Project ‘Wezesha, Inua, Warembo na Wachache wa Jinsia’ (Voicing and Empowering)
Amount Funded
25,000 EUROProject Duration
01 Jun 2023 - 30 Jun 2024 -
Lead organisation
Amka Africa Justice Initiative ( Amka is a Swahili word for ‘wakeup; awake; rise up’) is an independent non-profit organization registered in Kenya. It was registered in 2010 but commenced operations in 2018 when the founder identified the untapped potential of the university based legal aid clinics to enhance access to justice for the poor, minorities and marginalised in the society. Accordingly, it works through tripartite partnerships with univ based legal clinics on one hand, and grassroot community based organisations on the other hand
Amka Africa Justice Initiative ( Amka is a Swahili word for ‘wakeup; awake; rise up’) is an independent non-profit organization registered in Kenya. It was registered in 2010 but commenced operations in 2018 when the founder identified the untapped potential of the university based legal aid clinics to enhance access to justice for the poor, minorities and marginalised in the society. Accordingly, it works through tripartite partnerships with univ based legal clinics on one hand, and grassroot community based organisations on the other hand
To empower and amplify the voices of vulnerable women a ITGDPs to influence change of socio-cultural norms, practices and laws that predispose to exploitation, abuse and violence. Desirable Change 1. Leadership capacity of grassro women and ITGDPs individuals and organisations sufficiently increased, them actively a effectively spearheading advocacy and protection of rights, raising awareness and demanding accountability from duty bearers. 2. Change of socio-cultural norms, practice and laws that expose vulnerable women and ITGDPs to exploitation, abuse and or viole 3. Increased effective integration of the needs of vulnerable women, ITGDPs in the mainstream gender dialogues and policy. Strategies/Solutions 1. Joint comprehensive empowerment training for 30 persons from the target groups on, self- advocacy, policyadvocacy, media advocacy, and paralegal skills. Trainer of Trainers (ToTs), will spearhea advocacy at grassroots level as community mobilisers and paralegals who shall assist women and ITGDPs to address abuse, exploitation and violence. 2. Policy advocacy, Pu Interest Litigation (PIL) to promote social and legal recognition of ITGDPs so as to enabl them access documentation, health, including SRHRs, education, employment, among o rights on. 3. Using lived realities of vulnerable women and ITGDPs, raise public awarene on various focus issues to reach over 500,000 people through digital social media i.e. Facebook, twitter, and Instagram, tiktok and YouTube. 4. Legal aid services for atleast 30 women and ITGDPs including assistance to report violence, advise on self representatio accompanying refugees/asylum seekers to court 5. Economic empowerment through ou digital Platform which provides information o registration, licensing, taxation of businesses and self-help groups. 6. In collaboration wi grassroots, local and regional networks and groups impacted by the project, host link an learning workshop for 100 participants.
To empower and amplify the voices of vulnerable women a ITGDPs to influence change of socio-cultural norms, practices and laws that predispose to exploitation, abuse and violence. Desirable Change 1. Leadership capacity of grassro women and ITGDPs individuals and organisations sufficiently increased, them actively a effectively spearheading advocacy and protection of rights, raising awareness and demanding accountability from duty bearers. 2. Change of socio-cultural norms, practice and laws that expose vulnerable women and ITGDPs to exploitation, abuse and or viole 3. Increased effective integration of the needs of vulnerable women, ITGDPs in the mainstream gender dialogues and policy. Strategies/Solutions 1. Joint comprehensive empowerment training for 30 persons from the target groups on, self- advocacy, policyadvocacy, media advocacy, and paralegal skills. Trainer of Trainers (ToTs), will spearhea advocacy at grassroots level as community mobilisers and paralegals who shall assist women and ITGDPs to address abuse, exploitation and violence. 2. Policy advocacy, Pu Interest Litigation (PIL) to promote social and legal recognition of ITGDPs so as to enabl them access documentation, health, including SRHRs, education, employment, among o rights on. 3. Using lived realities of vulnerable women and ITGDPs, raise public awarene on various focus issues to reach over 500,000 people through digital social media i.e. Facebook, twitter, and Instagram, tiktok and YouTube. 4. Legal aid services for atleast 30 women and ITGDPs including assistance to report violence, advise on self representatio accompanying refugees/asylum seekers to court 5. Economic empowerment through ou digital Platform which provides information o registration, licensing, taxation of businesses and self-help groups. 6. In collaboration wi grassroots, local and regional networks and groups impacted by the project, host link an learning workshop for 100 participants.
The vision of this project was to empower and amplify the voices of vulnerable women, intersex,
transgender and gender-diverse persons (ITGDPs) to influence change of socio-cultural norms,
practices and laws that predispose them to exploitation, abuse and violence.IMPLEMENTATION, IMPACT, TRANSFORMATION & LESSONS
We employed the following strategies to achieve the project’s vision: –
a) Empowered 23 vulnerable women and ITGDPs through a six-day paralegal training held
from 23rd to 28th October 2023. These 23 trainees included 2 transgender women, 2
gender non-conforming persons, 1 intersex person, 1 transgender man and 17 vulnerable
cis women drawn from those working in the transport sector, women with disabilities, sex
workers, survivors of human trafficking and activists working in feminist grassroots
organizations. On 26th April 2024, we held a paralegal post training reflection workshop to
measure the impact on how the information disseminated had been used to assist others
in the paralegal’s communities. We also developed a paralegal training manual that
summarizes all the legal issues tackled during the paralegal training.
