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Reflecting on the Final Voice Indaba

By Anne Mulehi, Communications Officer, Voice

In September 2024, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, became the stage for the final chapter of Voice—a program that, for the last eight years, has supported marginalized and rightsholder groups to amplify their voices, advocate for their rights, and create lasting change. The Voice Indaba, held over three days, marked a moment of reflection, celebration, and anticipation of what lies ahead as Voice approaches its close in December.

The conference brought together representatives from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oxfam Novib, Hivos, and the Voice teams—including Advisory Board and Steering Committee members—alongside grantee partners from 10 countries. The gathering of rightsholders, civil society organizations, and stakeholders was a testament to the collective power of solidarity and shared action that has been at the heart of Voice’s work.

Day 1: From My Story to Our Story

The first day of the Indaba set the tone for the entire event, with discussions centered around the theme “The Power of NOW Us!” Rightsholders took center stage, sharing their lived experiences in a personal way. This session emphasized the movement from My Story—individual narratives of resilience, advocacy, and change—to Our Story, where these personal journeys weave together into a collective tapestry of transformation. Each story showcased how individual action is a vital piece of a broader movement.

The session sparked reflection on Voice’s eight-year journey and how it has contributed to creating a space for marginalized voices to be heard and valued. The discussions reminded us that our stories, though unique, are interconnected, and together, they create a powerful force for change.

Day 2: The Principle of Nothing About Us Without Us

On the second day, participants delved into the NOW Us! principle, an idea central to Voice’s mission. The day’s sessions embraced an open-space format, allowing participants to explore the impact of rightsholders leading their own initiatives and the corresponding shifts in power dynamics.

The question of whether power shifts when rightsholders lead the way became a conversation point, with participants sharing their insights and experiences. The discussions unraveled the deep connection between NOW Us! and the practice of power—challenging traditional power structures and fostering environments where marginalized groups are the drivers of their own change. The sense of collective empowerment resonated throughout the day, marking a key reflection on the journey Voice has taken with its partners.

Day 3: Closing with Celebration and Hope

The final day of the Indaba was divided into two parts, beginning with an internal morning session and culminating in a public event in the afternoon.

The morning was filled with joint reflections on the journey with Voice and the NOW Us! principle. Grantee partners shared their insights, challenges and victories they have experienced. The preparation for the public event was marked by a sense of excitement as each country team gathered to plan their exhibits and creative performances.

One of the highlights of the morning was the tombola session, where each participant received a special award from Voice, symbolizing collective gratitude. It was a moment of celebration—an acknowledgment of the hard work, resilience, and hope shared by all involved.

The public event in the afternoon welcomed key stakeholders and other CSOs. The atmosphere, fueled by meaningful conversations over tea and coffee, set the stage for the closing sessions. The Talk Show on NOW-US! highlighted stories of impact, and the un-conferencing session allowed for exchange of ideas, thus sparking new collaboration possibilities. The event’s creative performance, showcasing the power of art in advocacy, was a reminder of the many ways in which rightsholders have expressed their stories over the years.

The day ended with a networking reception at the Dutch Ambassador’s Residence, where participants reflected on the Indaba’s achievements and the future of the movements they have nurtured.

A Lasting Legacy

As Voice prepares to close its doors after eight years, the final Indaba was more than just an event; it was a reflection on the transformative power of community-led change. The stories, discussions, and performances showcased how Voice has contributed to shifting power dynamics, creating spaces for rightsholders to lead, and amplifying marginalized voices.

While this chapter may be closing, the legacy of Voice will continue through the communities, rightsholders, and organizations it has empowered. The collective work of these grantees and partners will live on, driving the movement for inclusivity, equity, and justice forward.

As we look ahead, we carry with us the lessons, stories, and hope that have shaped Voice’s journey. This is not the end but rather the beginning of a new era of empowerment and advocacy, with rightsholders leading the way.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey. Together, we have made a difference. Together, we will continue to do so.

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