Improving access to employment and the protection of women workers with disabilities
Amount Funded
138,268 EUROProject Duration
01 Mar 2022 - 30 Jun 2024 -
Lead organisation
Perkumpulan SEHATI Sukoharjo
The SEHATI Sukoharjo disabled people’s association was founded in 1997, which consists of people with disabilities and their singlefamilies in Sukoharjo district. Sehati has the motto “ONE HEART, ONE GOAL” by building solidarity, cooperation, and building activepartnerships with organizations and governments through an inclusive development approach. Disabled People’s Organization SEHATI Sukoharjo was established since 1997. Its members are composed of Persons With Disabilities and their families who live in Sukoharjo district. SEHATI has the tagline “ONE HEART, ONE GOAL” by developing solidarity, cooperation, and building active partnership with the other organizations and governments through inclusive development approach.
To achieve the protection and fulfillment of the rights of marginalized groups (including people with disabilities) SEHATI has a vision to create an inclusive and just society and its mission is to:
1.Build an independent character with disabilities
2.Strengthen the participation of persons with disabilities in development
3.Build equality of diffables.To achieve marginal groups (including persons with disabilities) protection and rights fulfillment, SEHATI has vision realize inclusive and equal community
1.Build persons with disabilities character to be independent
2.Strengthen persons with disabilities participation in the development.
3.Building persons with disabilities equality-
The SEHATI Sukoharjo disabled people’s association was founded in 1997, which consists of people with disabilities and their singlefamilies in Sukoharjo district. Sehati has the motto “ONE HEART, ONE GOAL” by building solidarity, cooperation, and building activepartnerships with organizations and governments through an inclusive development approach. Disabled People’s Organization SEHATI Sukoharjo was established since 1997. Its members are composed of Persons With Disabilities and their families who live in Sukoharjo district. SEHATI has the tagline “ONE HEART, ONE GOAL” by developing solidarity, cooperation, and building active partnership with the other organizations and governments through inclusive development approach.
To achieve the protection and fulfillment of the rights of marginalized groups (including people with disabilities) SEHATI has a vision to create an inclusive and just society and its mission is to:
1.Build an independent character with disabilities
2.Strengthen the participation of persons with disabilities in development
3.Build equality of diffables.To achieve marginal groups (including persons with disabilities) protection and rights fulfillment, SEHATI has vision realize inclusive and equal community
1.Build persons with disabilities character to be independent
2.Strengthen persons with disabilities participation in the development.
3.Building persons with disabilities equality -
The project “Improving access to employment and the protection of women workers with disabilities” is an innovation to increase access to livelihoods for persons with disabilities through increasing access to work both formally by working in companies and informally by creating jobs as entrepreneurs, both individually and in groups.
At the end of the project, access to work for persons with disabilities will be created in the company, especially in Garment, supported by capacity building for persons with disabilities, and an inclusive work environment for female workers with disabilities. At the end of the Project, a Convention Business Unit will also be formed which is managed by Persons with Disabilities as a means of livelihood as well as opening up access to work for others.
In this Project, Persons with Disabilities are the subject of increasing access to inclusive livelihoods supported by Disabled Persons Organizations, Labor Unions, women’s organizations to increase understanding of the rights of women workers, especially women with disabilities.
The project “Improving access to employment and the protection of women workers with disabilities” is an innovation to increase access to livelihoods for persons with disabilities through increasing access to work both formally by working in companies and informally by creating jobs as entrepreneurs, both individually and in groups.
At the end of the project, access to work for persons with disabilities will be created in the company, especially in Garment, supported by capacity building for persons with disabilities, and an inclusive work environment for female workers with disabilities. At the end of the Project, a Convention Business Unit will also be formed which is managed by Persons with Disabilities as a means of livelihood as well as opening up access to work for others.
In this Project, Persons with Disabilities are the subject of increasing access to inclusive livelihoods supported by Disabled Persons Organizations, Labor Unions, women’s organizations to increase understanding of the rights of women workers, especially women with disabilities.
Hiring the disabled workers is not a burden
The working conditions for people with disability are not fair and favorable. Although there are rules for the company’s obligation to employ people with disabilities, there are still difficulties for them to work, not to mention access to the opportunity to work as well.
Most of the government programs are oriented towards non-formal employment. Job applicationa and job information are difficult to access, as well as the recruitment process is not inclusive. Due to the unfair and unequal treatment, most of the workers did not last long because it is hard for them to adjust and adapt in the situation such as communication that may be experienced by people who have impairments that impact their communication, limited mobility, and also the facility.
Therefore, we create a social protection system for access to work for Caring for Disabilities by creating a Disability Service Unit (Unit Layanan Disabilitas) Employment. We involve local disability organizations in each area and ensure they become ULD Employment Assistance Personnel. Their role as peer counselors ensures that they work comfortably inclusive work environment.
SEHATI started the activity by creating an involving collaboration with Department of Manpower, Companies, Trade Unions and Organizations of Persons with Disabilities. We also built Labor Information System Disability or SI TEKAD ( for the updates database about disabled workers. The establishment of ULD employment with the legality of the Regent’s Decree is carried out as a forum for increasing access to work and ensuring equal protection and rights. In Employment ULD socialization, we invite existing companies and the ULD Coordinator stated that the company need to identify jobs that are inclusive so they have the same opportunity to work and the company can fulfil the mandatory quota for employing people with disabilities.
We prepare the workers by conducting sewing training industry standards at the job training centre. At the end of the Employment ULD training, we invite companies to recruit training participants to fill the company’s obligation quota in employing people with disabilities. Furthermore, we provide assistance to ensure all processes are inclusive.
The most significant change is the increase number of disabled workers in companies. There are a total of 86 persons with disabilities in Sukoharjo, Boyolali, and Wonogiri who have channeled to work in various companies ranging from textiles, garments, hospitals, financial service, and retails. They also work in various positions ranging from sewing production department, quality control, administration, general department, cleaner, and cashier.
There were five convection business units formed that provide jobs for people with disabilities. The government already has an operationally capable Employment ULD to encourage the fulfillment of company quotas for employing the people with disabilities. Companies that were reluctant to employ disabled workers, now slowly starting to hire them with various positions. There is also a forum for the Association of Disabled Workers in the company to accommodate complaints and probles. As well as provide assurance of protections.
The main challenge is that there is no example of an employment ULD governance system in Indonesia. Many cities and regions form ULDs just to fulfill the obligation. Apart from that, there is no data based on disabled workers who has skills based on company needs. SEHATI works on making SI TEKAD as an information center for improving job access and protection disabled workers that link between ULD Employment, Companies, and disabled workers to collaborate with each other.
Currently, SEHATI has disseminated its good practice to seven areas in Solo and to the Ministry of Manpower. However, it takes more effort to disseminate Employment ULD and SI Tekad so that it can be used as reference in increasing access to work for disabled people.
“When will companies be able to employ disabled workers if they just wait for a job vacancy? That is why, companies have to identify jobs that are fit with disabled people. Therefore we can fulfill the quota obligations in accordance with the regulations” (Ristanti, Manpower ULD Coordinator)
One of the example is Sri Sulistyorini. She is a sewing training alumni and finally able to work at PT. Top and Top Wonogiri Apparel in the general section. She is touched and surprised because never thought in her life she will work in a factory that facilitated the space as a worker with a disability.
To all Disabled Persons Organizations. encourage the government your city/region to form an Employment ULD, so that more people with disabilities can work in companies and the company also provide a space including facilities for them.