A group photo on the first day of the comprehensive paralegal training held from 23rd to
28th October 2023 at Monarch Hotel, Nairobi
The paralegal training served as a learning moment not only for the rights holders but for
us as well. For instance, from the participant’s feedback we discovered the plethora of
gaps in the laws and policies relating to persons with disability (PWDs). Consequently, we
organised a public participation forum on the 18th of November 2023 for PWDs and guided
them to draft a memorandum to the Nairobi County Persons with Disability Bill. We
similarly later also supported them to submit a memorandum on the Persons with
Disabilities National Policy by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection 2024 and the
Nairobi County Fiscal Policy 2024/2025.
Representatives of PWDs pose for a photo with our team member on the 20th of November
2023 after submitting the Memorandum on the Nairobi County Persons with Disability Bill, 2023
b) Provided legal aid to 156 persons through calls, referrals, and legal aid clinics held on 13th
October 2023, 28th March 2024, 6 and 27th April 2024, 4th June 2024 and 22nd June 2024
that reached 155 persons. 12 of these cases include court cases, three of which have
been successful. We also came across the plight of deaf drivers who are being denied
driving licenses following a new NTSA policy. We have prepared draft documents for a
public interest litigation and are in search of resources to support the same.
A legal aid session during the legal aid clinic held on 28th March 2024 at Kariokor
Social Hall
Through the provision of legal aid, we discovered the profound impact information
dissemination and legal support can have in the lives of rights holders. When we met the
survivor in MCCR E1786 of 2023 Republic v Briton Maina & Brian Buyoywa, she had no
idea how her case was progressing in Court. The survivor is a domestic worker who was
abused by her employer’s sons. She had been misadvised and misinformed that her case
had already been concluded when it was still ongoing. Additionally, she did not know how
to make follow ups with the judicial system. Considering that her former employer was a
judicial officer, there was a high likelihood that without any follow up the case would have
been disposed without justice being served. We allocated a pro bono advocate to the case
who is now watching brief on behalf of the survivor. The matter is now making progress
and will come up for hearing on 24th September 2024.
On 21st June 2024, we sensitized 23 duty bearers from the National Registration Bureau
and the Civil Registration Services on the rights of intersex persons, the provision of
registration of intersex children as per the provisions of the Children Act 2022.
A group photo after the sensitization workshop for registrars held on 21st June 2024 at
Monarch Hotel 2024
d) On the 30th of January 2024, we held a policy breakfast meeting with the Nairobi County
Director at Nyayo House in Nairobi for Health Services on the role of healthcare workers
in advancing the rights of intersex persons following the provisions of the Children Act
2022. From this meeting the Director committed to; bringing in the Nairobi County Medical
Executives including the National AIDS and STIs Program, and County Education Officers
for sensitization on the rights of intersex persons, formalize the partnership with Amka
Africa and to refer intersex persons for psychosocial support.
e) We brought together 9 CSOs working on the intersex agenda on the 20th of June 2024 for
networking purposes. We formed a community of practice devised various ways to work
together such as; strategic and intensive awareness raising, joint fundraising and
supporting the implementation of the Children Act 2022.
Project “Wezesha, Inua, Warembo na Wachache wa Jinsia’ (Voicing and
Empowering Vulnerable Women and Gender Minorities”
A group photo during the networking forum held on 20th June 2024
f) We conducted a robust social media advocacy through social media posts on Facebook,
Instagram, X and YouTube which reached a total of 144,804 persons and two radio
interviews at GIRWA FM on 20th and 21st May 2024 on intersex persons and their SRHR.
This is a leading dholuo radio station in Nyanza County with frequencies in Homabay,
Migori, Kisumu, Siaya, Nyamira and Kisii counties. The radio station has an average
audience of 800,000 listeners. We have faced positive feedback and backlash in equal
measure as a response to our social media advocacy.
Some negative feedback in relation to a Facebook post calling out the rising cases of
Gloria Luhunga, an intersex person leads the discussion during the radio interview at
GIRWA FM on 20th May 2024
g) We held a link and learning webinar on 28th June 2024 to validate the project’s impact and
obtain the right holder’s feedback which was mostly positive. 45 right holders attended the
webinar and provided various feedback including the need for; more legal clinics, to follow
up on the adoption of the Nairobi County Persons with Disability Bill, to design a program
to support the registration and change of particulars of transgender and gender diverse
persons, to conduct and paralegal trainings for other groups, and to train students on legal
aid provision.CONCLUSION
We have met the project goals by legally empowering vulnerable women and ITGDPs, providing
legal aid services, sensitizing duty bearers and raising awareness on the socio-cultural norms
and laws that predispose vulnerable women and ITGDPs to violence.
There is a need for support to build the sustainability of the project and support some interventions
that resulted from the project lessons such as; the public interest litigation on the rights of deaf