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  • Organisation

    CHIAs is a non-profit association registered under the decree of association from the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Organisation focuses on self-support groups and network strengthening, including peer-counseling in ARV centers, home-based care services by trained home-care teams from the self-supporting groups of people living with HIV (PLHIV), orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), MSM/TG, and their families. The Organisation also contributes to the improvement of health, social welfare and well-being of key affected populations through active participation in the development of health care services, social support, and community advocacy initiatives that improve the quality of life, remove barriers to health services and reduce discrimination and stigmatisation. This project is active in the target provinces of Champasack, Khammouane, Savannakhet, Vientiane capital and Vientiane province.

    • Organisation

      CHIAs is a non-profit association registered under the decree of association from the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Organisation focuses on self-support groups and network strengthening, including peer-counseling in ARV centers, home-based care services by trained home-care teams from the self-supporting groups of people living with HIV (PLHIV), orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), MSM/TG, and their families. The Organisation also contributes to the improvement of health, social welfare and well-being of key affected populations through active participation in the development of health care services, social support, and community advocacy initiatives that improve the quality of life, remove barriers to health services and reduce discrimination and stigmatisation. This project is active in the target provinces of Champasack, Khammouane, Savannakhet, Vientiane capital and Vientiane province.

    • Project

      Key Population Capacity and Advocacy Initiative -KPs-CAI project influences change in policies and in the society by binarism of male-and-female genders in the Lao society by starting to educate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people, and Female sex workers to understand the concept of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI). This increases their communication skills to talk with their peers, gatekeepers, and stakeholders. The project has a hotline and online services for LGBT people and Female sex workers to demonstrate broader services for LGBT people and Female sex worker other than the current health programs to improve their life quality thus ensuring proportionate representation and beneficiaries. This is achievable through directly engaging LGBT people and Female sex workers with the current possibility of sexual diversity communities in Lao PDR, including the gay men community, the lesbian community, and the transgender women community. Some other project activities include capacity building, outreach sessions, awareness campaigns, organising online platforms, crisis response management (a mechanism to provide assistance to LGBT people, who may experience violence or discrimination based on SOGI), production of IEC materials on SOGI and skill building on policy advocacy.  

  • Project

    Key Population Capacity and Advocacy Initiative -KPs-CAI project influences change in policies and in the society by binarism of male-and-female genders in the Lao society by starting to educate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people, and Female sex workers to understand the concept of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI). This increases their communication skills to talk with their peers, gatekeepers, and stakeholders. The project has a hotline and online services for LGBT people and Female sex workers to demonstrate broader services for LGBT people and Female sex worker other than the current health programs to improve their life quality thus ensuring proportionate representation and beneficiaries. This is achievable through directly engaging LGBT people and Female sex workers with the current possibility of sexual diversity communities in Lao PDR, including the gay men community, the lesbian community, and the transgender women community. Some other project activities include capacity building, outreach sessions, awareness campaigns, organising online platforms, crisis response management (a mechanism to provide assistance to LGBT people, who may experience violence or discrimination based on SOGI), production of IEC materials on SOGI and skill building on policy advocacy.  

  • Project journey

    As a key result of the project, the LGBT community in Lao PDR has gained opportunities to speak out and share their concerns with society and the government, allowing them to become more involved in the community and free of stigma and discrimination. The LGBT people that engaged with the project felt more confident to speak out and share their experiences through meetings and awareness-raising activities. The project also set up a hotline and online services for LGBT people and female sex workers to demonstrate broader services than the current health programs in Lao PDR. The number of accesses to blood tests and treatments increased, while rightsholders also gained knowledge of preventing and mitigating risks of HIV and other STIs, including condom use and ART services. 

    To increase the rightsholder’s communication outcomes with their peers, gatekeepers, and other stakeholders, the project developed a SOGIE curriculum and manual as technical guidance. Life story videos were used as a visual tool to promote SOGIE and human rights, which proved very effective in terms of influencing the community. Moreover, a Policy Advocacy Manual was developed to guide LGBT community leaders in doing advocacy work with the government and local authorities. Other Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials on SOGIE and for skill-building on policy advocacy were developed as well to be used in awareness-raising activities aimed at increasing LGBT acceptance and understanding. 

    The project generated many opportunities in terms of expanding the network of CHIAs with other organisations supporting LGBT people, setting the scene for emerging LGBT alliances, coalitions, and networks both in Lao PDR and globally. Therefore, the potential for collaborations and sharing experiences on working on LGBT issues increased significantly, while LGBT community leaders now have more chances to raise their voices in a large meeting with the government sector, where they can contribute their thoughts and recommendations on LGBT issues more freely. 


  • News


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