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  • Organisation

    Organisation of Special Needs Education Teachers (OSNET) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) established and registered to operate in the Tanzania Mainland under Non-Government Organisation Act, 2002 with registration number 00NGO/00007687 dated 16th November 2014 with its Head Quarter in Musoma Township Mwembeni B primary School. OSNET has been dealing with capacitating with entrepreneurial training skills for both disabled and non-disabled students from both secondary and Primary schools in Musoma town, Running intervention programs concerning health promotion, Sexual reproductive health and rights as well as comprehensive sexual education for deaf youth

    Royal Dutch Kentalis is an organization specialized in diagnostics, education and care for children and youth with hearing and/or communication challenges. Kentalis in the Netherlands has more than 20 special education schools as well as itinerant services, whereby Kentalis teachers support deaf and hard of hearing children in regular inclusive schools, and advise the regular and the SE teachers in how to cooperate for the benefit of the deaf learner

    • Organisation

      Organisation of Special Needs Education Teachers (OSNET) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) established and registered to operate in the Tanzania Mainland under Non-Government Organisation Act, 2002 with registration number 00NGO/00007687 dated 16th November 2014 with its Head Quarter in Musoma Township Mwembeni B primary School. OSNET has been dealing with capacitating with entrepreneurial training skills for both disabled and non-disabled students from both secondary and Primary schools in Musoma town, Running intervention programs concerning health promotion, Sexual reproductive health and rights as well as comprehensive sexual education for deaf youth

      Royal Dutch Kentalis is an organization specialized in diagnostics, education and care for children and youth with hearing and/or communication challenges. Kentalis in the Netherlands has more than 20 special education schools as well as itinerant services, whereby Kentalis teachers support deaf and hard of hearing children in regular inclusive schools, and advise the regular and the SE teachers in how to cooperate for the benefit of the deaf learner

    • Project

      Investing in students with disabilities project aims to contribute to improvement of self-confidence for 1200 youth with disabilities (deaf, physical impaired and albinism) students from 8 inclusive secondary schools located in Tanzania namely ‘Mlingano, Tanga Technical, Mustafa Sabodo, Mtwara Technical, Morogoro, Njombe Viziwi, Balang`adalalu and Iringa Girls’.

      The grant applied to OSNET will support the implementation of Investing in students with disabilities project. This project among other things will support the organization to 8 established confidence building clubs, students with disabilities will be able to increase their ability of feeling free to present their own thoughts without depending other people voices, also the project will help the OSNET to developed new knowledge on sign language communication, being advocacy and activists of rights of people with disabilities in Tanzania.

      Among the activities that will be implemented in this project include conducting setting up meeting among the project team: Through pre-meetings, the project team of 12 members will streamline effective project management plans, schedules and buying necessary tools like Sign language Dictionaries, students notebook, rim paper that inspire deaf to learn by seeing testimonies from successful deaf/disabled rolemodels around the world.

      Sensitization seminar with stakeholders: Through this seminar, a total of 80 key project stakeholders like headmasters/headmistresses, teachers, students, and policymakers will be taught how to create an enabling confidence-building school`s environment. Also, among them 16 teachers will be certified Train of trainees (ToTs) in schools/clubs.

      Establishing Club networks: 8 clubs shall be established in all 8 schools through which students with disabilities will use this platform to strengthen their confidence by covering topics including self-acceptance, disability is not an excuse for responsibilities, good manners, creating bright future and sign language.

      Organizing students’ competitions: through competitions of athletics, dance, writing, photographing, cooking, gardening and handcrafts it builds students` resilience, innovations, creativity and determining their future career. The best 3 clubs shall be awarded.

  • Project

    Investing in students with disabilities project aims to contribute to improvement of self-confidence for 1200 youth with disabilities (deaf, physical impaired and albinism) students from 8 inclusive secondary schools located in Tanzania namely ‘Mlingano, Tanga Technical, Mustafa Sabodo, Mtwara Technical, Morogoro, Njombe Viziwi, Balang`adalalu and Iringa Girls’.

    The grant applied to OSNET will support the implementation of Investing in students with disabilities project. This project among other things will support the organization to 8 established confidence building clubs, students with disabilities will be able to increase their ability of feeling free to present their own thoughts without depending other people voices, also the project will help the OSNET to developed new knowledge on sign language communication, being advocacy and activists of rights of people with disabilities in Tanzania.

    Among the activities that will be implemented in this project include conducting setting up meeting among the project team: Through pre-meetings, the project team of 12 members will streamline effective project management plans, schedules and buying necessary tools like Sign language Dictionaries, students notebook, rim paper that inspire deaf to learn by seeing testimonies from successful deaf/disabled rolemodels around the world.

    Sensitization seminar with stakeholders: Through this seminar, a total of 80 key project stakeholders like headmasters/headmistresses, teachers, students, and policymakers will be taught how to create an enabling confidence-building school`s environment. Also, among them 16 teachers will be certified Train of trainees (ToTs) in schools/clubs.

    Establishing Club networks: 8 clubs shall be established in all 8 schools through which students with disabilities will use this platform to strengthen their confidence by covering topics including self-acceptance, disability is not an excuse for responsibilities, good manners, creating bright future and sign language.

    Organizing students’ competitions: through competitions of athletics, dance, writing, photographing, cooking, gardening and handcrafts it builds students` resilience, innovations, creativity and determining their future career. The best 3 clubs shall be awarded.


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