capacities of women household groups with business skills on financial savings and economic empowerment; facilitate the women groups with financial support as start-up for increase of the businesses of the women and their income; and to build the capacity of the women household groups to participate effectively in household and community decision making. The project targets a total of 500 direct beneficiaries and 1000 indirect beneficiary (household members) in Goma sub-county in Nwoya District building on and replicate the on the successes realised in Anaka sub-county a few years back.
The story of a drawing, a book club and the transformed lives of rural women in Nwoya
Some stories are long while others are short. Lutino Adunu’s is a long story. It starts with a child born in captivity. The child draws a picture of a boy pointing a gun at the forehead of another child. This image led to the desire to understand what goes on in the minds of children dealing with experiences of violence, the trauma of war. Next chapter of the story sees that setting up of a book club. The club was to help the children with reading, writing and drawing. The book club initiative has over time grown into a community library and an adult micro finance group that teaches budgeting and financial management to community members. There is alongside this an adult literacy program, reusable pads project and soccer for social change for children coping with trauma of war.
When Lutino Adunu collaborated with VOICE for 2 years in the project titled, Transforming the lives of rural women in Nwoya district, the intention was to improve financial literacy and household income through strengthening women’s economic base in Alero and Koch Goma sub county in Nwoya district. The transformation was to be achieved through building the capacity for managing financial savings and economic empowerment of 20 women groups through the Village Savings and Lending Associations (VSLA), facilitate women groups with business skills and capital to boost their business, build the capacities of the women groups to participate effectively in decision making at household and community levels. The expected outcome was that they would have enhanced decision making at the household level on financial matters
As a result, 20 women groups were identified and trained on financial literacy and VSLA. The 20 groups were linked to Post Bank and were able to acquire extra financial knowledge and guidance on how to use the bank services. They were also trained on life skills and IGA selection and supported to select viable IGAs. These were achieved through meetings, communication materials and monitoring visits. Start-up initiatives in terms of livestock including goats and pigs were also given to the 20 groups
By creating better conditions for vulnerable women in Nwoya District, the project contributed to unity and peace among group members in the community; promoting a culture of savings to the women groups and providing financial access to the group members as well as promoting self-esteem as testified below.
Adong Rose is a member of the Yub Pa Lacwech Women Group in Koch Goma Nwoya District, located in one of the poorest parts of Uganda. The aftermath of the bloody civil war waged by the Lord’s Resistance Army left the Northern part of Uganda poorer and more fragile compared to the rest of the country. Women, children, and persons with disability who are the most often least powerful and less knowledgeable in the community face multiple challenges such as land conflicts, poverty, poor health and low employment opportunities, refugee influx and have been adversely affected. Their condition has been further aggravated by the breakdown of the cultural systems that protected the vulnerable and ensured their access to land rights. Additionally, women’s struggle to access land for production has often attracted violence from spouses, in-laws and other community members.
Adong Rose making a submission during the VSLA Meeting. Rose testifies that the training on financial literacy and VSLA concept is helping her in decision-making and in addressing the problem of domestic violence in her family while at the same time it is improving her income.
“The knowledge and skills I have received from the support of Lutino Adunu is helping me to have more family dialogue and address domestic violence. My family members listen to me and respect me”, Rose narrated
Her ambition is to vie for local leadership in the next election and she is a strong advocate for women to speak out on issues that affect their lives at family and community level. This change is reflected among the other 20 targeted women’s groups where several testimonies have been documented.
“The VSLA has reduced domestic violence in my family. My husband does not quarrel and fight as he used to do. This is because there is always food at home and our business is helping us get some money that is supporting the family needs. He also supports me with some money which he might have worked for somewhere, Women participant, Concy from Yub Pa Lacwech group
“We are rearing pigs as an IGA and one of the pigs has produced seven piglets. These piglets will be raised and distributed to the group members. Each piglet cost 50,000 Uganda Shillings. We have resolved not to sell them but rather distribute them among the members” women participant, Yub pa Lacwech women group
The women reported improved self-esteem and being able to raise their voices on issues that affect them at household level and community level. Women feel that their voices are now respected by men in the community and at household level. Men allowing their women to go and participate in the VSLA activity is a sign of freedom being granted to women by men. The VSLA groups and the members are recognized by district leaders especially the District Community Service Department, the Youth and Probation department, the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer and local and district council leaders. This is likely to increase their chances for consideration in other government led empowerment initiatives such as Uganda women’s Empowerment program( UWEP) and Operation Wealth Creation(OWC).
VSLA members in a discussion on group savings. VSLA Group piggery group project supported by Lutino Adunu. -