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  • Organisation

    Stretchers Youth Organisation is a membership, Youth-led community-based organisation. An organisation that was founded in 2011 to promote health rights, good governance, and gender equality among youths and women by integrating capacity building, advocacy, and information sharing through linkage to service. The organisation works in the coastal counties of Kenya with a partial presence in Nairobi, Kisumu, and Siaya counties, respectively.

    • Organisation

      Stretchers Youth Organisation is a membership, Youth-led community-based organisation. An organisation that was founded in 2011 to promote health rights, good governance, and gender equality among youths and women by integrating capacity building, advocacy, and information sharing through linkage to service. The organisation works in the coastal counties of Kenya with a partial presence in Nairobi, Kisumu, and Siaya counties, respectively.

    • Project

      Mobilise Empower Actualise Transform (MEAT) works towards promoting increased peaceful inclusion of youth in political processes in the forthcoming Kenyan general election in 2022 so as to ensure that they have greater participation in decision making roles that have a large impact on their lives. Stretcher’s Youth Organisation will achieve this by empowering the youth on the importance of participating in electoral processes, as well as equipping them with the skills and tools to effectively navigate these political processes, conducting campaigns encouraging public discussions about youth participation in political affairs both online and offline. They will also have youth dialogues at the grassroots level and hope to see youths coming out in large numbers peacefully exercise their civic rights as voters and political candidates in the forthcoming election.

  • Project

    Mobilise Empower Actualise Transform (MEAT) works towards promoting increased peaceful inclusion of youth in political processes in the forthcoming Kenyan general election in 2022 so as to ensure that they have greater participation in decision making roles that have a large impact on their lives. Stretcher’s Youth Organisation will achieve this by empowering the youth on the importance of participating in electoral processes, as well as equipping them with the skills and tools to effectively navigate these political processes, conducting campaigns encouraging public discussions about youth participation in political affairs both online and offline. They will also have youth dialogues at the grassroots level and hope to see youths coming out in large numbers peacefully exercise their civic rights as voters and political candidates in the forthcoming election.

  • Project journey

    We all understand that everywhere around the world, young people desire more access not
    just to job opportunities, but to a better quality of life. They resent being marginalized in
    government development process and are eager to have greater control over their lives. It is
    on this background that as organization we implemented a project named Mobilize Empower
    Actualize and Transform – MEAT was a 24 months project implemented in the coastal counties
    of Kenya, namely Kwale, Kilifi, and Mombasa, between June 2021-June 2023. The strategic
    goal was to promote increased peaceful inclusion of youth in political processes in the
    forthcoming general election so as to ensure youths have greater participation in decision-
    making roles that have a large impact on their lives. The project had three specific objectives;
    To promote meaningful youth engagement in democratic, political, and electoral participation
    processes in the coastal region of Kenya, to increase knowledge about democratic, political,
    and electoral processes among youths and women across the coastal region of Kenya. To raise
    awareness about civic education among the youth in three counties along the Coast by
    enhancing their full participation in democratic, political, and electoral processes.

    Throughout the project, significant efforts were made to ensure meaningful youth participation in discussions about their civic rights. This was achieved through various initiatives, including the Inception Meeting, which brought together stakeholders from Mombasa, Kwale, and Kilifi counties. The Inception Meeting served as a platform to introduce the MEAT project and secure stakeholder commitment for its successful implementation. Training on civic education equipped youth with the knowledge and skills necessary to advocate for their rights. Additional activities included open mic sessions to provide a platform for youth voices and intergenerational dialogues where young people learned from the experiences of older generations.

    The MEAT project has played a significant role in empowering young people to enter the political arena. Three former participants, Hon. Franklin Makanga, Hon. Yusuf Sengesa, and Hon. Ray Katana, were successfully elected as MCAs in their respective wards. These young leaders, all under the age of 35, participated in various MEAT project activities and gained valuable experience in civic engagement and leadership. Their election is a testament to the project’s impact in fostering youth participation in governance and creating pathways for political leadership.

    Youth and women are at the forefront of driving sustainable development, social equity, and transformative change. Their engagement in governance and decision-making processes is essential for creating a more just and equitable society. However, opportunities for youth participation in politics often depend on the prevailing social, economic, and cultural contexts. In many parts of the country, discriminatory norms and practices can hinder the progress of young women in particular. The focus on youth engagement in governance is a timely and critical priority. Recent events and democratic transitions have highlighted the importance of including young people in shaping the future.

    Said Madzambo, the Executive Director, Tulinde Future Yetu Initiative opened up that he immediately knew he had a task to accomplish the moment he got an invitation to take part in the MEAT project as a Civic Educator. He realized that being a civic educator was an opportunity for him to do well in his community. He mentioned that 2022 general election came with different challenges but through the project, he realized it was time for him to explore the myths so that foundations for youth inclusion can be built. Said added that the spaces being abandoned by the youths has been explored as they have positioned themselves in those spaces. He gave a testimony that elected leaders of Tsimba Golini Ward were leaders that the youths needed and were identified through the MEAT Project. He mentioned that SYO has been like a family to him thanks to the project as they supported other grassroots organizations coming up in Kwale County. He gave a recommendation that he hopes to grow

    “I got involved with the MEAT project ever since inception as a civic educator and right now I have been called to take part in its close-out.” Mwishali stated that as he journeyed through the project, he was nominated and appointed to lead his community members as a Sub-chief and for that, he has authority to drive change in his community. He recommended that SYO should focus more on in-school interventions in their future projects so that students can be influenced to identify their talents and shun away from engaging themselves in unlawful behaviors. He concluded by mentioning that MEAT project helped him manage his work as a chief with confidence since he mastered the Mobilize Empower Transform and Actualize strategy

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