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  • Organisation

    ValT21 is a young organisation founded with specialists in various fields such as Health, Scientific Research, Sociology Education etc…. who have given themselves as a Leitmotiv to “create a framework of exchange and training of parents and friends of children with Down Syndrome to welcome and accompany their young children for a better socio-educational care and medical follow-up.

    • Organisation

      ValT21 is a young organisation founded with specialists in various fields such as Health, Scientific Research, Sociology Education etc…. who have given themselves as a Leitmotiv to “create a framework of exchange and training of parents and friends of children with Down Syndrome to welcome and accompany their young children for a better socio-educational care and medical follow-up.

    • Project

      Down Syndrome is a genetic anomaly leading to an intellectual and physical disability. This disability leads to discrimination and even social and economic inequalities among the affected persons. This situation leads families to a distressing situation due to the lack of inclusion within their family and society. Based on the fact that in Niger there are no medico-social structures for people with Down’s syndrome, unlike people with other types of disabilities, the Association Vivre avec la Trisomie 21 (VALT 21) proposes, after a census of the different cases of Down’s syndrome in the city of Niamey, to proceed to sensitization of families and to support people with Down’s syndrome in the acquisition of their autonomy, and their social insertion, thus contributing to their blossoming. Therefore, VALT 21 intends to train parents on the knowledge and management of Down Syndrome and organize learning and discovery meetings for Down Syndrome children.

  • Project

    Down Syndrome is a genetic anomaly leading to an intellectual and physical disability. This disability leads to discrimination and even social and economic inequalities among the affected persons. This situation leads families to a distressing situation due to the lack of inclusion within their family and society. Based on the fact that in Niger there are no medico-social structures for people with Down’s syndrome, unlike people with other types of disabilities, the Association Vivre avec la Trisomie 21 (VALT 21) proposes, after a census of the different cases of Down’s syndrome in the city of Niamey, to proceed to sensitization of families and to support people with Down’s syndrome in the acquisition of their autonomy, and their social insertion, thus contributing to their blossoming. Therefore, VALT 21 intends to train parents on the knowledge and management of Down Syndrome and organize learning and discovery meetings for Down Syndrome children.

  • News


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