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Young woman earns “Big” during Covid-19

Abedirwoth Mercy is an 18-year-old school drop-out. She makes and sells face masks in Parombo Town Council, Nebbi District in Northern Uganda. The Government of Uganda instituted tough measures in the fight against Covid-19, including the mandatory wearing of face masks in public places.

In June 2020, Genogen Women in Development Organisation (GWIDO), a community-based organisation (CBO) in Parombo, trained 60 young women and girls to make re-useable face masks to meet the demand created by the pandemic. The activity is part of their Voice-funded project to increase confidence and self-reliance among women and girls who are school-drop outs. Mercy was lucky enough to be among them! Overall, the girls have sold 320 face masks each thus far at Uganda Shillings (UGS) 1,000 fetching a total of UGS 320,000 (or approximately US Dollars 90).

Mercy Abedirworth

Mercy is very enthusiastic about making face masks. It has greatly supplemented the products from her tailoring business and led to a boost in her income immediately following the training. When asked about the training, Mercy had this to say:

“When I was invited for the training by GWIDO, I could not believe that something good could come out of the Covid-19 pandemic but I am glad that I am now making money out of the situation. The training has enabled me to make over 60,000 thousand Uganda shillings from selling face masks in just three weeks.”

Mercy Abedirworth


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